Posts Tagged ‘defensive’

Mission accomplished as Iran depletes Israel’s air defense munitions… defensive action “likely cost over $1 billion”

(NaturalNews) Iran has completed its retaliatory attack on Israel after the Zionist state bombed the Iranian consulate in Damascus. It cost Iran very little to do… Source

EU to expedite plans for a common defensive union ahead of possible Trump victory in 2024

(NaturalNews) European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen encouraged a fully-fledged European defense industry strategy during her fifth State of the… Source

Defensive City Gate Unearthed in Israel Dating Back 5,500 Years

An ancient monumental city gate, at least 5,500 years old, has been discovered at Tel Erani in southern Israel, making it Israel’s oldest gate by centuries! Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Killer Jabbed Ex-NFL defensive end Chris Smith dead at 31

Former NFL defensive end Chris Smith died Monday at the age of 31, his high school said in a tweet posted Monday night. Smith’s agent, Drew Rosenhaus, confirmed the news in a tweet. The cause of his death is not known. MORE ON THE LIFE OF THE DEAD KILLER JABBED MAN: Source

Ben-Gvir calls for ‘Operation Defensive Shield 2’ following Jerusalem operation

After a car-ramming operation in Jerusalem, Itamar Ben-Gvir is calling for the re-invasion of the West Bank, while Israel’s usual policy of collective punishment and retribution continues. Source

Russia mobilizes 300,000, promises defensive use of nuclear weapons while psychopathic western leaders beg for annihilation

(Natural News) Russia’s recent “partial mobilization” will call up 300,000 military reservists who, over the next few months, will be trained and put into service in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine. It is now well known — although western nations continue to deny the obvious — that Ukraine’s military offensives are being run by NATO […]

Multiple House Republicans on defensive over Jan. 6 panel testimony that they sought post-riot pardons

A handful of House Republicans who strategized with Donald Trump about overturning the 2020 election hotly denied seeking pardons after the Jan. 6 select committee released testimony Thursday stating they’d pursued clemency from the former president after the Capitol attack. Several top Trump aides during the post-Jan. 6 period, including special assistant Cassidy Hutchinson and […]

Ancient Frontiers: Boundary, Defensive And Offensive Walls

Long before great city walls were raised, 10,000 years ago, early hunter-gather-fishers as well as emerging farmers, built the settlement of Jericho (West Bank, Palestine) using adobe mud bricks, enclosing their community with a strong stone wall.  Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later 

Excavating Azekah: Defensive Bastion Of The Kingdom Of Judeah

Describing the fortress of Azekah 2,700 years ago the mighty Assyrian King Sennacherib wrote that “its walls were strong and rivalled the highest mountains…by means of beaten earth ramos, battering rams… Read more Section:  News History Read Later 

Were the Hillforts of Norway More Than Just Defensive Structures?

Hillforts are typically European erections of the Bronze and Iron Ages. They were fortified or defended settlements usually located at a natural height which people took advantage of to protect themselves against attackers and intruders. Researchers in Norway are now studying whether hillforts had any other functions apart from their defensive purpose, and are testing […]

Remembering Operation Defensive Shield in Jenin, 20 years later

In late March 2002 as the Second Intifada raged on, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched Operation Defensive Shield against cities and towns in the occupied West Bank.  Defensive Shield was the biggest military operation in the territory since 1967 with Israeli military forces invading Ramallah, Tulkarem, Qalqilya, Nablus, Bethlehem, and Jenin. The operation was […]

Defensive Fortresses Along The Way Of Horus In Ancient Egypt

The rich fertile lands of Egypt’s Nile Delta must have been looked on with avaricious eyes from their next-door neighbors to the east. All that lush greenery lay in stark contrast to the deserts of the Sinai and beyond. The Northern Sinai coastline was the land bridge that joined Egypt and the rest of Africa […]

Defensive Fortress Zarw, Along The Way Of Horus In Ancient Egypt

The rich fertile lands of Egypt’s Nile Delta must have been looked on with avaricious eyes from their next-door neighbors to the east. All that lush greenery lay in stark contrast to the deserts of the Sinai and beyond. The Northern Sinai coastline was the land bridge that joined Egypt and the rest of Africa […]

Biden news – live: President accused of ‘bald-faced lie’ in defensive ABC Afghanistan interview

Biden says troops will stay in Afghanistan for as long as it takes to evacuate all US civilians Joe Biden has said American troops will stay in Afghanistan until all remaining US citizens —and citizens of American allies — are evacuated from the country after receiving criticism for the chaotic withdrawal of US forces. In […]

Meet NATO, the Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying to Run the World

These lines were aimed at a tiny number of human beings. Certainly almost no Americans have any idea what “Article 5” is part of or what it says. But Biden’s words were genuinely significant. Article 5 is a clause in the North Atlantic Treaty, the founding document of NATO, which states that any armed attack […]

Zakani: JCPOA only limited to nuclear issue and not regional or defensive capabilities

Zakani: JCPOA only limited to nuclear issue and not regional or defensive capabilities – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN — Speaking at a press conference on Saturday, Alireza Zakani, a presidential candidate, responded to many questions, including his foreign policy, possibility of sealing another JCPOA that would be “longer” and “stronger” as mentioned by the Europeans. Zakani began […]

UK health minister on the defensive after Cummings’ attack

The UK’s health minister Matt Hancock has been defending himself after a blistering attack from the prime minister’s former chief aide Dominic Cummings. Cummings had said Hancock should have been fired and accused him of lying on multiple occasions. But Hancock shot back on Thursday: ““I have been straight with people in public and in […]

China Compares Its Genocide of Muslims to Israel’s Defensive Actions Against Hamas

China’s state-run Global Times on Wednesday compared Beijing’s brutal oppression of the Uyghur Muslims to Israel’s defensive actions against Palestinian terrorist attacks. China placed itself on a moral plane far above Israel, claiming the vast concentration camps of Xinjiang province are a reasonable response to a security threat, while Israel taking out missile launchers after […]

Defensive Moves Or Preparation For War With Iran?

The US has decided to deploy the Israeli Iron Dome Missile Interceptor Systems, purchased in 2019, in Eastern European countries and also in the Gulf countries where the US Central Command (CENTCOM) operates and has established operational military bases. This step coincides with the US decision that Israeljoin CENTCOM (with Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrein, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Pakistan and more) following the normalisation of […]

Iran’s pres. rules out negotiations on ‘defensive weapons’

MNA– Iranian president has stressed once again that Iran will never negotiate over its “defensive weapons” with anyone, declaring that it is none of anyone’s business to decide for Iran’s defensive power. Hassan Rouhani made the remarks in Sabzevar in northeastern Razavi Khorasan Province on Sunday. Rouhani said that his government entered serious negotiations on […]

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