Posts Tagged ‘whether’

Sen. Cruz Urges DOJ, FBI To Investigate Whether Foreign Adversaries Are Behind Gaza War Protests In US

Sen. Cruz Urges DOJ, FBI To Investigate Whether Foreign Adversaries Are Behind Gaza War Protests In US Authored by Ryan Morgan via The Epoch Times, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has called for U.S. federal authorities to investigate whether foreign actors are promoting contentions within the United States, including recent protests over the war in Gaza […]

Jeffries: Biden not weighing in on whether Democrats should save Johnson

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said Friday that the White House is not advising Democratic leaders on the question of whether to save Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) from a conservative coup — if one ever emerges. A number of Democrats are already on record saying they’d help keep Johnson in power if his hardline… […]

TOTAL ANNIHILATION: U.S. president only has 6 minutes to decide whether to unleash Armageddon

TOTAL ANNIHILATION: U.S. president only has 6 minutes to decide whether to unleash Armageddon An expert has issued a chilling warning about the looming specter of nuclear war, asserting that regardless of its origin, the catastrophic outcome remains the same: total annihilation. Annie Jacobsen, renowned for her insightful books on America’s military, including explorations of […]

How mindsets drive commentary—whether reform, revolution, reaction or resistance to change

Image Credit: Brandon Bell/Getty Images Online or not, how you express yourself links to what you say, thus style reflects telling assumptions The idea that style expresses self-hood comes with proverbial baggage, codified in the Renaissance by Erasmus (“clothes make the man”) and Shakespeare’s Polonius (Hamlet), “apparel oft proclaims the man.” Tom Wolfe, with homage to Mark Twain, provided his […]

Dr. Joseph Ladapo Answers Whether COVID Vaccines Can Change Human DNA

The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccines” forced on humanity were not the same ones used in Pfizer’s clinical trials. There was a “bait-and-switch.” The public received vials contaminated with plasmid DNA. Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo says there is “zero question” that the mRNA shots could change people’s DNA. Moreover, he said, “I think it’s probably […]

Latin America On Edge As Venezuela’s Maduro Holds Referendum Whether To Invade Oil-Rich Neighbor Guyana

In a move that has prompted many to wonder which is the bigger banana republic, Venezuela or the US, Joe Biden’s new BFF, Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro (who has promised to export a few barrels of oil to the US president – now that draining the SPR is no longer an option – to keep […]

Report: House GOP To Investigate Whether Hamas’ Weapons Came from Ukraine, Afghanistan

House Republicans are to launch a congressional investiation into whether US weapons, sent to Ukraine and left behind in Afghanistan, found their way into the hands of Hamas, according to US independent media reports. The […] The post Report: House GOP To Investigate Whether Hamas’ Weapons Came from Ukraine, Afghanistan appeared first on The People's […]

WH Press Secretary Refuses To Confirm Whether Biden Told The Truth About Ukraine ‘Deal’

On Monday the White House Press Secretary refused to confirm whether Joe Biden’s statement about making a deal with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy regarding aid for Ukraine was true or not. When a CBS News reporter asked […] The post WH Press Secretary Refuses To Confirm Whether Biden Told The Truth About Ukraine ‘Deal’ appeared first on […]

Video: Press Secretary Refuses To Confirm Whether Biden Was Telling Truth About Ukraine ‘Deal’

In a remarkable exchange Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to confirm whether Joe Biden’s statement about making a deal with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy regarding aid for Ukraine was true or not. On Saturday, Biden signed a short-term government funding bill into law, but complained about a lack of funding for Ukraine, asking Republicans […]

Imagine a vaccine “so safe” you have to be THREATENED to take it, and for a disease “so deadly” you have to be TESTED to know whether you have it

(NaturalNews) Imagine if everyone who died in the past four years from cancer, heart attacks, strokes, dementia, diabetes, murder, vehicle accidents and suicide… Source

Hate against Muslims in India, whether on the streets or in Parliament, is the same

Hate is the chief ingredient of everyday discourse on the streets and the country’s socio-political system to allow the Hindutva forces to continue to control the harvest. In a historic moment, the new Parliament held its first session, debating the success of India’s moon mission, when a senior lawmaker from the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) […]

Verdict expected soon on whether posting Bible verse online is a CRIME!

READ HERE:   Source

Whether Russia needs a “peace treaty” with Japan

In June of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law according to which the victory over militaristic Japan will be commemorated in Russia on September 3. The State Duma passed the law, the Federation Council approved it. The newspapers of the Land of the Rising Sun wrote lengthy stories in which the alleged […]

Whether You Live in a Small Town or a Big City, the Government Is Still Out to Get You

While we may claim to value freedom, privacy, individuality, equality, diversity, accountability, and government transparency, our actions and those of our government rulers contradict these much-vaunted principles at every turn. Source

Worldcoin CEO Admits “Global ID Will Be Rolled Out – Whether You Like It or Not”

Worldcoin CEO Sam Altman has admitted that the global elite will soon rollout a mandatory global ID for all citizens – whether they like it or not. According to Altman, everyone who wants to use […] The post Worldcoin CEO Admits “Global ID Will Be Rolled Out – Whether You Like It or Not” appeared […]

CEO of Worldcoin Says “Something Like World ID Will Eventually Exist…Whether You Like It Or Not”

Right now, it’s about those who voluntarily surrender their biometric data and receive “small sums” in Worldcoin in return for signing up to the World ID scheme. But if Open AI CEO Sam Altman has anything to say about how Worldcoin, a project within his company, develops – everyone who wants to use the internet will eventually […]

State Dept dodges question on whether Palestinians have right to defend themselves, says situation ‘not comparable’ with Ukraine

On Monday U.S. State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller dodged a question on whether Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against Israeli aggression and told reporters that the situation cannot be compared to what’s happening in Ukraine. The comments came in response to a question from Al Quds‘ Said Arikat that was asked shortly after Miller […]

What does Sweden have to do with whether or not Turkey will be accepted to the EU?

Political statements made before and after elections frequently diverge drastically. To a casual observer, it may appear that we are not discussing the same country. This is not even a matter of internal politics, where candidates lavishly spread slogans like “power to the people,” “only the people are masters of the state’s fate,” “corruption is […]

Trump tells NRA summit he’d investigate whether hormone treatments lead to violence

Trump tells NRA summit he’d investigate whether hormone treatments lead to violence lead image Source

Pence on whether Trump should bow out if indicted: It’s up to him

The pass from Pence comes as he ramps up criticism of his former boss on other matters. And it suggests that Trump’s major competitors in the 2024 GOP presidential primary will try to steer clear of his mounting legal problems. But Pence kept up the harsher criticism of Trump’s actions on Jan. 6, 2021, that […]

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