Posts Tagged ‘race’

Mass exposure to neurodevelopmental poisons giving rise to generation of young millennial voters who can’t think critically about anything

(NaturalNews) According to shocking new science, 90% of pregnant women in the USA carry “detectable levels” of 62 chemicals that damage developing brains. As documented by Project TENDR (“Targeting Environmental NeuroDevelopmental Risks”), there is now “now substantial scientific evidence linking toxic environmental chemicals to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficits, […]

Police surround suspected terrorist in ‘bomb alert’ in Brussels

“A person wearing a long coat, with wires coming out, is considered the suspect,” Brussels police spokesperson Ilse de Keere said, as quoted by Le Soir media outlet. Christian De Coninck, a spokesman for the Brussels-Ixelle police, stressed to VTM that the man’s attire is “not normal at these temperatures,” adding that special units would examine “what […]

Palestinian youth was shot 9 times ‘accidentally,’ Israeli army says

Violence / Detentions — West Bank, Jerusalem Hijazi, another victim of Israel’s ‘security obsession’ IMEMC 16 July — Yahya Hisham Hijazi, 24, from Shu‘fat refugee camp in occupied Jerusalem, who was injured by nine Israeli army bullets [on Thursday 14 July], became the latest victim of Israel’s security obsession and paranoia, under allegations that became […]

Death of a humanist filmmaker: Kiarostami and the culture of peace

The death of renowned Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami has jolted the world of cinema mourning the loss of a genius who epitomized Albert Schweitzer’s philosophy of reverence for life. Although it is unclear if Kiarostami was familiar with the works of Schweitzer, nonetheless there is a great deal of natural affinity between them, worthy of […]

How Globalization Divides Us

Print Friendly Perspectives on Brexit from a Dual Citizen United Kingdom – When I woke up on June 24th and checked the news, I cried. Along with millions of people around the world. I’m a diehard believer in independence, freedom, democracy, and strong local economies. For some, the Brexit result represented those things. If that […]

Europeans outraged over glyphosate renewal, triggering street protests, while calling for an end to industry and government collusion

(NaturalNews) Like undoing a blindfold, many Europeans are beginning to see for the first time. As the light penetrates their blinking eyes, they are slowly awakening to the hard truths about the poison that is sprayed on their food, and about the collusion between industry and government that keeps them tied down in […]

Policies by some European leaders led to spread of terrorism: Assad

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says adopting wrong policies, including giving support and political cover to terror groups inside Syria by some European leaders, is the root cause of the spread of terrorism in the continent. “The problems Europe faces today of terrorism, extremism and waves of refugees are caused by some Western leaders’ adoption of policies […]

Last Chance – Resist the NWO Now

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California Cop Released From Jail Early Because He “Was Depressed And Wanted To Go Home”

Officer Bobby Carrillo of the King City Police Department in Northern California has been released from jail after serving less than three months of a one year jail sentence. Monterey County Judge Julie Culver approved his request to serve the remainder of that sentence on house arrest. In March, Carrillo pled no contest to charges […]

Cruzman is Apparently Endorsing Trump, Will Speak at Convention

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 7, 2016 It sure has been a long time since I’ve thought about Ted Cruz. Feels like decades. All shall bend the knee to the GOD EMPEROR! Fox News: Ted Cruz said Thursday he’s accepted an invitation from Donald Trump to speak at the Republican National Convention, in a sign the […]

Anonymous Coward Creates Website to Dox “Evil Racists”

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 6, 2016 Liberals are obsessed with policing people’s thoughts. What a bunch of faggots. Once again, some clueless liberal got the great idea to create a website to publicly shame and expose people who say naughty things on the internet. The purpose, presumably, is to get them fired and/or attacked by local […]

Indian Police Couple Accused Of Faking Mount Everest Climb

A husband and wife police duo who claimed to have scaled Mt. Everest on 23 May have had their story challenged. The two police constables from Maharashtra claimed they were the first Indian couple to scale Mount Everest during a press conference on 5 June. Dinesh and Tarkeshwari Rathod, both aged 30, are accused by fellow […]

Let Germany Be a Lesson to You

We do not want Hillary Clinton for President. She will be worse than Obama, and will flood America with Middle Easterners, Asians and Africans, just like career communist Angela Merkel has done to Germany, only worse. Both Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel have been carefully groomed at the highest levels of the communist international to […]

The Nationalist Review Online 17: Implicit British Sovereignty

The Right Stuff June 27, 2016 Today Florian fills in for NO1, and sits down with autistocrats Dr. Mayham, Freelance Autist, and Yayo for a discussion on Brexit, the SQ(Sodomite Question) and various other assorted triggering news topics. Source Article from

10 Reasons Not to Go to a Doctor

[Most of these points overlap. This post is more about the whole medical service, rather than specifically visiting a doctor] 1 – Incompetence These days most GPs (General Practitioners) are repeater idiots. They are incompetent jobsworth fools who have chosen to repeat the BS handed down to them by their big pharma financed universities. Their […]

Turkish police teargas & disperse rally protesting Radiohead party attack (VIDEO)

Hundreds of people flooded the Cihangir neighbourhood of Turkey’s capital, where the Velvet Indieground store is located. The demonstrators were chanting “Shoulder to shoulder against fascism!” and slamming Turkish President Erdogan, labeling him a “thief” and a “killer,” AFP reports. The police reportedly scattered the protest in less than an hour with the help of tear gas, rubber bullets, and water […]

Zuckerberg: ‘We’ll All Be Plugged into the Matrix in 50 Years’

by Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple Yep. He also said computers will be able to read your mind, interpret your thoughts, and then beam them straight into Facebook! OH GOODY. (Not.) Via The Sun: Zuck has hinted that social networks of the future will be powered by telepathy, allowing ordinary people to beam their […]

International Scientists Discover How to Turn CO2 into Stone

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Researchers from the University of Southampton (US) and Columbia University at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) published a study demonstrating a way to turn carbon dioxide into stone. Touted as a cost effective way of capturing and storing carbon, the new […]

The Ancient Astronauts who Rebelled Against the Anunnaki: The IGIGI

The Ancient Anunnaki are said to have created the human race by genetically modifying early humans in order to use them as a labor force. But before humans were created, the Igigi were used by the ancient Anunnaki as their main labor force. by Ancient Code It is said that the Igigi — they who […]

Saudi Authorities Panic – Ban Speculation On Riyal Devaluation Amid Banking Crisis

With Saudi Riyal forwards plunging back above 3.81, dramatically weaker than the current peg, Bloomberg reports that Saudi authorities are cracking down on currency traders as speculation mounts that the world’s biggest oil exporter won’t be able to maintain the riyal’s peg to the dollar as revenue plunges. Saudi Arabia […]

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