Posts Tagged ‘guns’

What Happens To Your Body When You Don’t Eat For 16 Hours (Infographic)

Get Your Free Numerology Reading Free & customized Numerology reading from your name & birth date. Click here. Source Article from

Was the Nice attack inspired by al-Qaeda propaganda from 2010?

     The attacker in Nice, who last night killed some 80-plus people by driving a truck into a crowd, was likely incited by al-Qaeda. Inspire, al-Qaeda’s magazine distributed over the Internet, called for such truck attacks in its Issue Number 2 (pdf). Page 54 read: Pick your location and timing carefully. Go for the most […]

Long-range bombers flying from Russia destroy ‘major’ ISIS camp in central Syria

The bombers, based at one of Russian’s southern air bases, took off on Tuesday morning, passed through Iranian and Iraqi airspace and delivered concentrated high-explosive ammunition airstrikes on terrorist targets east of the towns of Palmyra and As Sukhnah, and the village of Arak. All aircraft have successfully returned to home base, the ministry said […]

Dozens of Women Molested By ‘Foreign Youths’ at Swedish Music Festival

by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple According to Swedish police, 32 sexual assaults were reported at the Putte i Parken music festival in Karlstad on Friday. And at the Bravalla Festival is Norrkoping, there were 12 reports of molestation and five reports of rape. Most of the women were under the age of 18, […]

Video: John McCain is “Directly Responsible” for ISIS

Gears of War 3 Mad world Original YouTube

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Cops Shoot Man 7 Times, Execute Because He “May Have” Hurt Police K9 That Was Attacking Him

Sabrina Canfield | Courthouse News Service NEW ORLEANS (CN) – A dead man’s father claims in a federal lawsuit that his son was shot seven times by cops because they believed he “may have hurt” a police dog. As recounted in a complaint filed Tuesday in New Orleans, Darien […]

Scientist Says He Found Definitive Proof That God Exists

One of the most respected scientists of today says he has found evidence of the action of a force “that governs everything.” The theoretical physicist Michio Kaku claims to have developed a theory that might point to the existence of God. The information has created a great stir in the scientific community because Kaku is […]

Oi Mr. SJW

have you ever asked yourself … Why on earth are all of your SJW (Social Justice Warrior) groups well-funded? Why are your posters, literature, stickers, fliers, booklets, banner, flags, badges/pins, T-shirts, websites, newsletters, etc are all so professionally presented? Where the hell is all that funding coming from – donations? Are you serious!? What, millions upon […]

What PSA-IKCO deal means

Iran Khodro Group and PSA Groupe (consisting of Peugeot and Citroen) finally took the wraps off their long-awaited deal last week to produce new vehicles in the country under a new joint venture. The announcement by the French company can be seen as a sign that a deal is truly underway. Prior to this JV […]

Study Shows Police Crime is Rampant — 3 Cops Arrested a Day, Over 1,100 Every Year

Source: Claire Bernish … our data directly contradicts some of the prevailing assumptions and the proposition that only a small group of rotten apples perpetrate the vast majority of police crime.” A new study tracking criminal activity perpetrated by police found, on average, three law enforcement officers are arrested each day — […]

Boggling Flu Hoax: Not for Prime Time News

Jon Rappoport, GuestWaking Times “Repeat a lie often enough and people believe it. We all know that. But there are millions of people out there who think a public-health agency like the CDC, a scientific body, would never engage in such tactics. Those millions of people would be wrong. There is a […]

Zuckerberg: ‘We’ll All Be Plugged into the Matrix in 50 Years’

by Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple Yep. He also said computers will be able to read your mind, interpret your thoughts, and then beam them straight into Facebook! OH GOODY. (Not.) Via The Sun: Zuck has hinted that social networks of the future will be powered by telepathy, allowing ordinary people to beam their […]

US Schools: “Chronic Absenteeism”

The majority nonwhite public schooling system in America has been struck by “chronic absenteeism” and the black city of Detroit leads the field with a student absenteeism rate of nearly 60 percent, a new study has shown. In majority black Washington DC, at least 33 percent of students are also “chronically absent,” while American […]

The Monster Behind Ontario’s Child Sexualization Program

  June 11, 2016 Ever the meticulous researcher, Levin kept a Word document cataloguing 1,750 individuals–his contacts on M, plus the people he’d met on other sites and through his prolific use of instant messaging. He noted their usernames, ages and locations, their sexual desires, their children’s ages, and what they liked to do with […]

Politicians Across the Globe Adopting the Trump Method

Please support us if you can. Daily Stormer is 100% reader-funded. And these bastards are always at our throats. Sign-up with Liberapay to make a weekly recurring credit/debit card donation: Details on signing up for Liberapay and other contribution options here. Source Article from

Liberal Shocked When Huffpost Censors Him

Israeli PM pledges to keep Jerusalem Jewish forever

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Wednesday to keep Jerusalem united and Jewish under Israeli control forever. While speaking to the Knesset on the 49th anniversary of the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem, he said: “Our roots are deeper than any other nation’s, including to the Temple Mount. Jerusalem was […]

#EndWomensSuffrage: Austrian Women Voted Commie, Men Voted Nazi

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 24, 2016 Blue is men, red is women. The Daily Stormer has consistently lobbied to have women stripped of their right to vote, as well as all of their other rights. As in all else, we are consistently proven correct on this particular issue: if it were not for women voting, […]

Most conventional breakfast cereals are subjected to intense chemical fumigation before packaging

(NaturalNews) Growing fields are not the only place where conventional and genetically-modified (GM) food crops are exposed to a barrage of toxic chemicals. It may come as a surprise to some, but many of the ingredients used in popular breakfast cereals are heavily fumigated in large storage bins prior to being processed and […]

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