Posts Tagged ‘statue’

BAD OMEN! Statue of Liberty Gets Struck By Lightning During Wild New York Storm

Statue of Liberty Gets Struck By Lightning During Wild New York Storm Source

Navy vet now charged with hate crime for smashing satanic statue in Iowa Capitol

(Des Moines Register) — A Mississippi man who admitted to destroying a statue of the pagan idol Baphomet at the Iowa Capitol has been charged with a hate crime. The statue was part of a display organized by the Satanic Temple of Iowa under state rules allowing religious displays in the Iowa Capitol during the holidays. The installation drew […]

This Egyptian Statue Is Reminiscent of a Family Photo (Video)

This Egyptian statue, an exhibit at the New York MET, hails from around 1340 BC during the Amarna period and exudes a magnetic charm. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News Videos Read Later  Source

The Monolith of Tlaloc: Did Moving This Massive Stone Statue Incite the Fury of the Aztec God?

The Monolith of Tlaloc is a giant stone carving of the Aztec god of rain, water, lightning, and agriculture, Tlaloc. This monolith was once located near the town of Coatlinchan (which translates as ‘home of the snakes’). Today, however, the Monolith of Tlaloc is located at the entrance of the National Museum of Anthropology in […]

Statue of Huastec ‘Boss’ Found by Road Workers in Mexico

Road works in Hidalgo, Mexico, hit a snag when workers unearthed a rare stone statue. Turns out, it’s a boss-level indigenous ruler who got relocated for his own safety, according to Mexican archaeologists. Before we look at the statue, let’s first dig into Huastec culture to better contextualize the discovery. Cultivating maize, beans and squash, […]

The Exquisite Statue of Ebih-Il, an Important Heirloom of Ancient Mari

The ancient realm of Mesopotamia is still very much clouded in enigma. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News Read Later  Source

Jamie Lee Curtis Gives Her Oscar Statue ‘They/Them’ Pronouns

Academy Award winner Jamie Lee Curtis has announced she is giving her best supporting actress Oscar statue “they/them” pronouns in honor of her transgender “daughter” Ruby. During an interview on NBC’s Today show, Jamie Lee Curtis held her Oscar up for the camera while tearfully declaring: “In support of my daughter Ruby, I’m having them […]

Ming Dynasty Baby Buddha Statue Questions Australian History

Two filmmakers detected a rare Ming Dynasty Buddha in Australia, which could “rewrite history.” Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Rare Smiling Sphinx Statue Found in Egypt and it May Depict Emperor Claudius

Archaeologists in southern Egypt have uncovered a remarkable miniature sphinx statue, sporting a rare feature of a smiling face with two dimples. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Iconic Little Mermaid Statue Is Vandalized Again, This Time With Russian Flag

The statue in Copenhagen, Denmark, has long been a popular target for vandals — who have previously blown the mermaid off her perch, beheaded her and painted her. Source

New Easter Island moai statue discovered in dried-up lake bed

New Easter Island moai statue discovered in dried-up lake bed By T.K. Randall February 28, 2023  Not all the Easter Island statues have been found. Image Credit: CC BY 3.0 Bradenfox The find, which has been described as ‘very important’, could in fact be the first of many such discoveries. A small land mass of […]

New Moai Statue Found on Chile’s Easter Island Excites Researchers

In the news last October for the damage inflicted by a forest fire over 100 hectares, Easter Island is now in the news again – for the discovery and addition of a new Moai statue on the Chilean island. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Should Hoto Abraham Lincoln’s Statue of Him Demanding a Blowjob From an African American Be Removed From Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac?

Should Lincoln’s statue of him telling a African American to give him a blowjob be removed from Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac? Everything you were indoctrinated with about Lincoln is a damned lie. He was a horrible manic depressive rabidly racist against Africans communist atheist closet queer who killed the American Revolutionaries’s Volunteer Union […]

18th-Century Statue Has a Delicate Net Carved From a Single Slab of Marble—Check Out the Details

A marble statue carved in the 18th century has become world-renowned for an “impossible” feature: a delicately draping fisherman’s net with detailed knots, rendered by hand entirely from marble, that looks so authentic it could be the real thing. Il Disinganno, or “The Release from Deception,” is the magnum opus of the Genoese artist Francesco […]

‘Golden Demon’ Statue Placed Atop New York Courthouse to Honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Abortion

A new state-sanctioned desecration of our heritage just dropped. Source

NYC Courthouse Erects Demonic Statue With Horns Paying Tribute To RBG and Abortion

A statue of a horned, demonic figure, supposedly symbolizing a twisted version of “femininity” and celebrating abortion and the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been erected atop the New York City courthouse. […] The post NYC Courthouse Erects Demonic Statue With Horns Paying Tribute To RBG and Abortion appeared first on News […]

GoFundMe Page Started To Help Complete MLK Statue

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS — In honor of Dr. King and Coretta Scott King, artist Hank Thomas has unveiled a 20ft statue of the two hugging called the ‘The Embrace’. Unfortunately, the artist was only able to afford to make a statue of their arms embracing and now a GoFundMe has been put together to raise money […]

Harriet Tubman Honored With Statue Of Her Left Big Toe

AUBURN, NY — Following the new tradition of erecting disturbing modern-art monuments for prominent historical figures, the city of Auburn has unveiled a bronze statue of abolitionist and Underground Railroad leader Harriet Tubman’s left big toe. Source

Audacious Attempt to Crane Lift Away 10-tonne Pharaonic Statue Foiled

Thieves trying to loot a giant antique statue by prizing it up with a crane ended up in police custody in Aswan in Egypt. The statue of pharaoh Ramesses II weighs a whopping 10 tonnes. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Headless Life-size Maya Statue Uncovered in Oxkintok

Archaeologists in Mexico’s ancient Maya city of Oxkintok have unearthed a striking headless statue. Measuring approximately 5 feet 5 inches (1.68 meters) Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

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