Posts Tagged ‘little’

Humans Have very Little To Do With Controlling Their own Destinies

There is no time, and sometimes, not always, but sometimes, the pen is mightier than the sword. If one understands reincarnation one is far ahead of the atheist who thinks they can do anything they want without future Karma payback, or christians who believe they can sin like hell & avoid the hell of Karma […]

Jesus on a White Horse, Little Green Men From Space, “White Hats” Hiding In The Cess Pool Of US/DC Is/Are Coming To Save The Sheep Who Have To Do Nothing To Save Themselves

The sheep are always looking for an external savior.Someone who will save them from the evil shit they have helped the jackals craft without the sheep having to find a set of balls, stand up against the evil they have been abetting, someone or something which will save them without the individual sheep or the […]

A Nanny State Idiocracy: A Tale of Too Many Laws and Too Little Freedom

“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military.”—Simone Weil, French philosopher We are caught in a vicious cycle of too many laws, too many cops, and too little freedom. It’s hard to say whether we’re dealing with a kleptocracy (a government ruled […]

‘Little Joe,’ St. Louis Zoo Gorilla, Dies From Cardiac Arrest Following ‘Experimental’ Covid Vaccine

“Little Joe,” the beloved western lowland gorilla who called the St. Louis zoo home for years, has passed away after suffering a heart attack, according to the zoo. The 26-year-old gorilla passed away three years […] The post ‘Little Joe,’ St. Louis Zoo Gorilla, Dies From Cardiac Arrest Following ‘Experimental’ Covid Vaccine appeared first on […]

By the way, this perfectly choreographed little drama proves that the cabal has everything going according to their NWO script.

“Eye For An Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth”: Only Hamas Wants Bigger War As Iran, Israel Signal Strikes ‘Done’ There has been no Iranian response against Israel for the overnight Israeli retaliation attack on the Islamic Republic. US officials have since confirmed that it was in fact an Israeli attack, yet all the […]

The Palestine Walid saw, from the little prison to the big prison

In 2013, a close friend sent me a small book that he said was the best analysis we had of our contemporary Palestinian condition in the era of political capitulation and defeat. He insisted that it was required reading for anyone wishing to understand the obstacles to the revival of Palestinian resistance.  The book was […]

Security Council ceasefire resolution brings ‘little hope’ to Gaza as Israeli genocide rages on

It has been nearly a week since the UN Security Council’s ceasefire resolution, but little has changed in Gaza. When the resolution first passed with a U.S. abstention, it was met with Israeli protests and gave rise to the perception that, this time, Israel would be beholden to the UN. That turned out to be […]

Over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. Biden says critics should, “Give this just a little bit of time”

Joe Biden tells The New Yorker that his Gaza critics should give Israeli bombing, “Just a little bit of time.” Source

Over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. Biden says critics should, “Give this just a little bit of time”

Joe Biden tells The New Yorker that his Gaza critics should give Israeli bombing, “Just a little bit of time.” Source

Over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. Biden says critics should, “Give this just a little bit of time”

Joe Biden tells The New Yorker that his Gaza critics should give Israeli bombing, “Just a little bit of time.” Source

Trump adviser hits DeSantis’s VP commentary: ‘You sad little man’

Trump adviser Chris LaCivita blasted Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) over his speculation into former President Trump’s search for a vice presidential candidate, dubbing the former GOP rival a “sad little man.” DeSantis told supporters during a call Wednesday that Trump should not play “identity politics” with his vice president pick, NBC News reported, after… […]

Cancun Cruz Who Left Little Children To Freeze To Death In Texas While He Fled To Sunny Cancun To Sip Frosted Alcoholic Drinks, “stands” Against Abortion

Coward Cancun Cruz who cares so much about children he left them to freeze to death in Texas when the Grid went down while he sneaked off to Sunny Cancun to sip frosted alcoholic drinks on a warm sunny Cancun beach while a little boy just down the road from me froze to death in […]

Bill Gates planning for “Pandemic 2,” complete with new vaccines administered from “a little patch”

(NaturalNews) The vaccine racket is losing steam, so billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates has come up with a new design for vaccines that involves “a little patch”… Source

Wearing face mask kills little boy

Roger Watson: Mask Mania Claims a Little Boy’s Life “…an 11-month old boy has died after being forced to wear a face mask at nursery.” LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY FEB 5 READ IN APP Exposing The Darkness is a reader-supported publication. To support my work, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Upgrade to paid One-time […]

The Fed Has a Dirty Little Secret: It’s Been Allowing the Wall Street Mega Banks to Calculate their Own Capital Requirements


Jeffrey Epstein documents re: Little Saint James, U.S. Virgin Islands (‘Epstein Island’/‘Evil Island’)

Here are some documents in relation to Jeffrey Epstein. Will (alleged) criminals, the likes of (Prince) Andrew and others ever be incarcerated?  – Most definitely not! Will these documents be removed from here? – We’ll wait and see, as it won’t be the first nor last time, documents or pictures have been removed from this […]

‘Little Gaza’ in Jenin refugee camp: the resistance fights for survival

The Israeli army has launched a fierce assault on havens of armed resistance in the West Bank ever since October 7. Its recent campaign against Jenin refugee camp mirrors the Israeli strategy in Gaza — a war against the resistance and the people. Source

Pedo Chicken Hawk Hands All Over Little Girls Biden Threatens “American Troops Fighting Russian Troops” If Bankrupt & Deep In Debt US Don’t Send Billions To Ukraine

First, if the US had not stolen 5 billion fiat dollars from the struggling American workers to fund overthrowing the duly elected government of Ukraine in 2014, install a puppet “government” which US set to mass murdering ethnic Russians, there would be no war between Ukraine and Russia. Second, as enthused as Hands Joe is […]

WOW: Little Michigan Town Establishes Its Own MILITIA to Safeguard Second Amendment Rights – Vows Not to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Grabs

WOW: Little Michigan Town Establishes Its Own MILITIA to Safeguard Second Amendment Rights – Vows Not to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Grabs Source

Brutal COVID Authoritarian Insists on ‘a Little Grace and Forgiveness’ For Lockdowns and Mandates

It is scientific fact when you execute a child raper, they never rape another child. It is scientific fact when you execute a car jacker, they never steal another car. It is scientific fact when you execute a home invader, they never try to brake into even one more home. It is scientific fact when […]

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