Posts Tagged ‘interview’

Interview 1894 – AI Ring of Steel Descends on Paris (NWNW 563)

This week on the New World Next Week: Biden drops out of the (s)election race while congress genuflects to their real leader; the Crowdstrike fiasco was a win for evil online disinformationists (say the establishment stooges); and Paris nabs 1000 dastardly spies in the lead up to the AI drone surveillance Olympics. Source

Interview 1893 – ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??? (NWNW 562)

This week on the New World Next Week: the shadow-casters are trying EXTRA HARD to get you to look at the shadows on the cave wall this (s)election cycle; swamp-dweller-in-chief Trump taps Peter Thiel’s minion to be his VP; and the MSM tries their darndest to make Bohemian Grove sound boring and unimportant. Source

Interview 1892 – NATO Stooges Gather in Their Masses for 75th Anniversary (NWNW 561)

This week on the New World Next Week: The Lancet estimates 186,000 Palestinians will die as a result of Israel’s Gaza holocaust; the NATO leaders descend on Washington to hatch schemes for launching wars around the globe; and from Europe to Japan, people are getting sick of overtourism. Source

Interview 1891 – Canada Prepares to Flush Turdeau (NWNW 560)

This week on the New World Next Week: Trudeau (and every other incumbent) is in trouble as half the world goes to the polls this year to throw the bums out; Monsanto drops its lawsuit against the Mexican government over its GM corn ban; and a convicted rapper is ordered to submit his song lyrics […]

Interview 1890 – 9/11, Internet, Gates and Grub on The Jimmy Dore Show

via The Jimmy Dore Show: James joins Jimmy to discuss 9/11, internet censorship, Gates, the future of food and more. Source

Cory Hughes Interview – Was Israel Behind The Assassination Of JFK?

Joining me today is author, researcher, and “corrector of historical error“, Cory Hughes. Cory has dedicated himself to the pursuit of truth around what he believes is the most important event in US history, the assassination of JFK, and the main culprit he feels is responsible, the Israeli Zionist government. Today we discuss this important […]

Interview 1889 – Assange is Free, But Speech…? Not so much. (NWNW 559)

This week on the New World Next Week: Assange is free but speech isn’t as the 9/11 denier pleads guilty to espionage; a new video shows a tourist in Washington as Uncle Sam plays the Get Into Saudi Arabia Free card; and the US psyops teams are exposed for spreading mis(?) dis(?) or just plain […]

Interview 1888 – James Corbett on How the Media Sausage is Made

via The Catholic Current: We welcome back James Corbett of The Corbett Report to discuss the creation of the 24-hour news cycle, mediated reality, and the power of suggestion. Source

Brad Miller Interview – A Declaration Of Military Accountability & Foreign Influence Over US Policy

Joining me today is Brad Miller, here to discuss the current status of COVID-19 injection mandates, where he thinks this agenda could go next, as well as his overview of COVID-19 as an agenda. We also discuss a very important letter that has been signed by hundreds of current and former members of the military […]

Interview 1887 – James Corbett Predicts the CBDC Rollout on Reality Check Radio

via “Independent journalist James Corbett from The Corbett Report joins us to discuss CBDCs, Digital IDs, and more. You won’t want to miss this one!” Source

Interview 1886 – Scamdemic 2: Bird Flu Boogaloo (NWNW 558)

This week on the New World Next Week: The WHO is preparing to drop Scamdemic 2 with the bird flu bogeyman; Japan’s birthrate falls to yet another record low while the government plays dating app on the Titanic; and Adobe shoots itself in the foot with a disastrous privacy-destroying terms of service update. Source

Interview 1885 – Whistleblower Reveals US Cover Up of Israeli War Crimes (NWNW 557)

This week on the New World Next Week: a State Dept official blows the whistle on a US government cover up of Israeli war crimes in Gaza; the NSA warns Americans that China is prepositioning for a cyber attack: and a NJ gym owner is cleared of all charges for defying the COVID shutdown. Source

Interview 1884 – WHO Post-Mortem on CHD TV

via CHD.TV: The World Health Organization’s annual meeting has concluded — what were the main takeaways? Join today’s co-hosts of ‘Good Morning CHD’ as they recap the week of events and share their thoughts on the future of international public health. Source

Derrick Broze Interview – The Summit Of The Future & The Shell Game Of Authoritarian Control

Joining me today is TLAV writer Derrick Broze, here to discuss the Summit Of The Future, why this is important, and how it might be an alternative pathway for the Pandemic Accord, that is far more subtle and surreptitious, while we are being told it has stalled. We also discuss his recent article on Bethany […]

Interview 1883 – The Lamest Show on Earth (NWNW 556)

This week on the New World Next Week: the Big Tech technocrats conspire to throw themselves and their AI godhood into the government brier patch; some rough Bilderberg beast slouches toward Madrid to be born; and the lamest show on earth hypes up the least important (s)election of your lifetime. Source

Robert Inlakesh Interview – The Ongoing Rafah Massacre, Oct. 7 Detainees/Hostages & Is Iran Next?

Joining me today is TLAV writer Robert Inlakesh, here to discuss the ongoing Rafah massacre and genocide in Gaza. We discuss the unrelenting attacks on civilians in areas designated as safe by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF), as well as the active participation of western governments. We discuss October 7th and the many lies that […]

Sal The Agorist Interview – Anarchy, Agorism & The Illusion Of Government

Joining me today is Sal The Agorist, here to discuss the true meaning of anarchism and agorism, and how deliberalty they are misrepresented by the current power structures. We discuss why they are falsely equated with “chaos”, and the very real threat these rapidly growing ideologies pose to the growing normalization of authoritarian control. We […]

Interview 1882 – Globalist Succession Crisis (NWNW 555)

This week on the New World Next Week: questions swirl after the downing of the Iranian president’s helicopter; the World Health Organization prepare to meet in Geneva to vote on the pandemic treaty and IHR amendments; and Schwab steps down as WEF executive director. Source

Interview 1881 – Aurora HAARPealis (NWNW 554)

This week on the New World Next Week: Macron pushes EU banking mergers . . . when it benefits France; AI blames HAARP for the aurora display last week; and a woman lives in a supermarket sign for a year. Source

Zachary Foster PhD Interview – The True Origin Of Hamas & The Decline Of Apartheid Israel

Joining me once again today is Zachary Foster PhD, here to discuss the true origin of Hamas and how this is central to many of the lies being promoted currently by the Israeli government and its supporters. We also discuss the history of peaceful resistance of the Palestinian people, even in the face of brutal […]

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