Posts Tagged ‘militia’

Right Wing Round-Up: MAGA Militia

Kate Riga @ Talking Points Memo: Unanimous Supreme Court Shoots Down Bid To Restrict Abortion Drug Mifepristone A unanimous Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the anti-abortion doctor plaintiffs in a major mifepristone case lack standing to reimpose restrictions on the drug. Michelle Boorstein and Hannah Knowles @ Washington Post: Here’s what the Christian right wants […]

WOW: Little Michigan Town Establishes Its Own MILITIA to Safeguard Second Amendment Rights – Vows Not to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Grabs

WOW: Little Michigan Town Establishes Its Own MILITIA to Safeguard Second Amendment Rights – Vows Not to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Grabs Source

Muslim militia group about Swedes: ‘Find them and kill them’

An armed military group called Ashab al-Kahf directs sharp threats of violence against Swedes, reports TV4 Nyheterna. “Kill them wherever you find them,” it says. “The events of Koran burnings are an act of war and a sign for us to act hard,” writes Ashab al-Kahf on Telegram. The group urges its members to “search […]

Ben-Gvir’s ‘private militia’ moves forward, and Palestinians are in the line of fire

Itamar Ben-Gvir is one step closer to having power over his own “private militia,” rights groups warned this week after the Israeli government advanced the creation of a National Guard. Source

Armed BLM Militia March in Virginia to Demand Reparations

I am sure we can imagine how the jewish media would react if it was a group of armed White people making outrageous demands and intimidating civilians.  Source

Who carried out the militia-type attack on power substations in North Carolina?


Libya militia detains hundreds of Chadians in Ajdabiya

Hundreds of Chadians were detained on the streets of a Libyan town for a ninth day in retaliation for the Chad government’s arrest of four Libyan men on suspicion of poaching endangered animals, local Libyan media reports. According to the report, at least 400 people were arrested in the city of Ajdabiya by a militia […]

Iran-backed Iraq militia closes its offices after Basra violence

The leader of Iraq’s Iran-backed Asaib Ahl Al-Haq militia, Qais Al-Khazali, yesterday ordered the closure of the militia’s offices across the country following violent clashes that erupted in the southern city of Basra during which four people were killed. In a statement posted on Twitter, Al-Khazali ordered the closure of the militia’s offices until further […]

30 Dead In Iraq After Moqtada al-Sadr’s Militia Opens Fire On Security Forces

The Iraqi Capital, Baghdad, was once again turned into a war zone this Monday night, after militia groups aligned with popular Shia cleric, Moqtada al-Sadr, opened fire on Iraqi security forces and attacked rival group offices. This Monday, supporters of Moqtada al-Sadr, took over the Baghdad ‘green zone’ area, occupying government buildings and chanting in […]

Armed BLM Militia Marching Outside of Courthouse Where The Ahmaud Arbery Trial Is Occurring

The message here seems pretty clear. Unless the White men are found guilty, the Black terrorists are going to cause violence, to give justice to the jogger. Link Share now! Source

“Militia Violent Extremists” Added To A Growing List Of 9 Violent Domestic Extremists Groups

The War on Terror has a new target: distrustful Americans. The absurdity of Homeland Security’s creation of another ‘domestic extremist group’ is countered only by the mass media’s pandering of anything terror related. The FBI describes how they allegedly investigate terrorism in America by mentioning domestic extremism 5 times on their website. “The Bureau works closely with […]

Anti-Taliban militia deploy in Herat after insurgents seize districts

Anti-Taliban militia deploy in the western Afghan city of Herat after veteran warlord and former mujahideen Ismail Khan, whose fighters helped US forces topple the Taliban in 2001, vowed to take up arms again as the insurgents closed in on the stronghold. Afghan authorities prepared Saturday to try to retake a key border crossing seized […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Rent-A-Militia

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Pro-Iran militia leader vows retaliation against US troops in Iraq

Leader of the pro-Iran Asa’ib Ahl Al-Haq militia group Qais Al-Khazali yesterday vowed to attack US troops in Iraq in response to the US air strikes that killed at least five pro- Iran Iraqi militants near the Iraqi-Syrian borders earlier this week. In a televised speech broadcasted by the group’s satellite channel, Al-Ahed, Al-Khazali said: […]

Biden orders air strikes against Iran-backed militia in Iraq, Syria

The United States said on Sunday it carried out another round of air strikes against Iran-backed militia in Iraq and Syria, this time in response to drone attacks by the militia against U.S. personnel and facilities in Iraq. In a statement, the U.S. military said it targeted operational and weapons storage facilities at two locations […]

In India, ‘health’ teams accompanied by a Police militia force are chasing down & forcibly vaccinating their citizens (shocking video footage)

“Both videos from the Reasi dist. of Jammu. Police has set up a militia force to force vaccinate! 16 police vans, 509 police personnel and 5774 vaccine workers in what they call a “Force Multiplier” project, where they forcefully enter homes and use force to vaccinate!” (cited from the post at Twitter) We have seen […]

Syrians in Farfarah Village Expel US Oil Thieves Army and their SDF Militia

 ARABI SOURI JUNE 15, 2021  Syrians in the village of Farfarah confronted and expelled a convoy of US oil thieves along with their Kurdish SDF armed terrorists from their village earlier today, Tuesday 15 June 2021. The people of Farfarah, a small town in the northeastern Syrian province of Hasakah, blocked a convoy of 4 armored US vehicles […]

Biden news – live: Militia group ‘planning Capitol attack today’ as Trump mulls 2024 run without Pence

Biden criticises Mississippi and Texas governors for abandoning Covid-19 restrictions Capitol Police said they have obtained intelligence of a “possible plot” by a militia group to breach the Capitol on Thursday, just months after it was attacked by a violent mob of Donald Trump supporters. The threat appears to be connected to a conspiracy theory […]

New Attack on Iraqi Air Base Fits Profile of Iran-Backed Militia, US Officials Say

FILE PHOTO: Military vehicles of US soldiers are seen at Ain al-Asad air base in Anbar province, Iraq January 13, 2020. REUTERS/John Davison Tensions between the United States and Iran simmered on Wednesday after a new rocket attack against Iraq’s Ain al-Asad air base that hosts US forces, which US officials told Reuters fit the profile of a strike by Iran–backed militia. There were no reports of injuries among US service personnel […]

Security At Capitol Being INCREASED Following Warning Of Militia ‘Plot’

An MSNBC news host compared A Republican congresswoman to Osama Bin Laden Tuesday because she had guns on display at her home. Chris Hayes also suggested that the display by Congresswoman Lauren Boebert was meant to convey the message that conservatives are willing resort to violence to instigate a coup in the US. Watch: “Do […]

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