Posts Tagged ‘gorilla’

‘Little Joe,’ St. Louis Zoo Gorilla, Dies From Cardiac Arrest Following ‘Experimental’ Covid Vaccine

“Little Joe,” the beloved western lowland gorilla who called the St. Louis zoo home for years, has passed away after suffering a heart attack, according to the zoo. The 26-year-old gorilla passed away three years […] The post ‘Little Joe,’ St. Louis Zoo Gorilla, Dies From Cardiac Arrest Following ‘Experimental’ Covid Vaccine appeared first on […]

‘…What Gorilla?’, Why Some Can’t See Psychic Phenomena

MIND GAMES: ‘…What Gorilla?’, Why Some Can’t See Psychic Phenomena – By Dean Radin SM  Source – “…Our perceptual system unconsciously filters out the vast majority of information available to us. Because of this filtering process, we actually experience only a tiny trickle of information, by some estimates a trillionth of what is actually […]

WATCH: Dog Trapped Inside Gorilla Enclosure at Zoo Rescued by Officers

A dog became stuck in the gorilla enclosure recently at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in California as bystanders watched in shock.

Democrat Wearing a Gorilla Mask Throws Eggs at Larry Elder – Media Silent

California Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder was physically assaulted by a Democrat woman wearing a racist gorilla mask on Wednesday. The shocking incident was captured on video and shows Elder being heckled by a white woman in a gorilla mask, pelting eggs at Elder’s face. reports: Elder and his entourage appear mostly safe but […]

Gorilla-Man Ice Cube Launches Negroid Extortion Plan for Unlimited Free Gibs

Ice Cube has released his plan to extort the US government (really, the white taxpayers) for unlimited free gibs for niggers, for life. He put it all on a website called “A Contract With Black America“. The TL;DR of it is pretty standard negroid entitlement and arrogance: gibs, gibs and more gibs if niggas do […]

US: Gorilla Negro Savagely Sucker Punches Old White Man in Store

Around blacks, never relax. When are white people going to learn the lesson? If some aggressive nigger-ape is right in your face aggressively staring you down, it’s pretty obvious that the beast is about to attack. NEVER turn your back or head away from the beast, as that is when the beast is most likely […]

World’s largest bronze gorilla sculpture grabs New Yorkers’ attention

To raise awareness and funds for the critically endangered gorilla species, public artists Gillie and Marc Schattner have created a massive sculpture of the animal. Titled King Nyani, the Swahili word for “gorilla”, it’s the world’s largest bronze gorilla sculpture and can fit two to three humans just in its hands. Gillie and Marc have […]

World’s largest bronze gorilla sculpture grabs New Yorkers’ attention

To raise awareness and funds for the critically endangered gorilla species, public artists Gillie and Marc Schattner have created a massive sculpture of the animal. Titled King Nyani, the Swahili word for “gorilla”, it’s the world’s largest bronze gorilla sculpture and can fit two to three humans just in its hands. Gillie and Marc have […]

World’s largest bronze gorilla sculpture grabs New Yorkers’ attention

To raise awareness and funds for the critically endangered gorilla species, public artists Gillie and Marc Schattner have created a massive sculpture of the animal. Titled King Nyani, the Swahili word for “gorilla”, it’s the world’s largest bronze gorilla sculpture and can fit two to three humans just in its hands. Gillie and Marc have […]

Female Gorilla Tries to Justify Negro Insurrection

A female gorilla escaped from the zoo and attempts to justify the negro insurrection gripping America. Sub my bitchute. Help out a nigga in need, yo!

If You Asked This Gorilla Where He Gets His Protein From, Here’s What He’d Probably Say

Next Story It’s very easy to come across conflicting information, especially in regards to the science of health and even more so when it comes to examining meat-based diets in comparison to plant-based ones. Plant-based diets can help prevent over over 60% of chronic disease deaths, yet people are still arguing whether veganism is a safe and sustainable […]

Female Gorilla Arrested For Murdering 79-Year-Old White Woman

Daily Stormer July 17, 2017 KHOU: A young woman has been arrested in connection with the brutal murder of a 79-year-old Hedwig Village woman. Timesha Wilson, 22, has been charged with capital murder. She was scheduled to appear in court early Saturday morning, but she wasn’t present when they read her charges. […]

Gorilla at Dallas Zoo is a Dancing Machine!

Zola, a 14-year-old male Western lowland gorilla at the Dallas Zoo, got to splash around and dance during a swimming pool enrichment session. Music added …. Laughter is medicine for the soul … ENJOY!!! Source Article from

Is Science Bullsh*t? John Oliver Explains The Corruption Behind Scientific Studies

Everyday we are flooded with tons of scientific studies. On morning talk shows, social media sites and late night news. If it ever seemed to you that there is a scientific study for absolutely anything, well it’s because there pretty much is. I don’t know how many times I’ve come across a study that proves […]

Lieberman to wage war of attrition against Palestinians

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Extremist Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned on Tuesday night to wage war of attrition against Palestinians. The extremist right-wing Israeli terrorist delivered his remarks during his first meeting with the chief of staff of the Israeli army. According to the Israeli radio, he said: “It is part of Israeli accessories […]


Facebook and Twitter are censoring free speech, Bloomberg reported in an article which downplayed what’s really going on: the hijacking of the Internet to destroy national identity, culture and the free exchange of ideas in favor of an 1984-style virtual superstate. In the article linked on the Drudge Report, Bloomberg revealed how Facebook and Twitter […]

Danish politicians want DNA tests for Syrian refugee wanting to be reunited with his 17 kids

The 47-year-old Syrian escaped the town of Deir ez-Zor, north-east Syria in 2014. He then managed to bring his immediate family to live with him in the town of Esbjerg on the Scandinavian nation’s west coast. Despite polygamy being illegal in Denmark, Al-Hasan wants his other two wives and nine children to join him. He had […]

Last Chance for British Sovereignty?

By Phillip Marlowe Coming up this June 23rd is a vote for Britain to remain or leave the European Union (Britain-EXIT or BREXIT). I know Obama recently told the British people they had better vote against leaving the EU, or else suffer increased terrorism. Sounds like a threat, doesn’t it? Now why would this be? […]


Pests can be a problem no matter where you live. People all around the country have to deal with roaches, ants and even mice or rats. Most of the pests you encounter in a home are just a nuisance and are not really any threat to the residents. This is not always the case. Some […]

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey – October 16, 2015

Matters have suddenly taken a turn that signifies the end of the Cabals influence, as far as its ability to dictate the manner in which future events manifest. Their plan has been put back partly by the extraordinary response of the people, who have galvanised themselves into groups that are devoting their time to the […]

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