Posts Tagged ‘junk’

Another Human Timeline Revealed: Graham Hancock Shatters Modern History

Graham Hancock is one of the few great pioneers in alternative history. Formerly working as a journalist for the big media companies, he set off on a journey to discover the real truth of our origins. His research is startling, and quite possibly erases the old narrative of history. There is evidence that the timeline of […]

Danish politicians want DNA tests for Syrian refugee wanting to be reunited with his 17 kids

The 47-year-old Syrian escaped the town of Deir ez-Zor, north-east Syria in 2014. He then managed to bring his immediate family to live with him in the town of Esbjerg on the Scandinavian nation’s west coast. Despite polygamy being illegal in Denmark, Al-Hasan wants his other two wives and nine children to join him. He had […]

The CIA Illegally Let the Wrong People Do Intelligence Work, Declassified Report Finds

The report said the CIA “relies heavily on independent contractors to accomplish important facets of its mission,” particularly at the National Clandestine Service, the covert arm of the agency responsible for clandestine operations around the world. The report, dated June 22, 2012 but only declassified last month, raised numerous red flags about the CIA’s […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

EPA wasted 12 years ignoring dangerous lead contamination around hundreds of abandoned smelting sites

(NaturalNews) A recent USA Today investigation on former lead smelter sites across the U.S. has revealed shocking levels of lead in soils near many of the plants, including in residential areas where children play. The report series explains that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), despite knowing about the problem for more than a […]

N. Korea tests new ICBM engine, boasts of capability to destroy Washington DC

The test of the intercontinental ballistic missile engine “satisfied all scientific and technological indexes,” KCNA reported. And Kim Jong-un’s dream of having the ability to strike enemies far away could also be a reality, if confirmed. According to a statement by the leader, the test “provided a firm guarantee for mounting another form of nuclear […]

Life after ISIS: RT travels to recently liberated town of Kabisa, Iraq (EXCLUSIVE)

The small town of Kabisa (Kubaysah) in the Heet district of the Anbar province was captured by Islamic State forces back in October 2014. Located only 65 km from the city of Ramadi, Anbar’s capital city, the town remained under the rule of the extremists for about 1.5 years until its liberation in March 2016. […]

‘Total mayhem’: Witness describes to RT chaotic scene after Brussels’ airport blast

“I was around 100 meters from the entrance of the airport when I heard a large blast and saw this screen of dust coming out. It was immediately clear for everyone that it was an attack. People started screaming and running away. We then went into hiding around the corner and waited for some time. […]

These are the un-American, anti-consumer US Senators who voted for the DARK Act, trying to deny you the right to know what’s in your food

(NaturalNews) The agrichemical industry and Big Food took a major hit yesterday after the Senate blocked a bill aimed at preempting states’ rights from enacting GMO-labeling laws; it also would have reversed any labeling laws currently in place, such as the one Vermont passed in 2014, which is scheduled to go into effect […]

These are the un-American, anti-consumer US Senators who voted for the DARK Act, trying to deny you the right to know what’s in your food

(NaturalNews) The agrichemical industry and Big Food took a major hit yesterday after the Senate blocked a bill aimed at preempting states’ rights from enacting GMO-labeling laws; it also would have reversed any labeling laws currently in place, such as the one Vermont passed in 2014, which is scheduled to go into effect […]

Naturopath Dr. Joe Pizzorno reveals how to naturally increase body detoxification using natural medicine

(NaturalNews) Natural News is proud to introduce Dr. Joe E. Pizzorno, N.D.b as one of the presenters at the Natural Medicine Summit, a virtual teaching experience focused on holistic health that’s available for FREE online March 14 through the 22. Click here to register for the Natural Medicine Summit and receive instant access […]

High cancer rates occur near St. Louis creek contaminated with nuclear waste; government says no connection, blames cancer on ‘poverty’

(NaturalNews) Unfortunately, when the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs over Japan, the Japanese weren’t the only ones that suffered immediate and long-term adverse health effects. During the early 1900s, atomic bomb production took place at more than 30 sites across the U.S., the United Kingdom and Canada. In the 1940s, St. Louis, Missouri […]

High cancer rates occur near St. Louis creek contaminated with nuclear waste; government says no connection, blames cancer on ‘poverty’

(NaturalNews) Unfortunately, when the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs over Japan, the Japanese weren’t the only ones that suffered immediate and long-term adverse health effects. During the early 1900s, atomic bomb production took place at more than 30 sites across the U.S., the United Kingdom and Canada. In the 1940s, St. Louis, Missouri […]

USDA caught suppressing science on pesticides that are killing bee pollinators; take action to stop the federal government’s ‘black box science’

(NaturalNews) Much of the way things operate in the world today is based on the notion that if you speak the truth, you’ll receive some serious criticism. At the very least, people will look at you like a deer in the headlights, confused as to why you’re not embracing what’s really right. What’s […]

Russia to start construction of two units at Iran’s Bushehr nuclear plant

The construction of two more units of the Bushehr nuclear power plant are due to start in the nearest future, the head of Russia’s Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation said Friday. SAROV (Russia) (Sputnik) — The construction of two more units of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, built with Russia’s assistance in Iran, will start in the near future, the head of Russia’s […]

U.S. missile defenses rendered totally obsolete by Mach 10 hypersonic missile developed by China

(NaturalNews) China has just conducted the third flight test of a hypersonic missile which has the potential of breaching U.S. missile defense systems. The successful flight test of the Wu-14 hypersonic glide vehicle was carried out early in December, following two other tests which occurred earlier in 2014. The Wu-14 is still in […]

If Capitalism Is Dead, This Is Why

Jon Rappoport, GuestWaking Times (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.) “An era of corruption is built for those who lead corrupt lives. They revel in the era. They belong. They are home. They don’t care what you call the prevailing system, they’ll find their way, because they know the unspoken rules […]

Exposing the Hidden History of Giants of the Americas

Selection of news accounts featured in the book, Giants on Record,  by Jim Vieira and Hugh Newman. Jim Vieira and Hugh Newman, GrahamHancock.comWaking Times “The Iroquois, the Osage, the Tuscaroras, the Hurons, the Omahas, and many other North American Indians all speak of giant men who once lived and roamed in the territories of their forefathers. […]

Pharmaceutical drugs in the environment affect plant growth

(NaturalNews) Traces of pharmaceutical drugs released into the environment can cause changes to plant growth, according to a study led by researchers from by the University of Exeter and Plymouth University, and published recently in the Journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. “The huge amounts of pharmaceuticals we use ultimately end up in […]

Citigroup: End Of America Coming, Global Chaos Will Ensue

CitiGroup have released a new report that suggests the current geopolitical world order is coming to an end, and that America will soon cease to exist as the world’s superpower.  The report is centered around the idea that “Pax Americana” (a state of relative international peace regarded as overseen by the US) is in its […]

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