Posts Tagged ‘language’

National Day of Prayer Task Force Promotes Dominionist Language, Christian Nationalist Speakers

The second Thursday in May is designated as the National Day of Prayer by federal law, which requires the U.S. president to issue a proclamation recognizing the day. While the occasion is officially nonsectarian—President Joe Biden’s 2024 declaration recognizes “Americans of every religion and background”—the National Day of Prayer Task Force, which promotes the day […]

Dark DNA: The Language of God

This segment is from the “Ascension of the Molecular Biological Machines”, aka the “Rise of the Graphene Zombies” about the Bacteriorhodopsin Operating System which electrically excites the “GQD Particle” that is used to transform humans into Biological Computers or Androids capable of remotely processing at exponentially higher speeds than that of modern computers. On April […]

The Language of Force: How the Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power

“If the state could use [criminal] laws not for their intended purposes but to silence those who voice unpopular ideas, little would be left of our First Amendment liberties, and little would separate us from the tyrannies of the past or the malignant fiefdoms of our own age. The freedom to speak without risking arrest is […]

State Dept Tells Staffers To Avoid Using Gendered Language Like Mother Or Father

The State Department reportedly sent a memo to staffers telling them they should avoid using gendered phrases like “mother” or “father” becuase they may cause offense. In a Tuesday press briefing State Department spokesperson Matthew […] The post State Dept Tells Staffers To Avoid Using Gendered Language Like Mother Or Father appeared first on The […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: In The Language Of The Bible

MAGA cultist Shane Vaughn was able to go to Mar-a-Lago and was overwhelmed: “I felt as if I was in the castle of the King of a nation.” Vaughn also reported that he proudly donated to the GoFundMe created to help Trump pay off his massive fines. Jason Rapert is not happy with our coverage […]

Illinois governor denounces language of Biden special counsel report: ‘I smell a rat’

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker (D) scrutinized language in the special counsel’s report, released Thursday, on President Biden’s retention of classified documents — including comments about the president’s age and memory. “I smell a rat,” Pritzker, one of the top surrogates in Biden’s reelection campaign, said during a press conference Friday. “It was extremely unfair for… […]

EU Vows To Ban ‘Gendered Language’ In Everyday Speech

The European Union has called for all “gendered language” to be banned, including completely innocuous sayings such as “Joe Public” as well as words such as “virile” which it claims are too macho and unfairly […] The post EU Vows To Ban ‘Gendered Language’ In Everyday Speech appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Scientists Have Reported a Breakthrough In Understanding Whale Language

Researchers have identified previously unknown elements of whale vocalizations that may be analogous to human speech, a new study reports.  Sperm whales are giants of the deep, with healthy adults having no known predators. Scientists studying their vocalizations have already picked out key elements of their communication, namely clicks, sequences of which are called codas. […]

At COP28, the road to climate action is paved with Big Oil loophole language

Image Credit: (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Powered 100% by reader donations, NationofChange is your ad-free, transparent platform for progressive journalism and activism. Make a difference by donating now. The European Union has clearly laid out its position: Climate neutrality, the Council of the EU  stated last month, will require “a global phase-out of unabated fossil fuels […]

Preferred Pronouns: US Border Agents Told To Use ‘Woke’ Language

Authored by Caden Pearson via The Epoch Times, The Biden administration has instructed U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents not to use “he, him, she, her” pronouns when dealing with the public, according to an internal memo. “We just obtained [CBP] documents directing personnel to only use woke language when encountering individuals invading the […]

GOP pollster: Republicans would be stronger if they used Haley’s language on abortion

Conservative pollster Frank Luntz lauded presidential candidate Nikki Haley for her response to a debate question on abortion policy on Wednesday. Haley, the former U.N. ambassador, said a Republican president shouldn’t attempt to pass an abortion ban but should instead leave it to states. She also said Republicans don’t have near enough votes in Congress… […]

They all use the same odd language

The Congressional breakfast formal invitation to share with your members/Senators; And a list of the evil globalist organizations leading us off the cliff, and a new link for my talk on the globalist pandemic preparedness agenda MERYL NASS NOV 3   The final version of the invitation to the Congressional breakfast (just for members of […]

1993 Prozac Live TV Debate with Dr Vernon Coleman [Strong Language]

VIDEO LINK Dr Coleman helps highlight the info Big Pharma won’t be telling you. You will also hear from folk who took it & how they fared. Doctors don’t tell their patients of the side effect risks … the norm as we’ve seen clearly in very recent years. Also featuring in the vid debate is […]

Sarah Huckabee Signs Law Banning ‘Woke, Anti-Woman’ Language In Arkansas State Documents

Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed an executive order this week that will see ‘woke, anti- woman’ terms such banned from Arkansas State documents and replaced with the proper terms. On Thursday, the Arkansas governor announced that […] The post Sarah Huckabee Signs Law Banning ‘Woke, Anti-Woman’ Language In Arkansas State Documents appeared first on The People's […]

Arkansas Governor Bans ‘Woke, Anti-Woman’ Language In State Documents

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed an executive order Thursday that will see ‘woke, anti- woman’ terms such as ‘birthing person’ banned from State documents and replaced with “accurate, female-affirming alternatives.” Sanders announced that invented terms like “pregnant person,” “human milk,” and “womxn” have no place in official government documents and will be removed. The […]

Rubio: the only language radical regimes understand is ‘strength’

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said he believes people in the West are “incredibly naïve” for thinking agreements can be made with “radical Islamic regimes” in the wake of the deadly Hamas attack. Referencing the Iranian government and the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah, Rubio said they do not value life “the way we do.” “We… […]

Scalar Energy: The Language Of Our DNA

“What modern science defines and describes as a “scalar wave” is not only flawed and incorrect but the question is how can someone give, share or teach information if they have never truly experienced the scalar frequency (waves[1]energy-power) through consciousness? It is only through direct cognition or experiential knowing that one can give, teach or […]

Algeria extends English-language learning as France’s influence ebbs

The Associated Press (AP) reported: “More than a year after Algeria launched a pilot program to teach English in elementary schools, the country is hailing it as a success and expanding it in a move that reflects a widening linguistic shift underway in former French colonies throughout Africa.” “Students1 returning to third and fourth-grade classrooms […]

The Anarchy of Language (2015)

No apostrophes? Misplaced commas? Starting a sentence with a conjunction? Whatever shall we do?! Join James in today’s Thought for the Day as he ponders the miracle of communication, explores the anarchy of language, and celebrates the beauty of spontaneous order. The post The Anarchy of Language (2015) first appeared on The Corbett Report. Source

The Best Synthesizers, According to Nation of Language

Before post-punk group Nation of Language was cutting records and touring the world, performing everywhere from KEXP to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, primary members Ian Devaney and Aidan Noell weren’t really synth people. In Devaney’s case, he’d already found success in rock band The Static Jacks, but was looking for a better way […]

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