Posts Tagged ‘laura’

Laura Loomer announces plans to take down all sponsors of HIAS, a Jewish open borders organization funding the U.S. invasion

Laura Loomer announces plans to take down all sponsors of HIAS, a Jewish open borders organization funding the U.S. invasion Conservative activist Laura Loomer is promising to take down a Jewish-run non-governmental organization (NGO) called HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) that she says is funding the illegal alien invasion of the United States. According to […]

SHOCK VIDEO: Laura Loomer Exposes Massive Human Trafficking Operation in Panama on Camera – Bus Transporting African Illegals in the Middle of the Night North to America

SHOCK VIDEO: Laura Loomer Exposes Massive Human Trafficking Operation in Panama on Camera – Bus Transporting African Illegals in the Middle of the Night North to America Source

Pro-humanity advocate Laura Aboli: Globalists are carrying out their TRANSHUMANISM agenda to achieve a DYSTOPIAN future

(NaturalNews) Back in May 2023, public speaker Laura Aboli gave a powerful speech titled “Transhumanism: The End Game” at the Better Way Conference. It was… Source

Israel-first neocons Laura Loomer, Ben Shapiro, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley ripping off their “free speech” masks while waging JIHAD against First Amendment

(NaturalNews) The Israel protection racket of the Republican Party is making itself known without shame ever since the Hamas false flag terror attack that occurred… Source

Ukrainian Nazi “BoneFace” threatens Laura Loomer for outing him as U.S. intel asset on social media

(NaturalNews) Populist commentator Laura Loomer bravely dodged all threats thrown at her by Kent “BoneFace” McLellan after she exposed the latter to be… Source

Interview 1809 – James Corbett Discusses 9/11 Trillions with Laura-Lynn

via Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson: Award winning investigative journalist James Corbett from the Corbett Report joins us to talk 9/11, Joe Biden and Klaus Schwab and all the other nefarious New World Order players. [RECORDED MAY 12 2023] The post Interview 1809 – James Corbett Discusses 9/11 Trillions with Laura-Lynn first appeared on The Corbett Report. […]

10 Bigoted and Extremist Things Laura Loomer, Trump’s Expected Hire, Has Said

Former President Donald Trump told aides to hire far-right activist Laura Loomer in a campaign role, according to a report Friday from the New York Times. Loomer is an anti-Muslim, white nationalist and Christian nationalist-supporting activist and failed congressional candidate. The New York Times reports that Trump recently met with Loomer, and that it “is […]

El Camino Hospital’s Emergency Department Head Laura Cook died suddenly in her sleep

El Camino Hospital’s Emergency Department Head Laura Cook died suddenly in her sleep Will there be an autopsy to determine if the vaccine killed her? Unfortunately, I doubt it. The hospital doesn’t have a say in the decision. Steve Kirsch Laura Cook, age 61, died suddenly. Executive summary Laura Cook, age 61, the head of […]

Far-Right Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer Predictably Refuses to Concede

Laura Loomer—a far-right activist so extreme that she would have easily eclipsed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene as the most far-right congresswoman—lost her bid for the GOP nomination to Congress in Florida’s 11th Congressional District. The Associated Press called the race in favor of longtime Republican Rep. Daniel Webster late Tuesday night. Webster, who was the […]

Laura Loomer Wants to Spread Her Extremism in the Halls of Congress

Just days after Alex Jones was ordered to pay $45.2 million in punitive damages for falsely claiming that the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax and accusing the grieving parents of the slain children of being paid actors, Jones interviewed Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer on his show “Infowars.” “They think MTG is dangerous—I […]

PREMIERING 7:30 PM ET: Vaccination Without Parental Consent or Knowledge—Laura Sextro on California’s Orwellian COVID Bills

This episode will premiere on Saturday, Aug. 6, at 7:30 p.m. ET. “We have a bill that says children must be vaccinated in order to go to school. And if their parents don’t want them to get vaccinated, then they’ll just use a bill that says that [children] as young as 12 years old, they […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Laura Loomer’s Slow-Motion Triumph

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Laura Ingraham on ‘Breaking the News’: ‘Fabulous’ Book Exposing ‘How China Has Completely Infiltrated American Media’

Laura Ingraham lauded Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow’s Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption Thursday as a “fabulous” book exposing, among other things, the Chinese government’s influence over American news media outlets. In an interview with Marlow on her eponymous podcast, Ingraham noted how conflicts of interest revealed in Breaking the […]

Laura Loomer Contemplates Getting a ‘Nazi-Style Holocaust Tattoo’ to Symbolize Her ‘Digital Extermination’ on Social Media

On Monday morning, the Supreme Court declined to hear a lawsuit brought by anti-Islam extremist Laura Loomer against Twitter, Google, Apple, and Facebook after being banned from their social media platforms, claiming they had violated her First Amendment rights. On Tuesday, the far-right provocateur and her conspiracy theorist attorney Larry Klayman appeared on the “Crowdsourcing […]

The REAL Laura Croft?

[embedded content] Lauren Decarlo ,The Real Laura Croft that made me fall in love with her , The MI5 Agent I met On Face Book during my fight with the female cartel ….. Zakaos Breedlove Ewing34.2K subscribersSUBSCRIBEI helped Laurel Aston with this article . This is information people really need to know . Please help […]

Femdyke Laura Bates Whines About Teenage Boys Raiding Her Lectures With Red Pill Comments & Questions

The UK’s male youth is waking up to the cancerous tumor that is feminism and “wahmen’s rights”. Daily Mail: ‘Why should I believe you?’  I blinked in surprise.  The teenage boy looked back at me, polite interest on his face.  In the course of delivering a school session about gender equality, sexual violence and consent, […]

A burning chemical plant may be just the tip of Hurricane Laura’s damage in this area of oil fields and industry

Image Credit: AP Photo/David J. Phillip The burning BioLab facility sent dark smoke and chlorine gas into the air over the small community of Westlake, near Lake Charles, and shut down Interstate 10, officials said. The governor warned residents, already reeling from the hurricane’s damage, to stay in their homes, close their windows and doors, […]

Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer: “They’re Just Jealous Because I Got Big Tits & An Ashkenazi IQ”

The pro-Trump MAGApedes are super excited that BASED Laura Loomer is out-raising her Democrat opponent in her Florida Congressional district. Anyone who doesn’t like her is probably just jealous. FYI this is from a few years ago, and she looks this way AFTER lots of plastic surgery. Bitchute link

Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer: “They’re Just Jealous Because I Got Big Tits & An Ashkenazi IQ”

The pro-Trump MAGApedes are super excited that BASED Laura Loomer is out-raising her Democrat opponent in her Florida Congressional district. Anyone who doesn’t like her is probably just jealous. FYI this is from a few years ago, and she looks this way AFTER lots of plastic surgery. Bitchute link

Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer: “They’re Just Jealous Because I Got Big Tits & An Ashkenazi IQ”

The pro-Trump MAGApedes are super excited that BASED Laura Loomer is out-raising her Democrat opponent in her Florida Congressional district. Anyone who doesn’t like her is probably just jealous. FYI this is from a few years ago, and she looks this way AFTER lots of plastic surgery. Bitchute link

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