Posts Tagged ‘learning’

Were COVID lockdowns and “distance learning” PLANNED to make today’s kids and the next generation of adults DUMB ENOUGH to vote for more communism?

Were COVID lockdowns and “distance learning” PLANNED to make today’s kids and the next generation of adults DUMB ENOUGH to vote for more communism? No, it’s not enough that Americans are force-fed processed, nutrition-void food stuff and fluoridated water to lower their IQ, but we all had to endure COVID lockdowns and “distance-learning,” which should […]

Russian schoolchildren are learning drone technology while U.S. students focus on “gender ideology”

Russian schoolchildren are learning drone technology while U.S. students focus on “gender ideology” Russian students are now getting lessons in combat readiness, according to a senior official, with schoolchildren learning about drone technology for both industrial and military applications. According to Russian Senator Artem Sheikin, some of the topics that will be covered in schools […]

Learning solidarity through my first war in Gaza

I have never waited for proof of life before. But now I wake every morning waiting to find out if your mother in Gaza has survived the night. She is hiding from bombs made here and funded by my government. My care for you has become a political act.  Source

Mike Stone – Learning to Love War

“Are you proud and willing to “stand with Israel,” while the United States goes right down the toilet? “I can have you not only calling for war against your fellow human beings but hating and foaming at the mouth at anyone who opposes such senseless slaughter. by Mike Stone ( Step right up, folks! I’ve […]

Algeria extends English-language learning as France’s influence ebbs

The Associated Press (AP) reported: “More than a year after Algeria launched a pilot program to teach English in elementary schools, the country is hailing it as a success and expanding it in a move that reflects a widening linguistic shift underway in former French colonies throughout Africa.” “Students1 returning to third and fourth-grade classrooms […]

Researchers express SHOCK after learning that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID “vaccine” contains DNA contamination

(NaturalNews) In a recent testimony before a South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee, cancer genomics expert and University of South Carolina… Source

The COVID Crisis Response Has Driven a Global Increase in ‘Learning Poverty’

International Literacy Day, celebrated on September 8 each year, is a global observance dedicated to promoting the significance of literacy as a human right and a powerful driver of sustainable development. Literacy is a key ingredient of personal development and social progress because it empowers people to access education and information, enabling them to make […]

Florida approves ‘Classic Learning Test’ for college admissions 

Florida’s public university system on Friday voted to approve the Classic Learning Test (CLT), a college entrance exam, making it the first state to accept an alternative to the SAT. Backed by Christian schools and conservative political groups, the CLT was first introduced in December 2015 and is currently accepted by over 250 American colleges… […]

Money, markets and machine learning: Unpacking the risks of adversarial AI

The consequences of ignoring the problem of adversarial attacks in algorithmic trading are potentially catastrophic. Source

EU’s top diplomat slammed after saying women ‘are learning to play football as well as men’

Josep Borrell adds fuel to the debate on machismo following the controversy sparked by the Spanish Football Federation president’s ‘unacceptable’ kiss to World Cup star Jenni Hermoso. Source

Study shows that glyphosate impairs learning in bumblebees: a wake-up call for insect conservation

Study shows that glyphosate impairs learning in bumblebees: a wake-up call for insect conservation As the world grapples with the alarming decline of insect populations, scientists are delving deeper into the potential contributions of agrochemicals to this crisis. Beyond merely assessing mortality rates, researchers are now scrutinizing the non-lethal effects of these chemicals on insect […]

Columbia University to open learning center in Israel amid faculty backlash

Columbia University’s plans to open a learning center in Israel is being criticized by faculty members. Source

Oregon Student Test Scores Plummet After Pandemic Learning Loss

After two years of disruption caused by the pandemic, student test scores fell by nearly 10 percent in math, English, and science, according to data released on Sept. 22 by the Oregon Department of Education. The first large-scale assessment of Oregon students since 2019 shows that as few as one-third of students statewide are reaching […]

Daredevil Thanks God He’s Blind After Learning She-Hulk Twerked With Megan Thee Stallion

NEW YORK, NY — According to sources, Hell’s Kitchen superhero Daredevil was overheard thanking God for making him go blind and saving him the horror of watching She-Hulk twerk with rap artist Megan Thee Stallion. “I have no problem facing a dozen ninjas from The Hand on my own or even battling the diabolical schemes […]

Teachers’ Union Shuts Down Seattle Schools amid Worst Learning Loss in 30 Years

The Seattle Education Association shut down public schools for the first day of classes just one week after the U.S. Department of Education announced the worst learning loss seen in the United States in 30 years.

Pandemic Protocols, School Closures Caused Largest Learning Loss in 30 Years

The U.S. Department of Education and establishment media outlets have admitted to severe learning loss among students due to draconian and unnecessary coronavirus pandemic protocols that saw school closures, masking, and “virtual learning.”

Learning Greek Made Simple with Online Tutor

Learning Greek online has become a popular method to understand and speak the language for tens of thousands of people throughout the world. Online teaching suits people of Greek heritage that want to connect with their loved ones in Greece and Cyprus or foreigners who want to travel and learn about the Greek culture and […]

King Tut Stepped on his Enemies: Learning from Tutankhamun’s Sandals

While Sex and the City’s Carrie Bradshaw has entered popular imagination for her stunning array of shoes and fashion savvy, few know that the young King Tut also enjoyed a vast collection footwear. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later 

Millions Become Pro-Life After Learning They Won’t Have To Listen to Pink Anymore

U.S. — Singer-songwriter Pink took to Twitter following the landmark Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, telling all pro-life fans to stop listening to her music. Millions have since joined the pro-life cause to avoid what they call “Pink’s terrible music.” Source

Alexa Upgrade Lets Dead Family Speak to You by “Learning Voice in a Minute”

The goal, said Amazon’s senior vice president, Rohit Prasad, is to ‘make the memories last’ after ‘so many of us have lost someone we love’ during the pandemic.

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