Posts Tagged ‘blind’

Blind and deaf: how Israel lost the north

JUN 9, 2024 Source Israel is under fire and on fire every day now. The Lebanese resistance has methodically eye-poked Israel’s intelligence outposts and is destroying them every day, on camera. Indrajit Samarajiva It’s fascinatingly boring how Hezbollah has decimated Israel’s “eyes and ears.” For months, the Lebanese resistance’s videos have been methodically mundane, blowing […]

In Health Care, We Are Flying Blind 

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In the movie Paddington, a bear moves in with a London family. The father of the house is an insurance actuary. As the bear is bathing, he places a panicked call to his home insurer to add a provision in his policy for the presence of a bear.  The movie […]

The Blind Brute Blunders Forth

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In the Jewish Quarter of Prague, the capital of Czechia, there is a strange-looking, if not bewildering statue. It is the tall figure of a headless, faceless, handless creature – with what looks like a massive, gaping hole where the head or face should be – and on its shoulders […]

None So Blind: New York Wants Children Masked at Schools Again

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL It’s November 2023 and masks are officially back. It’s been increasingly likely over the past few months, but the largest and most significant return of mask mandates is here. Not just at a college, a White House event, or at a specific company. But a mask mandate that impacts members […]

Black Lives Don’t Matter To Israel And The West Turns A Blind Eye

In what has been almost completely ignored in Western corporate media, and by the US government, following a confrontation in Tel Aviv between Eritrean immigrant protesters and the police, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has openly called for the expulsion of African refugees. Despite a long history of racist abuse against black people and refugees […]

Is the CDC totally blind to all the adverse events from the COVID vaccines?

Is the CDC totally blind to all the adverse events from the COVID vaccines? It appears so. Here’s a small sample of some of the huge safety signals that the CDC is deliberately ignoring. Steve Kirsch Jul 18, 2023 It’s almost as if the CDC doesn’t want to know about the safety signals from the […]

IN-DEPTH: Why Are Police in Some Cities Turning a Blind Eye to Magic Mushroom Shops Operating Against the Law?

As shops selling magic mushrooms continue to illegally open and operate in cities across Canada, experts say some police forces are reluctant to intervene in an environment where drug policy seems to be going in the direction of decriminalization and legalization. “It’s really a perilous situation for a police officer to take action until the […]

Four bankers on trial amid allegations European banks turned blind eye to Putin’s money

Four Gazprombank Switzerland employees appeared in court for agreeing to manage the assets of Russian cellist and Putin’s friend Sergei Roldugin. Source

This Hacker Hoodie Uses Surveillance Camera Parts to Blind Surveillance Cameras

An engineer and privacy advocate has taken a critical part used in many surveillance cameras and used it to blind them.  Mac Pierce’s “Camera Shy Hoodie” is a DIY anti-surveillance hoodie with 12 high-powered infrared LEDs sewn near the hood. Using a switch sewn into the sleeve, the wearer can make the LEDs strobe, flooding […]

Jesus Decimates Enrollment At Galilee’s School For The Blind

CAPERNAUM — Town officials are concerned after receiving multiple complaints from faculty at Galilee’s School for the Blind this week after Jesus of Nazareth apparently went on a healing spree and decimated the school’s enrollment. Source

Artist, Taima Salama, devoted herself to helping the blind in Gaza

Taima says, I used my background in fine arts and my ability to do this type of work in order to provide good content to blind students in their school affiliated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza. Taima told MEMO that modelling the pictures in the stories allows […]

Pool of Siloam Where Jesus Healed a Blind Man To Be Fully Excavated

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has announced that the 2,700-year-old Pool of Siloam, which is believed to have been used as a ritual bath by the ancient residents of Jerusalem, will be fully excavated over the coming months.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Asia Read Later  Source

It Turned a ‘Blind Eye’: Government Sues Big Bank for Concealing Jeffrey Epstein’s Child Sex Crimes

It Turned a ‘Blind Eye’: Government Sues Big Bank for Concealing Jeffrey Epstein’s Child Sex Crimes by Becker News December 29, 2022 [*] The U.S. Virgin Islands’ attorney general is filing a lawsuit against J.P. Morgan Chase for allegedly facilitating notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking to high-powered clients. The lawsuit, filed by the […]

FDA “turned a blind eye” to “submission of fraudulent data” on covid injections, investigator reveals

(Natural News) Documents released as part of a whistleblower complaint against Pfizer reveal that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “turned a blind eye” to the “fraudulent data” that Pfizer submitted alongside its messenger RNA (mRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine.” An agent within the FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigation (OCI) admitted in an email… […]

FDA ‘Turned a Blind Eye’ to ‘Submission of Fraudulent Data’ on COVID Vaccine, Says Former Criminal Investigator

On Nov. 2, 2021, The BMJ broke the story of Brook Jackson, the regional director who blew the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s pivotal COVID-19 vaccine trial. Weeks later, documents were leaked supporting Jackson’s complaint about “falsified data.” Source

Are we still expected to put blind trust in health authorities?

ByJenny Brown December 1, 2022 SO many of us watching the Parliamentary Vaccine Safety Petition Debate on October 24, 2022 were left exasperated and deeply contemplating exactly what it will take to penetrate the corridors of power with valid representations of reality. During the debate, incredibly well researched critical thinking and common sense was championed by courageous MPs […]

Blind Taste Test Finds Most People Can’t Tell Difference Between Candy Corn And Orange Crayon We Found In A Junk Drawer

U.S. — A fascinating new study has revealed that the vast majority of people, when presented with a blind taste test, can’t tell the difference between candy corn and a dusty, old orange crayon we found in a junk drawer. Source

‘Blind Engagement’ With China Must End, Says Pompeo During Taiwan Visit

The United States should bolster ties with democratic Taiwan and pursue “strategic decoupling” with China’s communist regime after decades of “naive engagement,” according to former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “China’s aggressive conduct, diplomatically, militarily, economically … have changed this region. And it brought those who prefer peace and commerce even more closely together,” […]

Daredevil Thanks God He’s Blind After Learning She-Hulk Twerked With Megan Thee Stallion

NEW YORK, NY — According to sources, Hell’s Kitchen superhero Daredevil was overheard thanking God for making him go blind and saving him the horror of watching She-Hulk twerk with rap artist Megan Thee Stallion. “I have no problem facing a dozen ninjas from The Hand on my own or even battling the diabolical schemes […]

How did Biden Decide to Rob Europeans Blind?

Forced by Kiev’s neo-Nazis and their mass murder of Donbas residents, Moscow’s special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine has been going on for a month. Many people in the world hope that this absolutely avoidable conflict will end soon. However, the US and NATO, which initiated this confrontation between the Slavic nations in order […]

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