Posts Tagged ‘swarm’

A “great swarm” of earthquakes off the Washington Coast is raising concerns that the Cascadia Subduction Zone could blow

(NaturalNews) An area off the coast of Washington state is being shaken by hundreds and hundreds of earthquakes.  So is this an indication of potential trouble… Source

The Elites aren’t any one person or organization, but a SWARM

A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

Medieval Palace Unearthed: Archaeologists Swarm Scottish Borders

Thirty years ago, a dowser identified lines of stones beneath a harvested field outside the village of Ancrum, in the Scottish Borders. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

Hundreds of teenagers swarm Chicago neighborhoods terrorizing businesses and residents & it is NOT just Chicago! Here we GO!

Hundreds of teenagers swarm Chicago neighborhoods terrorizing businesses and residents Date: June 28, 2023Author: Nwo Report   Posted BY: | NwoReport Chicago police scrambled to respond to hundreds of teenagers swarming the Lakeview neighborhood and terrorizing businesses and neighborhoods on Monday evening. “They were jumping on cars, breaking glass, throwing things. I know my personal […]

“Distasteful Masterclass In Hypocrisy”: Elites Swarm Davos In Private Jets To Discuss Climate Crisis

The annual conference of the World Economic Forum begins today in Davos, Switzerland. Global elites landed in luxurious private jets over the last few days in airports around Davos to discuss important global challenges, such as climate change, behind closed doors. Source

Massive Crowds Of Protesters Swarm Military Base To Protest Brazilian Election Results

Massive crowds of Jair Bolsonaro supporters have been on the streets across Brazil, blocking major highways and calling for the armed forces to prevent Luis Inacio Lula da Silva from taking office. The numbers of […] The post Massive Crowds Of Protesters Swarm Military Base To Protest Brazilian Election Results appeared first on News Punch. […]

70,000 protesters swarm Prague in protest of energy crisis: “Europe on the brink”

(Natural News) Tens of thousands of people – around 70,000, according to reports – descended on Prague over the weekend to protest against the government of the Czech Republic for sanctioning Russia and helping to create an energy crisis. The mob demanded that the ruling coalition take a neutral stance on the war in Ukraine […]

Footage from USS Zumwalt mystery drone swarm incident released

Footage from USS Zumwalt mystery drone swarm incident releasedSeptember 3, 2022  Who is behind the mystery drone swarms ? Image Credit: YouTube / The War ZoneThe footage was captured during an incident in 2019 involving multiple unidentified drones buzzing a US navy vessel.Obtained through a Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA) by The War Zone, […]

US Army To Test “Largest Drone Swarm Ever” In Utah Desert

A swarm of military drones will be launched over the Utah desert as part of an international field training exercise later this month, according to a report published by The War Zone. The swarm will comprise of 30 small drones for a dual air-assault mission.

Little Boy Traumatized as a Dozen Armed Bullies with Badges Swarm & Harass Him for Eating Without Showing Killer Jab Papers

A bunch of bullies with badges in New York terrorizing a little boy eating Pizza because he had not taken an assisted suicide killer jab. I have one thing to ask you “we back the blue” groupies? There are not enough car jackings, governors and mayors molesting women, pedophile politicians, burglaries, rapes and murders in […]

Cicadas to swarm the US for the first time since 2004

Trillions of cicadas are set to return to the United States after last appearing back in 2004 in large numbers, Newsweek reported.The cicadas are set to hit the following 15 states: Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia, as well as Washington, […]

Protesters swarm streets of Tunisia over poverty, police brutality and a botched Covid-19 response (VIDEOS)

Hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets of Tunisia to vent their ire at social inequality, police brutality and a lackluster response to the coronavirus pandemic which has exacerbated economic woes in the country. Police have engaged in increasingly violent nightly clashes with protesters in recent days, amid weeks of demonstrations.  The situation escalated […]

‘Unprecedented moment’: Far-right forces swarm DC to back overturning election, egged on by Trump

[embedded content] Thousands who refuse to accept President Trump’s 2020 election loss to Joe Biden are protesting in Washington, D.C., as Congress meets to count the Electoral College votes and certify the results. Mayor Muriel Bowser has called in the National Guard ahead of the protests, after anti-democracy protesters clashed with police near Black Lives […]

NZ Police are piloting a swarm of new, hi-tech tools. We deserve to know more about them

There are many unanswered questions about how technologies are being used, why they are necessary, and whether they risk infringing on human rights or privacy, write Andrew Chen and Kristiann Allen. The idea of “emergence”, in a philosophical sense, is the notion that a system can have properties, behaviours and naturally forming rules or patterns […]

Does the recent California earthquake swarm of 600+ foreshadow ‘The Big One’?

by Michael Snyder Over the last few days, a swarm of almost 600 earthquakes has shaken southern California, and a lot of people are becoming extremely concerned about what will happen next.  In fact, if you go on Twitter right now you will find a tremendous amount of speculation that “the Big One” could be coming.  The […]

Swarm of Subsea Earthquakes Sparks Concern About The San Andreas Fault

A swarm of small earthquakes in California is being closely monitored to see if it might raise the chance of a much larger event on the San Andreas fault. Dozens of minor earthquakes hit just south of the dangerous San Andreas fault in a matter of hours, prompting concerns among seismologists that it may trigger […]

Massive swarm of midges visible on Cleveland weather radars

     In what has become an annual ritual in Northeast Ohio in June, the Lake Erie midges have descended upon the area, traveling in swarms large enough to show up on weather radars in Cleveland. The tiny mosquito-like insects are more of a nuisance than a danger, but area meteorologists and residents had plenty to […]

Alert: Super Earthquake Swarm At Yellowstone Lake, 74+ Earthquakes

Between Grant and Little West Thumb an earthquake swarm of shallow earthquakes is going on. It just so happens that the monitor for Grant goes off line at the same exact time. Was this deliberate or has something happened to the monitor? When there is uplift it shuts off the water to the […]

Locusts swarm in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions, Western Australia

     Locusts swarming through Western Australia’s Pilbara and Kimberley regions are costing pastoralists thousands of dollars in lost pasture and control efforts. The warm and wet summer in the north provided a perfect breeding ground for the yellow-winged locust. Pastoralists believed locust numbers had not been so high for decades. Bettini Beef Pastoral Group general […]

Earthquake swarm hits North Iceland

     Almost thirty earthquakes occurred in North Iceland and the ocean north of Iceland last night. The largest earthquake of the swarm occured at 2.30 AM at a magnitude of 3.0. Its origins were around 20 km North East of Siglufjörður. The swarm began at around 00.30 last night and most of them were at […]

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