Posts Tagged ‘sugar’

Studies confirm that a high sugar diet is correlated with an increased risk of CANCER

Studies confirm that a high sugar diet is correlated with an increased risk of CANCER As another year of “breast cancer awareness” fades away into a pile of pink trash, researchers continue to bring forth evidence that SUGAR is one of the biggest culprits behind this modern-day wave of cancer. Excess sugar intake, especially high […]

FTC Issues Warnings on Promoting Consumption of Aspartame or Sugar

From This week, shopping here in NZ I noticed children’s iceblocks on special (the kind you take home and freeze) … two for $4 in a Countdown supermarket. ‘Sugar Free’ blazed the signage … which lured me to examine the fine print. I was curious to see what sweetener had been used. Stevia perhaps? […]

Addicted to Sugar? This Halloween Candy Claims to Use Healthier Ingredients

For years, man has sought the ideal diet to inspire optimal human performance. Indeed, ever since our ancestors discovered how to hunt and gather, society has pushed towards a utopian culinary endgame where there’s enough food for everyone, and all of it is nutritious and tasty. And is that really too much to ask? Apparently […]

Left’s Sugar Daddy Alex Soros Huddles with ‘Great Leader’ Gavin Newsom at Clinton Global Initiative

Alex Soros met with California Gov. Gavin Newsom, praising him as a “great leader” at the start of the annual Clinton Global Initiative. Source

Iron and Sugar will Permanently Repress Luciferase

CIN was right about the Iron… and the Sugar! Iron plus glucose will cause PERMANENT repression of Luciferace, Vibrio harveyi was the strain Vitaliano used in the patent. Luciferase stabilizes Graphene Oxide scaffold & fuels mRNA Clathrin Nanobot With iron, and with glycerol as the sole carbon and energy source, the addition of glucose causes […]

The Sweet Truth: Is Honey a Healthier Alternative to Sugar?

Long-term excess sugar can cause fatty liver, inflammation, and metabolic disorders, increasing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Honey is a natural sweetener that humans have used for thousands of years, and many believe it has unique health-promoting properties. So is honey healthier than sugar? The Composition of Honey The scientific name of […]

The DOPAMINE CORRELATION: How alcohol, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, and hard drugs all have one common underlying effect that keeps consumers ‘hooked’

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) There are many addictive substances on planet earth, and most consumers never meant to become so hooked that they can’t find a way to quit, or even cut back. As with most addictive substances, the more often the frequency of use, and the more potent the substance, the more dopamine is released […]

Lower your blood sugar and keep your glucose levels balanced with these foods

(Natural News) When you have diabetes, you have to be careful about what you eat. But even if you don’t have this health condition, it’s important to know that blood sugar and glucose spikes are closely linked to your diet. Some foods are more likely to cause glucose spikes than others. Even if you are in good […]

Lower your blood sugar and keep your glucose levels balanced with these foods

(Natural News) When you have diabetes, you have to be careful about what you eat. But even if you don’t have this health condition, it’s important to know that blood sugar and glucose spikes are closely linked to your diet. Some foods are more likely to cause glucose spikes than others. Even if you are in good […]

What Are the Best Natural Options for Blood Sugar Problems?

If you’ve been given a warning that you are prediabetic, the time is NOW to start managing your blood sugar problem, naturally. Here are seven easy ways to do it. Source

Zelensky, Hunter Biden — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoisky


7 SURPRISING ways sugar can harm your health

(NaturalHealth365)  Let’s face it, sugar is extremely prevalent in today’s society.  Many of the prepared and processed foods in grocery stores contain an alarming amount of sugar.  This is why it’s well worth taking the extra minute or so to read the nutrition label before buying any packaged food item. We already know the typical […]

Sugar Coated — A Doco on How the Sugar Industry Managed to Dupe the World for Decades

Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch Story at-a-glance Thousands of studies spanning many decades show excess sugar damages your health, yet the sugar industry successfully buried the evidence and misdirected the public with manipulated science “Sugar Coated” investigates the sugar industry’s once secret PR campaign, showing it normalized excessive consumption by deflecting evidence implicating sugar as a […]

‘They Act as if These Vaccines Are a Sugar Pill’

‘They Act as if These Vaccines Are a Sugar Pill’Published on August 10, 2021Written by This week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” cover the latest COVID headlines, including how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  scaled back the hunt for breakthrough cases just as […]

8 Gentle Ways to Slowly Remove Sugar in Your Diet

March 24th, 2021 By Kara Reynolds Guest Writer for Wake Up World You say “sugar” to refer to your loved ones, but there’s nothing affectionate about what too much of the sweet stuff will do to your body. You do well to cut back on this substance considering the rising rates of obesity and Type […]

High blood pressure is caused more by sugar consumption than salt intake

(Natural News) Even scientists can bark up the wrong tree sometimes. For more than a century, they have pointed their fingers at salt as the main culprit in high blood pressure or hypertension that leads to kidney damage, stroke, and heart attack. Some have even described salt as “the single deadliest ingredient in […]

79 graves uncovered at Sugar Land construction site

SUGAR LAND, Texas (FOX 26) – The body count continues to rise in Sugar Land where unidentified human remains have been uncovered at a construction site. Officials now report the discovery of 79 graves at the site at University Boulevard and Chatham Avenue, up from the 30 unmarked graves initially reported. Now everyone from […]

New Study Warns that Processed Sugar Consumption May be Dumbing Down Young Children

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times In recent years we’ve learned a great deal about the dangers of sugars, even finding out that research was comprimised in the 1970’s, misleading the world about its dangers. It is as addictive as cocaine, it is linked to diabetes and many doctors and scientists believe that it […]

HIDDEN SUGAR DANGER: Breakfast blueberry muffins contain as much sugar as a can of Coke

(Natural News) You probably don’t think twice about reaching for a blueberry muffin when you want a snack because you believe it’s the healthier option compared to a cupcake. However, according to a report, a blueberry muffin may have the same amount of sugar as a can of soda. Based on the […]

Meet The Kid Who’s Never Eaten A Gram Of Sugar In Her Life – Here’s What She Looks Like Today

Next Story There is a good chance that many of you read the headline of this article and scoffed at the idea of not giving your child any sugar. Kids and sugar go hand in hand after all, no? Isn’t being able to offer your children a sweet treat in exchange for being a good […]

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