Posts Tagged ‘consumption’

All UK Airports will close by 2029 & Beef and Lamb will be banned for Consumption. according to UK Gov. Report.

A report produced by Oxford University and Imperial College London for the UK Government reveals that all airports will be ordered to close, eating beef and lamb will be made illegal, and construction of new buildings will not be permitted to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050.   The report states that […]

Alcohol Consumption on the Rise in Russia for first time in Decades due to Ukraine War

Russia’s federal statistics agency, Rosstat, has unveiled a concerning trend: the first increase in nationwide alcoholism cases in over a decade. While stress induced by the pandemic is considered a key factor, which has now ended for many years. Experts also point to “intensifying geopolitical confrontations” (Ukraine war) as contributing to this surge, as reported […]

Final Q3 GDP, Personal Consumption Revised Sharply Lower As Core PCE Slumped To 2.0%

Final Q3 GDP, Personal Consumption Revised Sharply Lower As Core PCE Slumped To 2.0% Normally the market could care less about data that is at least 3 months old, like for example today’s 3rd estimate of Q3 GDP for the quarter ended Sept 30 or, well, three months ago, but on days like today when […]

UN to Release Meat Consumption Limitations

UN to Release Meat Consumption Limitations  Thu 12:52 pm +01:00, 30 Nov 2023  10 posted by pete fairhurst 2 It has been confirmed that the United Nations will begin to advocate for a reduction in meat consumption this December at the COP28 summit. The UN states that “richer nations” must do their part to adhere […]

Power consumption of AI servers nears that of a small country

Fresh report analysing total power usage of AI servers suggests consumption is through the roof! The likes of the Nvidia H100 GPU consume up to 700W alone, let alone all the other components around it. French firm Schneider Electric reports that power consumption of AI servers will total around 4.3GW in 2023, which is slightly […]

FTC Issues Warnings on Promoting Consumption of Aspartame or Sugar

From This week, shopping here in NZ I noticed children’s iceblocks on special (the kind you take home and freeze) … two for $4 in a Countdown supermarket. ‘Sugar Free’ blazed the signage … which lured me to examine the fine print. I was curious to see what sweetener had been used. Stevia perhaps? […]

‘Thought police’: Israel passes law criminalizing ‘consumption of terrorist materials’

Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, passed what rights groups are calling one of the “most intrusive and draconian legislative measures” ever passed. Source

The Human Meat Project: By donating your body for human consumption, you’ll help solve overpopulation & of course, climate change … they are deadly serious!

WE ARE to BELIEVE  THAT WE MUST CANNIBALIZE to SURVIVE! From Comment: These psychopaths are deadly serious. You are even invited to choose your end date … for the ‘useless [ageing] eaters’ I expect … taking up valuable space & resources …. EWNZ Quote from the website: “Why Donate?: Over time, the human population has […]

“9-Sigma Miss”: Personal Consumption “Unexpectedly” Collapses In Latest GDP Revision

“9-Sigma Miss”: Personal Consumption “Unexpectedly” Collapses In Latest GDP Revision Traditionally, the second revision to GDP data (which comes three months after the end of a given quarter) is a boring, subdued affair… except for once every five years when alongside the latest data revisions, the BEA (the B usually stands for Bureau but in […]

Food tyranny: NYC to monitor household food consumption as biotech companies take over food production

(Natural News) The government and biotech companies are seeking to control people’s meat consumption and dietary choices. To that end, New York City (NYC) is implementing new measures to track and reduce the carbon footprint associated with household food consumption. As part of a broader initiative to achieve a 33 percent reduction in carbon emissions from […]

Dentist Exposes the Hidden Dangers of Fluoride Consumption

may 4th 2023 “Fluoride is highly toxic,” according to the BSC Working Group, reported Bill Osmunson, DDS. Fluoride is also a “known neurotoxin.” The BSC Working Group details, “If more [Fluoride] than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact the Poison Control Center right away. Directions: adults and children two years […]

TCCIMA warns about gas production-consumption imbalance

TEHRAN – Head of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA) Energy Committee has warned about the serious imbalance between the country’s natural gas production and consumption in the future. Source

FDA declares lab-grown meat from UPSIDE Foods safe for human consumption – but is it?

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently declared lab-grown meat from a California-based company safe for human consumption.In a Nov. 16 press release, the regulator announced that it has granted artificial chicken products from Berkeley, California-based UPSIDE Foods the “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) … [Read More…] Source

CNN Blames Pets for ‘Climate Change,’ Pushes ‘Insect-Based Food’ Consumption

CNN is giving advice on how to fall in line with the global power elite’s “green agenda” by reducing your pets’ “carbon pawprint.” Source

EU energy ministers agree to reduce bloc’s electricity consumption by 10%

(Natural News) Energy ministers from the European Union’s member countries agreed to reduce their overall electricity consumption by a minimum of 10 percent. Based on a draft document seen by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), countries in the EU will specifically reduce electricity consumption by at least five percent during peak price hours. This followed […]

Study: Consumption of processed foods can negatively affect brain function

(Natural News) People eat processed food for different reasons. Some may be craving sweet or salty snacks, while others may want to eat something cheap and convenient. However, many studies have shown that consuming highly processed foods can increase your risk of chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, certain cancers and heart disease. According to new research, consuming processed […]

Nikos Vertis: 15,000 euros minimum consumption for table at his concert in Mykonos

The popular Greek singer Nikos Vertis is going to appear in Mykonos on Friday, and specifically on the beach of Ornos at the beach-bar restaurant “Pasaji”, however the price for those who have expressed an interest in attending is extremely high. The series of the first tables has a minimum consumption of 15,000 euros and… […]

Canadian Company Pledges To Produce TWO BILLION BUGS Per Year For Human Consumption

Canadian Company Pledges To Produce TWO BILLION BUGS Per Year For Human Consumption Date: June 28, 2022Author: Nwo Report  9000 tons of crickets per year are on the menu Posted By: Steve Watson A Canadian company says it will produce 9000 tons of insects per year for human and pet consumption after completing the construction […]

Canadian Company Plans To Produce 2 Billion Bugs Each Year For Human Consumption

It looks like Canada wants to be at the forefront of the bug eating trend. A Canadian company called the Aspire Food Group says it plants to produce 9000 tons of insects per year for human and pet consumption after completing construction of the world’s largest cricket food processing facility. They say they aim to […]

It’s Monkey Business! Human Desire For Alcohol Consumption Is Hardwired

When Dr. Robert Dudley of the University of California, Berkeley, proposed a hypothesis in 2000, and then published a book called ‘ The Drunken Monkey: Why We Drink and Abuse Alcohol’  on the same topic in 2014, the scientific community initially found his claims to be a bit farfetched. Called the ‘drunken monkey hypothesis’, he […]

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