Posts Tagged ‘criminalizing’

Iraqi Parliament passes law criminalizing same-sex relations and transgenderism

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Biden Admin Sues Tennessee for Criminalizing Intentional AIDS Exposure

The Biden regime has opened a lawsuit against the State of Tennessee arguing that state laws that prohibit the intentional spread of the HIV virus “discriminate against people living with HIV.” Under Tennessee law (Title […] The post Biden Admin Sues Tennessee for Criminalizing Intentional AIDS Exposure appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

‘Thought police’: Israel passes law criminalizing ‘consumption of terrorist materials’

Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, passed what rights groups are calling one of the “most intrusive and draconian legislative measures” ever passed. Source

Idaho legislators introduce measure criminalizing COVID vaccines throughout the state

(Natural News) The GOP-controlled Idaho legislature is taking the most radical step yet in regards to pushing back against the administration of increasingly risky, and some say even deadly, COVID-19 vaccines. As reported by KTVB7, “two Idaho lawmakers have introduced a bill to charge those who administer mRNA vaccines with a misdemeanor.” The House Health & Welfare […]

My plea to Facebook’s Oversight Board: Stop criminalizing Palestinian armed resistance

Rima Najjar I have just filled out the form of appeal to the Facebook and Instagram Oversight Board, which describes itself as “Ensuring respect for free expression, through independent judgment.” The form provides space just for 2000 characters, so I was not able to present my case fully. And the fact that the drop-down menu […]

MP Livestream Jan 30: Criminalizing White Resistance


After criminalizing the Bible and medical choice, California is now trying to outlaw home schooling

(Natural News) If democrats had their way, every single young person in the country would have no choice but to go through the public education system, during which time they would all be indoctrinated with left wing, anti-conservative propaganda. They strongly believe in the idea that the state – not parents, but […]

Along with California "criminalizing" the Bible, Google is now banning ads from Christian publishing companies

(Natural News) Google has a frightening amount of control over the internet, and although one of their past mottos was “Don’t be evil,” they seem to have a different set of rules when it comes to dealing with Christians and conservatives. The firm recently informed the CEO of Concordia Publishing House, Bruce […]

How They Do It– ‘Criminalizing free speech and free inquiry on the issue of the Holocaust isn’t the way to deal with the past’

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Don’t reverse progress: Criminalizing cannabis could backfire

(Natural News) A cannabis researcher has weighed in on Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to “rescind Obama-era directives that eased federal enforcement of state-legalized recreational marijuana.” Hans Breiter, a professor at Northwestern University, warns that instead of reversing cannabis legalization approved by voters, the focus must be on research that can further our understanding of cannabis. Breiter, who […]

On Criminalizing Homelessness and Feeding the Hungry, the State Is Indeed the Bad Guy

Claire S. Bernish, GuestWaking Times “There is no bad guy in this,” Sgt. Joseph Corrigan propitiated of an unforgiving crackdown targeting do-gooders with the nerve to voluntarily feed people in need — part of wider law enforcement action to quash the act of feeding houseless people throughout Atlanta — to the Associated Press. There is no bad […]

Why criminalizing sexual harassment fosters warlock hunts

Sexual harassment digests a degenerate thug like Harvey Weinstein with a college student who makes an awkward pass or a well-intentioned boss who compliments a dress.      Are you exhausted with sexual harassment allegations? Their noise and strut are turning into one of those chronic conditions that we schlep around with, like athlete’s foot. Or […]

BYE BYE First Amendment: Democrats Join Republicans In Bill Criminalizing Speech Critical Of Israel

Named the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, the bill so far has garnered support from 29 Republicans and 14 Democrats in the Senate. A similar piece of legislation introduced in the House of Representatives has 237 co-sponsors—63 Democrats and 174 Republicans. With the intent to suppress the BDS movement and others allied with the boycott against Israel, the Israel Anti-Boycott […]

Monsanto and Big Ag Colonizing Africa, Criminalizing Traditional Seed Exchanges

Alex Pietrowski, Staff WriterWaking Times  Of the many concerns surrounding the dominance of agrichemicals companies and GMO foods, the most frightening dimension is that corporate manufactured seed is wiping out global biodiversity in food crops and creating a punitive legal framework for our total dependence on these companies for food. Monsanto, Syngenta and other […]

BBC Deobandi ‘investigation’ was authored by editor who secretly briefed Whitehall

Aimen Dean now says that these characterisations are inaccurate: “I never claimed on any platform or forum that I was a ‘founding member of AQ [Al-Qaeda]’… Never said that anywhere and I was annoyed and puzzled by the BBC choice of title… People like me who joined in 1997 (post Bin Laden’s return […]

Teen was carrying toy gun when 5 cops opened fire and killed him

     The Gainesville Police Department issued a statement saying a 16-year-old black teen shot and killed by police officers Sunday was carrying a toy gun, reports WUFT. According to police, Robert Dentmond called 911 Sunday evening and told operators he was walking around with an M16 rifle at an apartment complex and that he was […]

Haiti Rises In Solidarity Against 12 Year US Occupation

Print Friendly Above Photo: From Flickr/ joce01_y “Reflecting on struggles everywhere, we came to the conclusion that a people can’t be sovereign if they don’t have the right to vote. No people can retain their dignity if their vote does not count.” From a Statement Issued by 68 Haitian Grassroots Organizations, Jan 22, 2016 The voice of Haiti’s […]

Southern Taiwan hit by 6.4 earthquake causing extensive damage, people trapped inside buildings

     Southern Taiwan was hit was hit by a magnitude 6.4 earthquake early Saturday, with heavy damage reported. Rescue crews are trying to save people feared to be trapped inside a collapsed building in the city of Tainan. 05 February 2016 22:18 GMT Tainan City has been hit by flooding as the result of broken […]

Indonesia Committing Secret Genocide In West Papua

Print Friendly Above photo: From Reported Massacre in Yapen. West Papuan Independence Leader Benny Wenda has written this statement on International Human Rights Day about the deaths of up to 4 West Papuan villagers in Yapen who were shot by the Indonesian military and police for raising the West Papuan flag on 1st December 2015. Yapen, West Papua – I […]

The Young Turks Say Paris Attacks Same as Dylann Roof

There is an ongoing war being waged against the Daily Stormer by our Jew enemy. Recently, the site was blocked by upstream providers. Our publisher’s mother was harassed. They are pulling out all of the most wicked and low-down tactics imaginable. There shall be no surrender. If you see something about Cloudflare, or a page […]

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