Posts Tagged ‘dodges’

Paul Pelosi Jr. Dodges Federal Charges for Seventh Time

Two fraudsters linked to Nancy Pelosi’s son are set to be sentenced over a money laundering and mail fraud scheme, can reveal. It is the seventh federal case that Paul Pelosi Jr., the 55-year-old son of the former House Speaker, has been embroiled in, documented in an extensive investigation by The charges leveled […]

State Dept dodges question on whether Palestinians have right to defend themselves, says situation ‘not comparable’ with Ukraine

On Monday U.S. State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller dodged a question on whether Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against Israeli aggression and told reporters that the situation cannot be compared to what’s happening in Ukraine. The comments came in response to a question from Al Quds‘ Said Arikat that was asked shortly after Miller […]

Iran football manager dodges question on protests

Iran's football manager, Carlos Queiroz, dodged a question from a reporter over ongoing protests in the country, saying he only wanted to talk about the game, Anadolu News Agency reports. At a press conference on Thursday, ahead of Iran's game against Wales, Queiroz told a BBC reporter: "Why don't you ask such questions to (England's […]

Mark Meadows dodges reporters asking about January 6 hearings

Mark Meadows dodges reporters asking about January 6 hearings lead image Source

Canadian Woman Who Fell Asleep On Train Tracks Dodges Serious Injuries

The woman could’ve died if the train kept going down the tracks from where it stopped, an official said. Source

Adams Dodges on Going Maskless While Kids Have to Mask: ‘I’m Focused on’ Subway Attack

During an interview on Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom” that took place before the capture of the suspect in the New York subway attack, New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) dodged why some children in

Psaki Dodges When Asked if Biden Should Still Be President After Presiding Over More Coronavirus Deaths than Trump

White House press secretary Jen Psaki dodged a question on Wednesday about whether or not it is acceptable for a president to stay in office after overseeing a copious amount of U.S. deaths from the Chinese coronavirus. As Breitbart News reported last week, the U.S. death toll from the Chinese coronavirus under Biden’s administration will […]

Target Dodges Looting By Hanging JCPenney Sign

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—In a genius move to deter looters, a local Target store has disguised itself as a JCPenney.  “We got tired of getting completely ransacked every time something happened in the news, so we decided to do something about it,” said Store Manager Andy Boreschnoz. “To our knowledge, no one has ever shown interest […]

DHS Sec Alejandro Mayorkas Dodges, Ducks Questions on Rising Migrant Wave

President Joe Biden’s border security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, is ducking and dodging questions about his responsibility for spiking the migrant flow into the United States. “Hasn’t this administration created a magnet?” asked Fox News host Chris Wallace. “Haven’t you given them a reason to believe there’s a reasonable chance if they come into this country, […]

Watch: Democrat Ron Kind Dodges Questions on Seedy Massage Parlor

In a video taken outside a local Washington, DC, restaurant, scandal-ridden Wisconsin Democrat Rep. Ron Kind avoided questions about the seedy massage parlor that rents from one of his properties. The establishment has been accused of advertising on websites known for soliciting sex. In the video, tweeted out by National Republican Congressional Committee Deputy Communications Director […]

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Dodges Question About Potential Re-Election Run

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) on Tuesday ducked a question regarding whether he will run for governor for a fourth term as he faces dueling scandals and calls to resign from top New York Democrat leaders. “Today is not a day for politics,” Cuomo replied when asked during a press conference about another possible gubernatorial bid. […]

WH Dodges on Whether Janet Yellen Should Recuse Herself from GameStop-Robinhood Controversy

The White House dodged a question Thursday about whether Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen should recuse herself on issues surrounding the investing app Robinhood. “I don’t think that I have anything more for you on it, other than to say, separate from the GameStop issue, the secretary of Treasury is one of the world-renowned experts on […]

Donald Trump Dodges Permanent Twitter Ban by Using Government Account: ‘We Will Not Be SILENCED!’

President Donald Trump dodged his account’s permanent ban on Twitter Friday, sending a message to his supporters using a government account reserved for the president of the United States. “As I have been saying for a long time, Twitter has gone further and further in banning free speech, and tonight, Twitter employees have coordinated with […]

Democrat Raphael Warnock Dodges Questions About Domestic Dispute Accusation

Georgia Senate Democrat candidate Raphael Warnock dodged questions this week about an alleged domestic dispute with his ex-wife in March. Video footage emerged recently in which Warnock’s ex-wife claimed the Georgia Democrat ran over her foot during a verbal argument. After the video surfaced, Warnock dodged questions from a local CBS station regarding the accusation from […]

Ossoff thanks Sanders for endorsement, but dodges on if Sanders should be in Biden’s Cabinet

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Biden Campaign Manager Dodges Question About Biden Using Teleprompter During Interview

Joe Biden’s campaign manager refused to directly address whether Biden used a teleprompter during a recent interview. When asked during a POLITICO interview whether Biden had read from a teleprompter during his recent interview with James Corden, Biden campaign manager Jennifer O’Malley Dillon dodged the question, claiming Biden routinely uses a teleprompter during some events. […]

General Lee, Dodges Charging and Charlottesville

Christopher Jon Bjerknes I think there was obvious symbolism in the motor vehicle attack in Charlottesville that is being missed. Fields charged the crowd with a Dodge Challenger, which was probably as close as he could come to a Dodge Charger, as in the Dukes of Hazzard General Lee Dodge Charger: I always liked Hemi […]

Department of Defense Dodges Records Request Over Role In Bin Laden Book

WASHINGTON  — The Defense Department does not have to produce records related to its handling of classified material allegedly disclosed in a bestseller about the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Tuesday’s ruling stem from a Freedom of Information Act dispute between the department and the James Madison Project, a Washington-based government watchdog. It arises from the publication […]

NYPD Cop Who Punched Bronx Woman 20 Times While In His Underwear Dodges Jail

An NYPD cop who broke into a woman’s Bronx home and beat her up in his underwear, will not serve any time for the bizarre attack. Decorated Officer Eugene Donnelly was sentenced to three years’ probation for misdemeanor assault in Bronx Criminal Court Thursday. He must also undergo alcohol […]

NATO Rotational Forces in Europe ‘Intended to Create Effect of Permanence’

What we want to do is rotate armored brigades into Europe on a routine basis, heel to toe, to increase ground capabilities,” Milley stated. Asked if the troop rotations would be so close that they would be virtually permanent, Milley stated, “That is the idea.” Russia has repeatedly warned that NATO’s attempts to expand on its borders, as well […]

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