Archive for the ‘Social Media’ Category

Video| Watch How Hezbollah Sends ‘Israel’ to “Stone Age”

 June 13, 2024 The video below, circulated on social media, shows Israeli occupation soldiers launching catapult to make fires on the Lebanese side. The catapult is a device that was used to launch a projectile a great distance during ancient times. Source: Social Media Related Videos Related Articles Source

Oil companies use paid news media partnerships to protect ‘social license to operate,’ documents show

Content created by the in-house advertising studios of major media is coming under growing scrutiny. Source

تعديلات أميركية إسرائيلية على أهداف الحرب وشكلها

 March 21, 2024 ناصر قنديل – الحرب التي صمّمها الأميركي والإسرائيلي في الثامن من تشرين الأول من العام الماضي غداة عمليّة طوفان الأقصى انتهت بفشل ذريع في تحقيق الأهداف. وكانت الحرب ثلاثيّة العناوين، حرب برية لإعادة احتلال قطاع غزة، تصفية بنية حماس العسكرية وإدارتها السياسية والمدنية، واسترداد الأسرى من قبضتها بالقوة. وقد ارتكزت حسابات هذه […]

RFK: ‘I don’t think the government should be involved’ in social media, accuses Biden of censorship

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. supported Republican-backed lawsuits against the White House over social media censorship on Tuesday, claiming President Biden also attempted to censor his social media posts. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments for two social media cases Tuesday, which claim the Biden White House illegally coerced social media companies to… […]

New bill that would effectively ban TikTok in US passes House

The bill would ban TikTok in the U.S. unless the social media platform’s parent company, ByteDance, divests its holdings. Source

Gab implements subscription plans to Help stop Malicious Spam Bots

Gab, the social media platform renowned for championing free speech, has taken drastic measures to ensure its survival by introducing a subscription model for users. In a candid announcement, founder and CEO Andrew Torba addressed the platform’s ongoing challenges, citing the need to address issues surrounding file storage and financial sustainability. Effective March 1st, GabPRO, […]

War on Gaza: French newspaper Liberation criticised over cartoon mocking starving Palestinians

12 March 2024 Social media users slam the illustration as racist and dehumanising, as experts warn that Gaza is on the brink of famine By Ayah El-Khaldi The French daily newspaper Liberation has come under fire for publishing a cartoon that mocks fasting Palestinians in Gaza searching for food. The cartoon by artist Corinne Rey depicts an emaciated Palestinian man chasing after […]

How mindsets drive commentary—whether reform, revolution, reaction or resistance to change

Image Credit: Brandon Bell/Getty Images Online or not, how you express yourself links to what you say, thus style reflects telling assumptions The idea that style expresses self-hood comes with proverbial baggage, codified in the Renaissance by Erasmus (“clothes make the man”) and Shakespeare’s Polonius (Hamlet), “apparel oft proclaims the man.” Tom Wolfe, with homage to Mark Twain, provided his […]

New reports confirm months of Israeli torture, abuse, and sexual violence against Palestinian prisoners

For months Palestinian prisoners have shared testimonies of torture at the hands of Israeli military and prison authorities. New reports shed more light on the abuse, particularly sexual violence, carried out inside Israeli detention centers. Source

Israel’s genocide in Gaza exposes the racism of the international system | Witnessing Palestine

Francesca Albanese and Susan Abulhawa discuss the role Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza plays in the global systems of diplomacy, economics, and culture. Source

Crackdown on Palestine in education goes far beyond universities

The backlash against Palestine in education isn’t just happening in universities. There have also been dozens of educators disciplined at primary and secondary schools across the U.S. for teaching about the Israeli attack on Gaza. Source

US Army Disappointed in Gen Z Who Won’t Serve

The US Army is facing a TikTok mutiny as Gen Z recruits are taking to social media to whine about low pay, ‘sh***y’ food and fitness tests. The brazen posts – by uniformed troops on US bases – represent an audacious challenge to top brass amid a recruitment crisis. The Army fell short of its […]

When Compliments Just Make You Feel… Worse

I remember some compliments more than others. When I was 16, an achingly gorgeous girl told me I looked “hot” at a party. An affirming moment, right? Except, in truth, I was in the first phase of an eating disorder that would whittle down my teenage body to a dangerous point. I hoarded praise like […]

‘Thought police’: Israel passes law criminalizing ‘consumption of terrorist materials’

Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, passed what rights groups are calling one of the “most intrusive and draconian legislative measures” ever passed. Source

The Power of Confronting Members of the Political Class

It’s time to revive the time-honored tradition of confronting members of the political and intellectual class. On Friday, October 27, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton joined Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee at a rally for her campaign for mayor of Houston. As an estimated 250 Houstonians cheered at the sight of Clinton and Jackson Lee […]

Five Ways Your Privacy Is Under Attack – And How To Protect It

“There’s a way to look at digital communications in the past. I can’t go into detail of how that’s done or what’s done, but I can tell you that no digital communication is secure.” Those were the startling words shared by former FBI Counter Terrorism agent Tim Clemente just over a decade ago on CNN […]

Five Ways Your Health Is Under Attack – And How To Protect Yourself

Your body, mind, and spirit are under attack. It’s time to fight back. In the course of my work as an independent journalist I have explored many important topics which provide crucial context on the pressing issues of the day. This has ranged from geopolitical discussions, political corruption, child abuse and trafficking rings, and so […]

In ‘witch hunt,’ Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, Jerusalem IDs, face harassment, persecution amid Gaza war

In the wake of the Hamas attack on October 7th, Palestinian Citizens of Israel and residents of occupied Jerusalem are being targeted over their social media activity. Any expressions of Palestinian identity, or support for Gaza, is getting people fired from their jobs, expelled from universities, arrested, and doxxed online by right-wing Israeli groups. Source

Sabra and Shatila in the digital era: Unchanged tragedy

September 18, 202 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Aya Youssef Let’s imagine that the Sabra and Shatila massacre took place today, in the era of endless social media platforms and apps. Would things have turned out any different? Scroll – a scream. Scroll again – a cry for help. Swipe – blood everywhere, piles of […]

Ocasio-Cortez ponders leaving X: ‘A formal break is something that we actively discuss’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said she has pondered leaving X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, following her criticism of owner Elon Musk’s changes to the social media platform. When asked in an interview with The New York Times what would make her leave the platform, Ocasio-Cortez said, “If one monitors my use of that platform, it… […]

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