Posts Tagged ‘uncovered’

International inquiry demanded after mass grave uncovered near school yard in Gaza

“This is precisely why Israel was taken to the International Court of Justice with the accusation that it is committing genocide.” Source

Feds Say They Uncovered Prostitution Ring Serving Politicians, Military Officers, And Tech Execs

“Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before” —The Smiths Via: Epoch Times: The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts has announced the arrests of two men and one woman suspected of operating a multi-state prostitution ring whose alleged client list includes elected officials, military officers, and executives at technology and pharmaceutical […]

Feds Say They Uncovered Pedophile Prostitution Ring Serving Politicians, Military Officers, And Tech Execs

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has clarified the nature of his relationship with Mossad’s Jeffrey Epstein, after it was revealed that the presidential hopeful had flown on the convicted sex offender’s private jet. the Pedophile Express. The independent 2024 presidential candidate was among a number of high-profile people who in 2021 were named as passengers on […]

Kofun Burial Chamber and Two Iron Swords Uncovered in Parking Lot Shrubbery

A fairly ordinary parking lot in Japan’s Nara prefecture has revealed the Kofun tomb of an elite person from the ancient era, accidentally uncovered as the area was being cleared to prepare it for shrubbery.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Norway’s “Gold Find of the Century” Uncovered, Including Rare Cache of Medallions

On the Norwegian island of Rennesøy, an impressive hoard of ancient gold items, weighing over 100 grams, has been uncovered. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

‘The Most Intact’ Roman Mausoleum and Mosaic Uncovered in Rubble of New Building Site in London

Just a stone’s throw from London Bridge subway station at The Liberty of Southwark development site, a rare Roman mausoleum and mosaic floor in February 2022 was discovered, described by experts as “completely unique.” Archaeologists from the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) worked alongside Landsec and Transport for London to uncover the historic find for […]

Fascinating Medieval Gaming Piece Uncovered at Building Site in England

Next time you’re playing a board game with your friends and family, consider that you may be playing something that originated in the medieval era, or beyond. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Opulent Roman Winery With Fountains of Grape Juice Uncovered

Emlyn Dodd/The Conversation Recent excavations at the Villa of the Quintilii uncovered the remains of a unique winery just outside Rome. The mid-third-century AD building located along the Via Appia Antica portrays a sense of opulence and performance almost never found at an ancient production site. This exciting complex illustrates how elite  Romans fused utilitarian function with luxurious decoration and […]

Residence of 8th Century Japanese Prince Toneri Uncovered

Archaeologists in Japan excavated a site ahead of a new apartment building project. Little did they know they were digging into the spectacular home of the 8th century AD Prince Toneri! Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Asia Read Later  Source

Elite Maya Burial Chamber Uncovered in Palenque Excavation

Archaeologists have made a thrilling discovery at the ancient Maya city of Palenque – a burial chamber of a high-status elite individual within the enigmatic CP3 structure, unveiled during the latest round of excavations. Home of the Red Queen’s Red Palace, Palenque has been the subject of archaeological digs and restoration works for decades. The complete […]

4,500-Year-Old Sumerian Palace Uncovered in Iraqi Desert

Reaching the culmination of a search that has been going on for the past several years, a team of archaeologists affiliated with the British Museum has finally unearthed the long-lost remains of a Sumerian palace and temple in the ancient city of Girsu on the southern plains of Iraq. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places […]

Gold Laden Hun Warrior Tomb Uncovered by Romanian Highway Project

Amidst the buzz of a highway construction project in Romania, a team of workers accidentally stumbled upon a historic trove of buried treasure and a Hun warrior tomb. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Mummified Crocodiles Sacrificed to the Gods Uncovered in Egypt

While performing excavations at a site known as Qubbat al-Hawā in southern Egypt in 2019, archaeologists from the University of Jaén in Spain made a strange and startling discovery. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Headless Life-size Maya Statue Uncovered in Oxkintok

Archaeologists in Mexico’s ancient Maya city of Oxkintok have unearthed a striking headless statue. Measuring approximately 5 feet 5 inches (1.68 meters) Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Ancient Bullet With ‘Victory’ Inscription Uncovered in Israel

A lead sling bullet from the Hellenistic period with a Greek inscription proclaiming victory in battle, has been discovered in Israel. Dated to 2,200 years old, it was excavated in Yavne, and bears the inscription ‘Nike’ on one side and the names of the gods Heracles and Hauronas on the other. The directors of the […]

Uncovered Mexican Study Confirms GM Soy Causes Harm to Pancreas

Note: it’s difficult to know whether or not you are eating GM products in NZ because there’s no requirement to label them. Soy is largely GM. Personally I avoid soy unless it’s organic, similarly corn I avoid. GM corn crops were slipped into NZ under Helen Clarke’s watch back in 2000 or thereabouts. Read Seeds […]

YouTube didn’t want you to know what we uncovered in the EU special committee on the Corona pandemic

+++ PRESS RELEASE +++[Brussels, 11.11.2022] Christine Anderson (AfD): YouTube didn’t want you to know what we uncovered in the EU special committee on the Corona pandemic YouTube has deleted several videos with speeches by Christine Anderson (AfD), who is a member of the EU special committee on the Corona pandemic for the ID group. In […]

Timeworn Roman Theater Uncovered at Remote Site of Lissos in Crete

Even today, the Cretan town of Lissos can only be reached by sea or a seemingly endless hike across the stunning landscape and mountains that surround it. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

BOMBSHELLS: Bioweaponized aerial drone patent uncovered; toxic venom peptides scientifically CONFIRMED in the blood and feces of covid victims

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Story summary:- Dozens of venom peptides have been identified and confirmed in the bodies of covid victims. Analysis was conducted via HPLC with mass spec molecular mass and ion fragmentation confirmation, published in a science journal and indexed by PubMed.- A patent has been identified that describes a bioweapons … [Read More…] […]

Graves of Elite Warrior and Aphrodite Cult Priestess Uncovered in Russia

Archaeologists have unearthed a 1,900-year-old burial of a priestess from an Aphrodite cult in the ancient necropolis of Phanagoria in Russia, as well as a warrior’s burial, complete with a cache of artifacts and ornate sword. Phanagoria was established on the coast of the Taman Peninsula in southern Russia, along the Black Sea. It corresponds […]

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