Posts Tagged ‘minds’

Satan’s Matrix EQORIA caught harvesting minds… in 2014!

This is a straight up EQORIA bombshell from Turkey in 2014, which expanded into the Middle and Far East. The Clathrin GQD and EQORIA Matrix are already platforms. EQORIA has nothing to do about being a responsible earth citizen and caring for the earth, it is and always was about mind control and brain uploading. […]

Education Crisis: Hezbollah Nurturing Lebanese Minds Amidst National Adversity

Sep 26, 2023 By Dr. Marwa Osman “Do the Math, since 92 till today, for those who discuss infrastructure development in Lebanon. You are discussing with a party that was fighting the ‘Israeli’ entity and fighting the Takfiris and carrying the burden of 20 large domestic files”; this is what Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence […]

North American Man/Boy Love Association Claims Pro 2-A Americans Have ‘Diseased Minds’

Pro-Second Amendment Americans have “diseased minds” and are responsible for “butchering children” according to the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). According to the pedophile rights organization, the Biden administration must repeal the Second Amendment […] The post North American Man/Boy Love Association Claims Pro 2-A Americans Have ‘Diseased Minds’ appeared first on The People's […]

Russian grain diplomacy: Winning hearts, minds, and markets

SEP 12, 2023 The Ukraine conflict and the Black Sea grain deal have highlighted the ‘geopolitics of wheat’ and helped Russia gain leverage over Europe while expanding its influence in Africa and the Global South. Mohamad Hasan Sweidan In the complex fabric of international relations, the interaction between geopolitics and trade – particularly of vital […]

Leftist lunatics lose their minds after CNN hosts town hall with Trump

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Left-wing media types, uber-liberal politicians, and RINO political grifters who go insane over Donald Trump were incensed with CNN for giving him airtime during his first appearance on the network in about seven years.Trump agreed to take part in a CNN-hosted town hall event on Wednesday, and by most measures, he did … [Read […]

Minds Sues California Attorney General to Block Social Media Censorship Law

Minds Apr 12, 2023 Today Minds, Inc. filed a lawsuit against California Attorney General Rob Bonta regarding California’s AB 587, a statute aimed at censoring speech online. Enacted in 2022, AB 587 imposes reporting requirements on social media companies related to misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech, among other categories of speech. In the suit, Minds alleges […]

Reprobate Minds – If you open your eyes you can see what they are normalizing next

A recently removed YouTube video: Let’s see how long this one will last. Source

Georgia and Nevada on their minds: Senate watchers sweat two swing states

The Democratic and Republican campaign chiefs agree on one thing about the battle for the Senate majority: Nevada and Georgia are at the center. “If you look at the polls, Nevada and Georgia are the two logical ones” Republicans can pick up, Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, the GOP’s campaign chair, said in an interview. […]

WEF To Force Public To Wear ‘Brain Implants’ So the Elite Can Read Their Minds

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } A video taken at the World Economic Forum shows director Klaus Schwab plotting with Google co-founder Sergey Brin to install “brain implants” in our heads so that […]

How do we sway the minds of people who refuse to see the negative data?

How do we sway the minds of people who refuse to see the negative data? Collecting more negative data on the vaccine isn’t going to change anything. The problem is getting people to consider the possibility that they have been fooled. Steve Kirsch No, Mark Twain never said this, but I know it will be […]

How do we sway the minds of people who refuse to see the negative data?

How do we sway the minds of people who refuse to see the negative data? Collecting more negative data on the vaccine isn’t going to change anything. The problem is getting people to consider the possibility that they have been fooled. Steve Kirsch No, Mark Twain never said this, but I know it will be […]

How do we sway the minds of people who refuse to see the negative data?

How do we sway the minds of people who refuse to see the negative data? Collecting more negative data on the vaccine isn’t going to change anything. The problem is getting people to consider the possibility that they have been fooled. Steve Kirsch No, Mark Twain never said this, but I know it will be […]

How do we sway the minds of people who refuse to see the negative data?

How do we sway the minds of people who refuse to see the negative data? Collecting more negative data on the vaccine isn’t going to change anything. The problem is getting people to consider the possibility that they have been fooled. Steve Kirsch No, Mark Twain never said this, but I know it will be […]

Want to Change Hearts and Minds? Try Humility

A friend recently sent me a popular meme called the Pyramid of Intellect. It shows the various academic degrees, starting at the base of the pyramid with a high school diploma and narrowing its way up to a doctorate. But at the very top of the pyramid is a little section that reads, “People who […]

Lie Detectorist Reveals Plants Have Senses, Can Read Minds—And Quantum Entanglement Could Explain How

Originally published as two parts in a series, this article has been compiled here into one, with some minor edits and updates from the original. Part 1. There exists a body of research poised to rend apart our modern paradigms—revealing consciousness in places we might not have expected it, and connections between lifeforms that might […]

Freedom’s Only Chance is to Eliminate Constitutional worship from The Minds of All Thinking Individuals

US “government” history books should be filed in Libraries under F for Fiction. They are one big damned lie. The Crime Cabal in DC FORCES parents to turn over their children to them with threats of fines, prison or taking your children from you for most of every day so they can be indoctrinated with […]

The Broken Minds of the MKUltra’s Cannot Be Healed & Their Minds Have Been Broken By People We All Trusted: Military, Presidents, CIA, NSA, DIA, etc.

BY ADMIN · PUBLISHED JANUARY 30, 2020 · UPDATED JANUARY 30, 2020 BY ADMIN · JANUARY 14, 2020 MKUltra programming Via Extreme Torture and Sexual Stimulation: This is part of the actual Programming done to Randy Turner as a teenager. This occurred in the late 70s Jimmy Carter was president at the time. George Bush Sr. was CIA director or running for office […]

Kim Jong Un Minds His Own Business & Doesn’t Interfere With Other Nation’s Lives So Why Is He A Target Of America’s Globalists?

by Admin · December 15, 2021 Ghazy Le Baron Jum3np1e oi12l, 20752507g  · He didn’t burn Syria.. He didn’t destroy Iraq.. He didn’t starve Africa.. He didn’t loot the wealth of weak countries.. He didn’t drop phosphorus bombs on Palestinian children.. didn’t nuke japan.. didn’t start a civil war in Rwanda.. didn’t destroy the mountains of Tora Bora.. didn’t […]

Youtube’s High Minds

Youtube, that magnificent streaming platform where you can watch videos from Hawaii all the way to New Zealand, and even above our Earth in Space, is well known for its censoring of what it deems to be “misinformation” and “hate speech”. Without allowing for people to even so much as view what might be nonsense […]

Show Children The Green Fields And Let The Sunshine Into Their Minds

Exactly two years ago, I walked with my colleagues from Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research through the Camp Marielle Vive (‘Marielle Lives’) outside of Valinhos in the state of São Paulo, Brazil with a great sense of déjà vu. The camp resembles so many other communities of the desperately poor on our planet. The United […]

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