Posts Tagged ‘started’

Gaza’s ‘Flour Massacre’ Was Only The Beginning Of Famine That Has Just Started

On Thursday morning, last week, Palestinian civilians in the north of Gaza were desperately waiting for bags of flour, after living in starvation and turning to eating leaves in order to survive, when they were indiscriminately fired upon by Israeli soldiers and tanks. The massacre resulted in at least 118 deaths and 750 injuries. The […]

Feb 23 – WW3 Has Started

If Only every country could have a leader like Nayib Bukele! Please send links and comments to [email protected] For “WW3 Has Started” see below. El Salvador’s Bukele Slams Soros At CPAC El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele blasted George Soros, globalism, and the American financial system. In a fiery address at the Conservative Political Action Conference […]

Putin didn’t need to go back to 832AD to explain why US is at war with Russia, he could have started in 1913

Bold is my emphasis “After watching Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin I got an impression that Tucker was trying to get to the root of the problem of the US-Russia conflict and was hoping that Putin was the one who could bring clarity but Tucker didn’t get all of his questions answered. Putin clearly […]

75% of Israelis Displaced from the North Started New Life Elsewhere Away from “Hezbollah Nightmare”: Zionist Media

January 17, 2024  Focus on Zionists – Live News – Middle East – News – Top – Zionist entity The Zionist media outlets predicted that the majority of the Israelis displaced from the northern settlements have started a new life in other occupied cities for fear of Hezbollah’s destructive missiles. The dwellers of the 47 northern Zionist settlements have started to rehearse after every missile […]

Israel’s Netanyahu Says Gaza Offensive Has ‘Only Started’

“We have only started striking Hamas,” the Israeli prime minister said. “What we will do to our enemies in the coming days will reverberate with them for generations.” Source

How Bill Clinton Looted Russia and Started NATO Expansion

Avoiding Nuclear War: As the list of those who take the looming threat of nuclear war seriously keeps growing, let’s try to analyze what brought us to this sad state of Edward Lozansky Posted onSeptember 11, 2023 During the Cold War there were similar dangerous moments, but John Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, as well as […]

World War III Has Already Started Declares Ukrainian Security Chief

The Third World War has already started and people should expect more wars to break out, Ukraine’s top security chief declared on Tuesday. Source

How to Get Started with Prepping: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to Get Started with Prepping: A Step-By-Step Guide Author: Diane Vuković Last Updated: October 13, 2022 [*]Prepping used to be a term that brought up images of paranoid people locked in military-style camps with watchtowers and guns pointing out. But now the general public is finally waking up to the need to prep (it […]

Officials Say Arsonists Started Devastating Wildfires In Greece

Arsonists are to blame for the deadly wildfires that have been tearing through the Greece according to senior climate officials. On the Greek island of Corfu desperate residents have been saying all along there has […] The post Officials Say Arsonists Started Devastating Wildfires In Greece appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

DeSantis & the Florida speaker are just getting started. Here’s what’s next.

This week, Florida’s statehouse cleared the way for Gov. Ron DeSantis to sign a six-week abortion ban. The man who shepherded the bill, House Speaker Paul Renner, joins Playbook co-author Ryan Lizza for this episode of Playbook Deep Dive. You might not know Renner’s name — but you definitely know his work: A bill to […]

Two Thirds Of US Adults Think COVID Likely Started In A Lab

Two Thirds Of US Adults Think COVID Likely Started In A Lab. One Third of Americans know there is no such thing as “SARS-COV-02” “virus” so there can be no “COVID-19”, and no “vaccine against catching a non existent illness “caused” by a mythical “virus”. ‘211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 […]

Russian forces ‘started shooting at our homes’: Buzova resident remembers start of war in Ukraine

Euronews finds out how reconstruction work in a shelled village to the west of Kyiv is helping to restore hope among residents. Source

Right Wing Round-Up: Started a Riot

Jordan Green @ Raw Story: ‘I started a riot for the sitting president’: Why Ali Alexander won’t go to jail for his role in Jan. 6. Kaila Philo @ Talking Points Memo: DeSantis Couldn’t Net Any Election Fraud Prosecutions, So Florida GOPers Want to Change the Law. Media Matters: Alex Jones says “a gang of […]

GoFundMe Page Started To Help Complete MLK Statue

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS — In honor of Dr. King and Coretta Scott King, artist Hank Thomas has unveiled a 20ft statue of the two hugging called the ‘The Embrace’. Unfortunately, the artist was only able to afford to make a statue of their arms embracing and now a GoFundMe has been put together to raise money […]

The Best Gifts for a Cool Person You Just Started Dating

The holidays are just around the corner—and while it can be kinda exciting to spend it with a new boo, it can also strike fear. What should you gift someone who has only just become an actual someone to you? Meaning, a few months ago, they were just a contact in your phone with a […]

Immediately after banning Trump, Twitter started aggressively censoring “medical misinformation”

(Natural News) The reason why President Donald Trump was banned from Twitter back in early 2021 may have had less to do with his talk about election fraud and more to do with his challenging of the prevailing medical dogmas. Just one day after Trump was axed from the social media platform, higher-ups at the… […]

The Cat-Quisition: Pope Gregory IX Started a War on— Wait for It—Cats

Anyone with a thing against cats may get some satisfaction from a weird history “fact” circulating on the internet.  Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

The Basics of Home Canning and How to Get Started—Quick and Easy!

So you planted a garden, lucked out when your property included fruit trees, stumbled upon a produce sale you just couldn’t pass up, or joined a Community Supported Agriculture group. Good for you! Now what? What will you do with all that bounty? Your choices are 1) quickly consume your harvest before it spoils, 2) […]

Singapore’s birth rate started to decline 9 MONTHS after vaccinating nearly every Singaporean adult of childbearing age

(Natural News) The first country in Southeast Asia to begin administering Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines to its citizens and residents was Singapore. The official rollout of the island-state’s vaccination program began on December 30, 2020, after the country received an undisclosed number of doses from Pfizer a few days prior By June 2021, nearly every Singaporean […]

Why Germany Invaded Poland-How WW 1 & WW 2 Started and America was Dragged in Both Times

England instigated both WW 1 and WW 2.They did so because their Rothschild masters ordered them to start both wars. England instigated WW 1 for the Rothschilds.Germany was winning.Germany offered while winning to call the war off, everyone just stop the killing and go home. Rothschilds told England which was losing the war they started […]

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