Posts Tagged ‘borders’


The Constitution says that ‘intercourse among the States … shall be absolutely free’. When the Commonwealth tried to stop Dulcie Johnson crossing state borders to see her fiancé one last time before he headed off to war in World War II, it failed. When Western Australia closed its border to Clive Palmer during the COVID […]

Laura Loomer announces plans to take down all sponsors of HIAS, a Jewish open borders organization funding the U.S. invasion

Laura Loomer announces plans to take down all sponsors of HIAS, a Jewish open borders organization funding the U.S. invasion Conservative activist Laura Loomer is promising to take down a Jewish-run non-governmental organization (NGO) called HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) that she says is funding the illegal alien invasion of the United States. According to […]

The Democrat Open Borders Plan to Entrench Single-Party Rule

This video by WesternLensman was tweeted by Elon Musk last week. Source

“I’ve Changed My Mind”: Swedish Open Borders MP Makes Complete U-Turn

A Swedish MP who advocated for open borders during the 2015 refugee crisis said she has completely changed her mind and now wants to see a significant number of deportations. Source

No Borders? No America

Authored by Justin Smith via The Burning Platform blog, Americans had better act soon, with or without Congress and with or without the Border Patrol to stop the current flood of illegal invaders across our Southern Border, because the Biden regime has no intention of ever stopping the invasion. To wait and ponder the crisis […]

OPEN BORDERS & ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A Highly Organized Communist Plot to Destroy the USA

Take note of all the ‘combat-ready’ young men in this illegal alien caravan that already crashed the U.S.-Mexican border. The Millennium Report The whole world has watched Merkel, Macron and May destroy Europe by stealthily implementing the globalist scheme to remove national borders throughout the Eurozone. Nation and after nation has fallen prey to this […]

What Powerful Force Is Preventing the United States from Defending its Borders?

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EU border agency chief: ‘Nothing can stop migrants from crossing EU borders’

Hans Leijtens, the new head of the EU’s border protection agency Frontex, has called for a shift in focus towards blocking illegal crossings while simultaneously facilitating a more accessible process for asylum seekers and economic migrants. Leijtens emphasized the need for “more humanity” and less “xenophobia and prejudice” in the EU’s migration approach, challenging the […]

Europe’s Top Border Guard Calls For Open Borders

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, The new leader of Frontex, the European Union agency tasked with securing borders, has called for open borders and vowed to appease left-wing pro-mass migration activists. Well, this is awkward. Hans Leijtens, who is set to take on the role from March 1st, gave a press conference in […]

Russia’s Lavrov says Israel should Return to 1967 Borders and Return Land they Stole from Palestine

Home » Criticism, Europe, Politics » Russia’s Lavrov says Israel should Return to 1967 Borders and Return Land they Stole from Palestine     Russia who is right now trying to steal land from Ukraine somehow thinks its morally justified to lecture Israel about their land theft from Palestinians…. this is unbelievable, isn’t it? Russia […]

Who Opened Our Borders?

There is a powerful group who has been at the forefront of flooding America and other formerly White Source

Breitbart’s Alex Marlow: Biden favoring OPEN BORDERS to keep wages down and Democrats in power

(NaturalNews) President Joe Biden is espousing open borders to lower wages and keep Democrats in power, according to Breitbart Editor-In-Chief Alex… Source

Hezbollah Targets Israeli Military Sites across All Borders (Video)

October 19, 2023 Hezbollah fighters fired a precision missile at Al-Malkiye site off the Lebanese border town of Aytaroun, while the Israeli enemy artillery bombarded the town’s outskirts. Moreover, Hezbollah⁩ fighters dealt a blow to the ⁦ Israeli⁩ military site in Metulla settlement. Islamic Resistance fighters struck Ruwaisat Al-Alam site in occupied Shebaa Farms, inflicting […]

Globalist Architect Henry Kissinger Admits ‘Open Borders Are Destroying Western Nations’

Globalist supremo Henry Kissinger, the man who recruited Klaus Schwab to the cause in the 1960s, has admitted that open borders are slowly but surely destroying western nations from the inside. Kissinger, the 100-year-old former […] The post Globalist Architect Henry Kissinger Admits ‘Open Borders Are Destroying Western Nations’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

The battle over borders and why they remain important today 

The benefits of borders have traditionally been argued to be stability and governance. But it means someone is in control. Source

Medieval Palace Unearthed: Archaeologists Swarm Scottish Borders

Thirty years ago, a dowser identified lines of stones beneath a harvested field outside the village of Ancrum, in the Scottish Borders. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

Dominican Republic To Close All Borders With Haiti In A Dispute Over A Canal

The Dominican Republic’s president has announced he will close all borders with neighboring Haiti starting Friday in a dispute over a canal on the Haitian side that would divert water from a border river. Source

SCOURGE OF WIDE-OPEN BORDERS! Fentanyl-Related Teen Deaths Triple in Three Years

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Hundreds of Migrants Drown as Joe Biden Dangles Open-Borders Welcome

Hundreds of migrants — including many women and children — are drowning in the Caribbean as they try to reach the American life dangled by President Joe Biden and his pro-migration deputies, according to a report in the Washington Post. Source

Hezbollah Military Activities on Lebanon Borders Preventing Israelis from Sleeping: Zionist Circles

July 17, 2023 The short film produced by the War Media Department of the Islamic Resistance to simulate a raid on an Israeli military site near Lebanon border has raised the Zionists’ concerns about the confrontation with Hezbollah. Israeli analysts continued discussing the dilemma facing ‘Israel’ on the northern borders with Lebanon, amid the Lebanese […]

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