Posts Tagged ‘brutality’

Police brutality and mass arrests of Palestine protesters in Chicago may be precursor to the DNC

On April 15, Chicago police aggressively prevented marchers during the worldwide A15 day of action. Organizers say the repression was a message from the city ahead of the upcoming Democratic National Convention in August. Source

Break the Cycle: In 2024, Say No to the Government’s Cruelty, Brutality and Abuse

Folks, it’s time to break the cycle of abuses—cruel, brutal, immoral, unconstitutional and unacceptable—that have been heaped upon us by the government for way too long. Source

Testimony from prison: unprecedented brutality against Palestinian detainees

An Arabic version of this testimony first appeared in the Institute for Palestine Studies and was translated by Ruba Bakeer and republished with permission. This testimony is from our daily life in prison. I hastily prepared it amidst difficult imprisonment conditions, especially deliberate power cuts, a shortage of essentials like cigarettes, a lack of our […]

French demonstrators defy police ban and protest against police brutality

A dozen deputies from La France insoumise attended the rally for Adama Traoré, despite it being banned A dozen deputies from La France Insoumise (LFI) defied a ban on a memorial rally for Adama Traoré in Paris on Saturday and turned out for the demonstration, standing firm against the police prefecture’s decision. Following the ban […]

The Brutality of Slavery

Murray N. Rothbard Until the 1670s, the bulk of forced labor in Virginia was indentured service (largely white, but some Negro); Negro slavery was negligible. In 1683 there were 12,000 indentured servants in Virginia and only 3,000 slaves of a total population of 44,000. Masters generally preferred bondservants for two reasons. First, they could exploit […]

Sports Washing Brutality: British MPs Blast F1 Organization over Bahrain, Saudi Arabia

3 Mar 2023 By Staff, Agencies A group of British MPs has written to the organizers of Formula One [F1] to express their “grave concerns” over motorsport’s role in “sports washing the appalling human rights records of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia”. Ahead of the new F1 season, which begins this Sunday, in Bahrain, 20 parliamentarians […]

Putin’s messiah syndrome drives the invasion, brutality to cities and civilians, plus his cultural/imperial vision

Putin’s messianic vision sees the destruction of an independent Ukraine almost as a religious duty. Source

How to avoid police brutality in Israel? Don’t be an Arab.

Being a Palestinian child in Israel with so many questions wasn’t easy for non-political parents like mine. My questions had partial answers which were always failed attempts to keep me away from politics. My first encounter with the police was when I saw a policeman assaulting an Arab man in the street.  It didn’t make […]

War and Peace in Pre-Modern Europe: Have We Really Bypassed Brutality?

When pondering themes of war and peace, there is a general perception among modern people of the Western world that the time we live in is decidedly more civilized and peaceful than any other era of human history. Most believe that modernity is characterized by the continued decline of violence in all its forms, with […]

More Disgusting Police Brutality in Australia as Orange Vest Protests Continue

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer responded to police brutality dished out to anti-lockdown protesters in Germany last weekend by warning, “Authorities are increasingly viewing their own people as an enemy.” As we highlighted earlier in the week, Melzer, a professor of international law, made a request for eyewitnesses after footage emerged of numerous […]

Alleged police brutality in Bosnia and Herzegovina could be torture, says Council of Europe

The Council of Europe’s anti-torture committee has published a damning report on alleged police brutality in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The committee said it unearthed serious allegations of physical and psychological ill-treatment by law enforcement officials. In a final report published on Tuesday, it said the claims were so serious they could amount to torture. They […]

Exhibition a sober reminder of Nazi brutality

Browse > Home / News / Exhibition a sober reminder of Nazi brutality May 7, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article Titled “Registered, persecuted, annihilated: The Sick and the Disabled under National Socialism,” the Queensland-first exhibition showcases the brutality of Nazi Germany’s Aktion T4, the so-called Nazi ‘euthanasia’ program. Bart Mellish, Professor Margaret Sheil, […]

Parisians March Against Systemic Racism And Police Brutality

[embedded content] The march was organised by a group of activists, including Assa Traore, whose brother Adama died in police custody in 2016 after he was stopped for an ID check. Watch a live broadcast from central Paris where people are gathering on Saturday 20 March to march against “systemic racism and police brutality.” Organised […]

March against police brutality ends in violence in suburb of Greek capital (VIDEOS)

Greek police deployed tear gas and clashed with demonstrators in the Nea Smyrni suburb of Athens after several thousand people took to the streets on Tuesday, angered by footage of the recent brutal arrest of a local man. Up to 6,000 showed up for the march against police brutality on Tuesday, according to local media […]

WARNING Zionist brutality: the everyday nightmare in Palestine

النيأ العظيم === [embedded content] Islam and Muslims مفهوم الحرية واستعمال العنف [embedded content] الاسلام والمسلمون [embedded content] Islamic jurisprudence crisis أزمة الفقه الإسلامي [embedded content] Pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith أركان الإسلام وأركان الإيمان [embedded content] More here (1 to 44) The Qur’an, Morality and Critical Reason (PDF) Source

Protesters swarm streets of Tunisia over poverty, police brutality and a botched Covid-19 response (VIDEOS)

Hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets of Tunisia to vent their ire at social inequality, police brutality and a lackluster response to the coronavirus pandemic which has exacerbated economic woes in the country. Police have engaged in increasingly violent nightly clashes with protesters in recent days, amid weeks of demonstrations.  The situation escalated […]

UN Official Warns Police Brutality & Lethal Violence Against Lockdown Flouters is “Multiplying”

A UN official tasked with monitoring extrajudicial killings warns that examples of lockdown flouters being targeted by excessive force and cruelty are “multiplying” across the globe. “The number of allegations of police killings and their excessive use of force that I have received and have been reading are deeply concerning,” said Agnes Calamard. “Graphic accounts […]

Riots Break Out in France as Millions Riot over ‘Ban on Filming Police Brutality’ Law

Home » Europe, Protests » Riots Break Out in France as Millions Riot over ‘Ban on Filming Police Brutality’ Law     Violent clashes and arson have erupted in Paris amid mass protests against police brutality and a draft law that would ban filming officers “in certain circumstances,” after a video emerged of cops beating […]

Churches Attacked Amid Police Brutality Protests in Nigeria

JOS, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Protests against police brutality in Nigeria that grew into generalized unrest over poor government took on a religious dimension this week with attacks on Christians and church buildings. Following peaceful protests that began earlier this month against torture and killings by Special Anti­­-­Robbery Squad (SARS) forces, counter-demonstrations against the #EndSARS protestors […]

The Black Jewish ‘wall of moms’ fighting Israeli police brutality

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