Posts Tagged ‘decide’

How Congress would decide the presidency if there’s an Electoral College tie

A tie in the Electoral College in November is a very real possibility — and it could even end with a new President Trump and a new Vice President Harris sharing power. The odds are unprecedented in modern history, but the setup of the country’s electoral system and the fact that a nail-biter election is… […]

An urgent plea to leftists in the 6 battleground states likely to decide the election

n 2024, leftist voters — particularly those in the six battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — have a lot more influence and power than they may realize. Influence and power are things the left has typically not had a lot of in a country as conservative as the United States. […]

TOTAL ANNIHILATION: U.S. president only has 6 minutes to decide whether to unleash Armageddon

TOTAL ANNIHILATION: U.S. president only has 6 minutes to decide whether to unleash Armageddon An expert has issued a chilling warning about the looming specter of nuclear war, asserting that regardless of its origin, the catastrophic outcome remains the same: total annihilation. Annie Jacobsen, renowned for her insightful books on America’s military, including explorations of […]

The foreign policy issue that could decide the U.S. presidential election

Leading Democrats and Republicans are scrambling to look “tough” on immigration. Source

The Fluoride Lawsuit Comes to an End: Federal Judge to Decide the Future of Water Fluoridation

The fluoride lawsuit has come to an end and now a federal judge will decide the future of water fluoridation in the United States. On Tuesday, Michael Connett, lead attorney representing the Fluoride Action Network and plaintiffs, made his final attempt to convince U.S. district judge Edward Chen that the 80-year-old practice of water fluoridation […]

Slavery or Freedom — You Decide 

Feb 14 2024 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, […]

WEF Calls for Democratic Elections To Be Banned: “The Elite Can Decide Who Runs the World”

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has declared that it’s time to ban elections worldwide and allow the elite to decide to runs the world. “We can create a system where we don’t even need […] The post WEF Calls for Democratic Elections To Be Banned: “The Elite Can Decide Who Runs the World” appeared […]

Clarence Thomas cannot be allowed to decide if Trump is above the law

Trust is the currency our justice system trades in, and Thomas already has very little in the bank. Source

Netanyahu, Israel cenbank chief to decide on 2nd governor term in October

Bank of Israel Governor Amir Yaron met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday and discussed whether Yaron would consider a second term, the central bank said, with both sides agreeing to decide after the Jewish high holidays next month, reports Reuters. Yaron, whose five-year term ends in December, also urged the prime minister to […]

Will Senator Robert Menendez decide the fate of Sweden’s NATO membership?

For more than a year now, since the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, the question of admitting two North European countries, Finland and Sweden, to NATO has been on the table. As you know, Helsinki and Stockholm chose to abandon their neutral status and apply for NATO membership in March 2022. It […]

NC Supreme Court Rules Courts Cannot Decide on Gerrymandering Claims, Reverses Anti-Voter ID Ruling

The North Carolina Supreme Court on Friday ruled that there is no legal mechanism to judge claims of “partisan gerrymandering,” giving the Republican-controlled state legislatures the ultimate authority to draw congressional maps without court intervention. Source

Video: White House Press Sec. Says “It’s Not For Us to Decide” If Killing Christian Children Constitutes A ‘Hate Crime’

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to comment Wednesday when asked if the school shooting in Nashville by a trans individual should be classified as a ‘hate crime’. Source

The Future of Food (Is Ours to Decide)

For those looking to avoid the creepy culinary concoctions of the Great Food Resetters, we are left with the question: what do we do about this agenda? Answering that question is our task for today. The post The Future of Food (Is Ours to Decide) first appeared on The Corbett Report. Source

*** New Congress Livewire *** Republicans Take Over House, Speakership Election to Decide Who Will Lead Chamber

Republicans formally retake control of the lower chamber of Congress on Tuesday, as their new majority in the U.S. House of Representatives won in the November 2022 midterm elections is sworn in. Source

The Kremlin says it is up to Zelenskyy to decide when Ukraine war ends

The Kremlin said Thursday it’s up to Ukraine’s president to end the military conflict in the country, suggesting terms that Kyiv has repeatedly rejected, while Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed to press on with the fighting despite Western criticism. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “(Ukrainian President Volodymyr) Zelenskyy knows when it may end. It may […]

We are fully prepared if enemies decide to escalate, Al-Houthi warns

7 Dec 2022 Source: Al Mayadeen Net By Al Mayadeen English  Ansar Allah leader highlights the developments in Yemen and touches on a number of regional files, spearheaded by Iran and Palestine, in addition to the relationship with Hezbollah. Ansar Allah leader Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi  The leader of the Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, confirmed that […]

Judge to Decide Whether to Dismiss Pfizer Clinical Trials Whistleblower Case Charging “Failure to Report Participant Deaths” and “Fabrication” of Data, or Move to Discovery

Above image: COVID Vaccine-Injured Rally, Los Angeles, June 2022 Independent journalist Kyle Becker, formerly a producer and writer at Fox News and former Chief Editor of Bizpac Review, reports that what so far may be the single best chance for the public to uncover clinical trials fraud in the development of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine is […]

ACH (1937) Dr. Patrick Slattery And Mark Dankof – Boomercalifragilisticexpialidocious #9 – Did 15,000 Ukrainians Decide To Have A Mass Orgy If Russia Deploys Nuclear Weapons?

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1937) Dr. Patrick Slattery And Mark Dankof – Boomercalifragilisticexpialidocious #9 – Did 15,000 Ukrainians Decide To Have A Mass Orgy If Russia Deploys Nuclear Weapons? Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on October 12 2022, Andy […]

WEF’s AI to Decide What Industries to Liquidate to “Stop Economic Growth”

Enjoy Your Universal Income, Stop Working, and Shut Up by Igor Chudov A brand new video from the World Economic Forum’s agenda article! The agenda is to stop the growth and decide what industries to shut down.  Some very juicy quotes from the video (with timestamps) 4.23: Some economists think the solution is to reengineer our […]

NATIONWIDE IMPLICATIONS: Kansas voters will decide on August 2 whether to limit late-term abortions and finally regulate its baby killing industry

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) It is illegal to buy, sell, grow, or even possess healing cannabis in Kansas, and nutritious raw milk is prohibited from being sold at grocery stores anywhere in the state. But a woman could soon be allowed to murder her unborn baby at any time for any reason since Kansas’ abortion industry […]

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