Posts Tagged ‘guide’

A Parents’ Guide to Healthy Children

15 april 2024 A free complete guide in defense of children’s health and parents’ and guardians’ freedom to make health and wellness decisions for their children. Empowered and loving adults provide the foundation for children’s healthy habits. Parents have the innate ability to respond to their children in ways that promote health and vitality. Sign […]

The WHO Pandemic Agreement: A Guide

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The World Health Organization (WHO) and its 194 Member States have been engaged for over two years in the development of two ‘instruments’ or agreements with the intent of radically changing the way pandemics and other health emergencies are managed. One, consisting of draft amendments to the existing International health […]

A Guide to Enforcement Review

The Director of Fines Victoria’s internal review oversight function set out in Part 3A of the Infringements Act 2006. Clear, concise, and accurate information should be provided to applicants at all stages of the internal review process. At the pre-review stage, fine recipients should be informed of their right to internal review. Enforcement agency websites […]

A New Guide to the Theology That Drives Trump’s Dominionist Prophets and Apostles

Book Review “American Evangelicals for Trump: Dominion, Spiritual Warfare, and the End Times,” by Canadian scholar André Gagné, explores the theological underpinnings of the New Apostolic Reformation, a movement of predominantly Charismatic Christians that views politics as spiritual warfare and opposition to former President Donald Trump as demonic. Gagné, a professor of religion at Concordia […]

A four-point Albany guide to the State of the City

With help from Shawn Ness State government’s biggest players weren’t physically present at New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ State of the City address in the South Bronx today. It was a session day in Albany after all — but they were clearly on the mayor’s mind. It was a largely positive speech that felt […]

A Field Guide to Dubious Fact-Checking

It’s now 2024 – the Associated Press says so. In case a claim was made that it’s still 2023, the AP wants to assure everyone that that is false. Now that’s a fact check. What isn’t a fact check is most of what is produced by the fact-check industry. PolitiFact,, and each of the in-house […]

Where To Eat In Budapest: A Munchies Guide

If you don’t identify as a goulash stan yet, just you wait. Budapest’s culinary scene is as rich as its history: Hungary’s capital city has undergone something of a restaurant renaissance over the past decade, with a host of new establishments joining the spot’s old, classic staple joints, offering modern spins on classic Hungarian fare. […]

The Virus Challenge: A Guide for the Purple-Pilled

BY PATRICIA HARRITY ON OCTOBER 25, 2023 • ( 28 COMMENTS ) Biomedical Scientist, Simon Lee argues, that there are those who understand that “the globalist establishment is rotten to the core,” they have gone down the rabbit holes and completed the deep dives on everything from the Titanic to the Moon landings, but “if you try to tell them that viruses […]

A Gentleman’s Guide to Trolls, Bots, Sealions, Forum Spies and Other Pests – #SolutionsWatch

Let’s face it: comments often suck. And who’s to say they’re even real? But what’s the solution to these crappy communications? Well, don’t read the comments, of course. But if you do decide to wage into the the infowar battlespace that is the comments section, then at the very least you need to arm yourself […]

Spike Protein Detox Guide

Posted on November 30, 2021, Updated on September 13, 2023 About This Spike Protein Detox Guide This is an evolving guide with emerging information on how to clear viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins from the body. The lists of herbal and other medicines and supplements have been compiled in a collaboration between international doctors, scientists, […]

De-Spike Naturally: An Oncologist’s Guide to Recovery

(Note: Thank you for supporting this sponsored message, which helps keep this Substack running to bring you uncensored news.) In the aftermath of COVID and the subsequent injections, the question everyone is asking is, “How do I get this stuff out of my body?” The good news is that there is hope for the vaccine-injured […]

Perfect Nature: Encountering The Self As A Spiritual Guide In The Arabic Hermetica

The Pseudo-Aristotelian Hermetica are a core subgroup of Arabic Hermetic texts which take the form of discourses and letters of the philosopher Aristotle to Alexander the Great.  Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

The VICE Guide to Throwing Sex Parties

Good morning, and yes, before we even get started: You can be a sex party person. Mainstream media wants you to believe that you have to be some kind of gifted sexual wizard to throw or attend a play party, but, as Anna Fitzpatrick explains in this VICE guide to sex parties, there are endless […]

The VICE Guide to Blokecore Style

Finally, there’s a -core that keeps score. We have happily gobbled up goblincore, sailed away with Enyacore, and we will always stan a normcore socks-with-sandals combo, but it's the rising UK sports and soccer football fan-inspired blokecore aesthetic that is tempting us to throw down for some vintage FIFA World Cup jawns this fall. If […]

How to Get Started with Prepping: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to Get Started with Prepping: A Step-By-Step Guide Author: Diane Vuković Last Updated: October 13, 2022 [*]Prepping used to be a term that brought up images of paranoid people locked in military-style camps with watchtowers and guns pointing out. But now the general public is finally waking up to the need to prep (it […]

Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities in Childhood Vaccination: A Guide for Parents

Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities in Childhood Vaccination: A Guide for Parents Posted on August 4, 2023 Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash Dr Paul Thomas With summer winding down and schools about to open, parents around the country (USA) have received or will receive letters of exclusion from their child’s school. The letter will state […]

Your Guide to the Grand Chessboard’s Pawns

Today I will tell the story of some of these pawns on the chessboard and how they have been used, abused and discarded by the would-be rulers of the world. The post Your Guide to the Grand Chessboard’s Pawns first appeared on The Corbett Report. Source

A Therapist’s Guide to Preventing Chronic Knee Pain

In this series, “Easy Exercises to Combat Chronic Pain,” occupational therapist Kevin Shelley focuses on common issues associated with chronic pain and simple exercises to strengthen weak muscles and enhance joint mobility, with the goal of helping you become pain-free. Chronic knee pain afflicts millions of people and is the second leading cause of pain in […]

University Creates Language Guide That Erases ‘Man’ And ‘Mother’ From Existence

The University of North Carolina (UNC) has shared an ‘inclusive’ language guide, laying out guidelines for what students and staff are and are not allowed to say. The guide essentially wipes the word ‘man’ out of existence, and discourages the use of the words ‘mother’ and ‘father’. A statement from the university claims “Carolina is […]

A beginner’s guide to biogeometry

A beginner’s guide to biogeometry We deal with a ton of stress in our life. There are the ones people are commonly aware of, such as emotional stress, physical stress, and mental stress. Those types of stress we can control to an extent. We can get a health and wellness coach, balance our chakras, buy […]

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