Posts Tagged ‘shield’

Ukraine Bombs Crimea Using Human Shield Narrative & Netanyahu Admits To “Mowing The Grass” In Rafah

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/24/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Censorship Goes into Overdrive: “European Democracy Shield” Removes Online Content

EU Commission chief proposes a “new structure” dubbed the “European Democracy Shield” to detect and remove online content from alleged “enemies of democracies.” ### ‘WEIMAR TRIANGLE’ CALLS FOR CENTRALIZED ANTI-DISINFORMATION MEASURESGovernments in the three states—all facing strong conservative opposition parties—want to give Brussels more power to police media content. by Tamás Orbán The so-called Weimar Triangle—an […]

What it’s like to be used as a human shield by the Israeli army

Israeli soldiers rounded up Ahmad Safi and his male family members in Khan Younis and made them stand atop a sand dune for 12 hours as the soldiers took cover behind them during a firefight with Palestinian resistance fighters. This is their story. Source

Biden Will Shield Transgender Athletes Behind Title IX Pronoun Rules

The Biden administration’rewrite of Title IX requirments is hiding rule changes that could put an end to single-sex K-12 sports as soon as August 2024. Any mention of transgender athletes was notably absent in the […] The post Biden Will Shield Transgender Athletes Behind Title IX Pronoun Rules appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

From the ‘Battle of Dignity’ to the shield of shame: How Jordan has fallen

APR 16, 2024 Source Amman’s collaboration with Tel Aviv peaked last Saturday with its shocking defense of Israeli territory from Iranian drones and missiles, a move that may prove fateful for the future of the Hashemite Kingdom. (Photo Credit: The Cradle) Khalil Harb The most dangerous development during Iran’s massive 13 April retaliatory strike against Israel last weekend […]

How the “Fight Against Antisemitism” Became a Shield for Israel’s Genocide

MARCH 7, 2024 Source Jonathan Cook Western capitals no longer treat Israel like a state, a political actor capable of slaughtering children, but rather as a sacred cause. So any opposition has to be a blasphemy If you read the establishment media, you might conclude that a serious battle is being waged by Israel and […]

Like A Red Shield Dragon Falling From The Sky In Flames

‘Like A Red Shield Dragon Falling From The Sky In Flames’ Like a Red Shield dragon falling from the shy in flames- Israhell will light the night sky with her burning shame- Exposed as FAKE Hebrews, Liars, Fakes Frauds, bunch of pedophile- Slaughtering the Indigenous Semitic Palestinians in their own domiciles- A demon god’s promise […]

Ford Motor Co. Sues Blue Cross Blue Shield in Antitrust Case Over ‘Astronomical’ Profit

Ford Motor Co. is suing Blue Cross Blue Shield Association in U.S. court, accusing it of a price-fixing conspiracy that caused the automaker to pay inflated costs for health insurance products for its employees. The lawsuit Ford filed in Detroit federal court on May 31 accused the insurer and its regional Michigan branch of unlawfully […]

“Caught Red-Handed”: Blue Cross Blue Shield Backtracks On Racist Grant Program, Opens Up To White People

Earlier this week, the leader of a medical watchdog organization called out Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of North Carolina over a racist grant program which only applied to organizations run by non-whites. Source

Ben-Gvir calls for ‘Operation Defensive Shield 2’ following Jerusalem operation

After a car-ramming operation in Jerusalem, Itamar Ben-Gvir is calling for the re-invasion of the West Bank, while Israel’s usual policy of collective punishment and retribution continues. Source

Germany in Talks for $18 Billion National Missile Defense Shield After Poking the Bear

Now finding itself a leading European decision-maker when it comes to provocative actions such as NATO allies sending main battle tanks for Ukraine, Germany is all too aware it is poking the Russian bear. And now as part of a drastic ramping up in defense spending, a complete about-face compared to just one year ago, […]

U.S. Moves To Shield Saudi Crown Prince In Jamal Khashoggi’s Killing

The Biden administration says Saudi Arabia’s crown prince should be shielded from lawsuits over his role in the killing of a U.S.-based journalist. Source

No, Pfizer can’t use the government as a shield from liability for making false claims about covid vaccine, lawyers argue

(Natural News) Attorneys involved in a whistleblower lawsuit against Pfizer say that the drug giant cannot use the government as a cover for making false claims about its Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine.” In response to a motion by Pfizer to dismiss the False Claims Act lawsuit, lawyers representing Brook Jackson, who worked as a regional […]

On Completion of the Ulchi Freedom Shield Exercises

On September 1, the ROK-US joint military exercises Ulchi Freedom Shield, about the preparation of which we wrote not long ago, came to an end. The exercises, based on the concept of total war, included three key elements: a computer simulation of the command post, a civil defense exercise and field training. More than a […]

EXCLUSIVE: Police Initially Lacked Ballistic Shield Needed to Reach Barricaded Texas School Shooter

Multiple law enforcement sources revealed to Breitbart Texas that part of the delay in stopping the barricaded elementary school shooter hinged on a deadly mix of the shooter’s defensive tactics and the lack of needed gear. Specifically, officers lacked the ballistic shield needed to enter the classroom with the barricaded shooter. Attempting to breach the […]

Israeli forces kill Palestinian teen days after using girl as human shield in Jenin

Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian teenager during a raid on the northern occupied West Bank city of Jenin over the weekend, just days after they used a Palestinian girl as a human shield in the city.  Source

Remembering Operation Defensive Shield in Jenin, 20 years later

In late March 2002 as the Second Intifada raged on, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched Operation Defensive Shield against cities and towns in the occupied West Bank.  Defensive Shield was the biggest military operation in the territory since 1967 with Israeli military forces invading Ramallah, Tulkarem, Qalqilya, Nablus, Bethlehem, and Jenin. The operation was […]

Russia activates defences to shield $1.5 trillion economy

The central bank more than doubled its key interest rate to 20%, the highest in almost two decades, and imposed some controls on the flow of capital. It was part of a barrage of announcements that eventually restored some calm after a rout that pushed some Russian Eurobonds into distressed territory last week. “The Bank […]

CNN Brings Back Chris Cuomo To Host New Show ‘To Shield A Predator’

ATLANTA, GA—CNN has announced that they will bring back Chris Cuomo to host a new addition to their evening lineup of shows, titled To Shield a Predator. “After news broke about Chris Cuomo using his sources to protect his predator brother Andrew, we thought we’d have to fire him and lose literally dozens of viewers,” […]

The Chivalric Order of the Dragon, the Medieval Shield of Christendom

Medieval chivalric orders are the fabled and idealized stuff of legend. Upstanding knights, standing in defense of their faith and of the innocents, with their sophisticated manners and shining suits of armor. For a medieval peasant boy, these chivalrous men were likely the object of utmost admiration. But were they so perfect in reality? The […]

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