Posts Tagged ‘fields’

Thirsty fields: How agriculture drains the Colorado River’s lifeline

The architect of the Grand Canyon and a pivotal waterway of the American West, the Colorado River, serves as the backbone for both urban and rural expanses across several states. However, a recent scientific investigation unveils a stark reality: agriculture consumes more than half of this vital river’s annual flow, posing serious questions about sustainability […]

Health Impacts of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

Feb 14 2024 Health Impacts Health Impacts Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation Children Pregnant Women Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) Cell Phones Wi-Fi Cell Towers Fifth Generation Wireless Networks (5G) Lower Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation Mechanisms of Harm Precautionary Approach Recommendations The Inadequacy of Federal Exposure Guidelines Over the past several decades, numerous scientific publications have demonstrated […]

DeSantis, Haley spar in heated CNN debate, as Trump fields Iowa town hall: Recap

Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis came out sniping at one another in their first one-on-one match-up on CNN’s debate stage in Des Moines, Iowa, while former President Trump counterprogrammed with a Fox News town hall in the same city. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie suspended his GOP presidential campaign just hours before the dueling… […]

Korean Mistletoe used to ward off Magnetic Fields and EMFs?

Mistletoe was initially used by the Druids who eventually became the Freemasons. It is magnetic, some say it absorbs magnetic fields? It can also bind to graphene and can be used as a catalyst? These patents were withdrawn? I was curious because mistletoe is being studied in Gordana Vitalianos department and in Korean with McCarins […]

LOVE Hertz: 5G Transmitted Magnetic Fields Target Your Heart

“Your heart generates an electromagnetic field that reaches several feet outside your physical body. People can feel you.⁣⁣ Science has shown that our hearts have a measurable magnetic field and an intelligence.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ “This Aura or magnetic field can be felt by the ‘hearts and brains’ of others and is constantly affecting our environment. Its often […]

Russian Researcher Reveals Human Energy Fields—Auras—Related to Love, Positive, Negative Emotion, Health

Russian researcher Dr. Konstantin Korotkov has brought an old method of photographing “auras” into the 21st century. Although its roots trace back to the 17th century, Kirlian photography really took off in the 1940s. This method, developed by Russian inventor Semyon Kirlian, involves placing an object on a metal plate covered with photographic film. The […]

Egypt-PA Deal On Gaza Gas Fields Likely Won’t Serve Palestinians, But Israel Instead

Reports have emerged indicating that a deal between the Palestinian Authority and Egypt, over the extraction of natural gas that is located off the coast of the besieged Gaza Strip, could be within reach. Although this has been hailed as a positive development by Ramallah and Cairo, the issue could cause more harm than good […]

Gaza Follows Lebanon With Claims To Gas Fields

On September 13, different Palestinian political factions in Gaza organized a demonstration, coinciding with the inauguration of a sea passage at the Gaza port. The demonstrators chanted for their rights to Gaza’s gas fields, seemingly inspired by Lebanon’s own bid to secure its rights to its natural resources. This Tuesday, Palestinians participated in an event, […]

Gaza Follows Lebanon With Claims To Gas Fields

On September 13, different Palestinian political factions in Gaza organized a demonstration, coinciding with the inauguration of a sea passage at the Gaza port. The demonstrators chanted for their rights to Gaza’s gas fields, seemingly inspired by Lebanon’s own bid to secure its rights to its natural resources. This Tuesday, Palestinians participated in an event, […]

Gaza Follows Lebanon With Claims To Gas Fields

On September 13, different Palestinian political factions in Gaza organized a demonstration, coinciding with the inauguration of a sea passage at the Gaza port. The demonstrators chanted for their rights to Gaza’s gas fields, seemingly inspired by Lebanon’s own bid to secure its rights to its natural resources. This Tuesday, Palestinians participated in an event, […]

The government’s latest decision to hive off ONGC’s prime oil/gas fields to foreign companies highly imprudent

To Shri Narendra D ModiPrime Minister Dear Shri Modi, I understand that the government has recently directed ONGC to hive off 60% of its Mumbai High, Bassein & Satellite oil/gas fields to foreign oil companies (, ostensibly to enhance hydrocarbons production from those fields. The proposal, in my view, is highly imprudent for the following […]

Pictured Are Poppy Fields That Taliban Will Not Put Up With

How U.S. Military Treated Prisoners-They Murdered Them: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to navigationJump to searchA sally port used in the transfer of internees to and from the 12-man cells during the nine years that the “temporary” facility was in use. In 2005, The New York Times obtained a 2,000-page United States Army investigatory report concerning the homicides of two unarmed civilian Afghan prisoners by U.S. military […]

Show Children The Green Fields And Let The Sunshine Into Their Minds

Exactly two years ago, I walked with my colleagues from Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research through the Camp Marielle Vive (‘Marielle Lives’) outside of Valinhos in the state of São Paulo, Brazil with a great sense of déjà vu. The camp resembles so many other communities of the desperately poor on our planet. The United […]

US Oil Thieves in the Syrian Deir Ezzor Oil and Gas Fields Bombed, Again

ARABI SOURI JULY 11, 2021 US oil thieves are getting bombed more frequently in the northeastern Syria Deir Ezzor oil and gas fields, 2 attacks within 12 hours, the Pentagon is imposing a media blackout on its casualties. In the morning today, Sunday 11 July 2021, the US oil thieves based in the Al Omar oil […]

Paraquat: A dangerous chemical still used in the fields of agriculture

In the U.S., increased commercialized farming has simplified ecosystems and embraced monocropping. All of this at the price of getting dependent on herbicides and fertilizers. The result: the agriculture system benefits from higher profit margins and bigger output. Be that as it may, this chemical-dependent agriculture caused disastrous results, and we’re reaping the seeds sown. […]

Neolithic Bamboo House and the Birthplace of Paddy Fields Found

The Chengdu Plain is an alluvial plain located on the western part of the Sichuan basin in southwestern China, which was the site of a recent breakthrough discovery. Six pieces of carbonized bamboo from a mud-bamboo house, along with tens of thousands of pottery pieces and evidence of ancient rice paddies have been found at […]

Eastern fields produce 16 bcm of gas in a year

TEHRAN – Managing Director of Iran’s East oil and Gas Production Company (EOGC) has announced the production of 16 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas – 43 million cubic meters per day (mcm/d) – in the previous Iranian calendar year (ended on March 20). According to Farshid Kheibari, EOGC’s production goals for the mentioned […]

Arson balloons from Gaza spark 39 fires in Israeli fields as tensions continue

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Powerful Magnetic Fields in Space Have Been Seen Bending Black Hole Jets

Powerful Magnetic Fields in Space Have Been Seen Bending Black Hole JetsMICHELLE STARR  7 MAY 2021 In a galaxy cluster called Abell 3376, some 600 million light-years from Earth, one galaxy has an active supermassive black hole, gobbling up matter at a furious rate – a process that blasts powerful jets of plasma hundreds of […]

Deals worth €165m inked for recovering Iranian fields’ flare gas

TEHRAN – Iran’s southern Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refining Company has signed three deals worth €165 million with domestic companies for collecting and recovering flare gases of Rag-Sefid offshore oilfield, Shana reported. The deals were signed in a ceremony attended by Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh and the Managing Director of Persian Gulf […]

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