Archive for the ‘HAARP’ Category

Interview 1881 – Aurora HAARPealis (NWNW 554)

This week on the New World Next Week: Macron pushes EU banking mergers . . . when it benefits France; AI blames HAARP for the aurora display last week; and a woman lives in a supermarket sign for a year. Source

HAARP’s Aurora Switch Was Turned on Last Week to Create “Artificial Airglows”

by Rhoda Wilson AI search summaries show that on the same day the aurora borealis was seen across the northern hemisphere, HAARP was running experiments to artificially create aurora-like glows or “airglow” in the ionosphere. The aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, has been a spectacular sight in the night sky recently. On […]

Hear the Romanian Senator who has spoken out about the recent Turkey and Syria quakes (a must hear!)

From Counterspin Media Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici Sosoaca went viral this week with a powerful speech calling out deep state players, highlighting that the recent Turkish earthquakes were created by weaponised technologies. Read more & watch at the link HERE Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source


From @ Rumble An interview by Toronto Business Journal. Must watch. Packed full of very important info, more in fact than just Geoengineering. Elana is the author of several books and notably on topic, no less than three recent volumes. Must reads. EWR VIDEO LINK Source

Biosphere Weather Wars, Geo-engineering and Frequency Wars. Are they really happening? (Nigel Gray with Tim Lynch @ Green Planet FM)

Weather forecasters and meteorological services are equally puzzled and in many ways shrug this off to ‘climate change’ and the increase of greenhouse gasses. Yet, some argue – this is an easy way out. However, more astute researchers, albeit some amateurs among them are noticing many irregularities and are finding certain weather patterns incongruent with […]

US Air Force Admit They Can Control the Weather

From (2015) The US Air Force and DARPA would like us to believe that they have stopped using HAARP in Alaska for research and experiment. Even then, we all know that there are other HAARP systems out there in the form of radar communication and surveillance systems that are rigged on top of mobile […]

US Begins Stealing Land from Farmers to Build Giant CO2 Suction Machines that will cause Global Crops to FAIL

Home » Environment, Manipulation, North America » US Begins Stealing Land from Farmers to Build Giant CO2 Suction Machines that will cause Global Crops to FAIL     HAARP is a child comparing to what’s to come! The decarbonization terraforming of planet Earth is now under way. A new project has already been launched that […]

What Shaking Down Under – HAARP Australia & The Elon MusK Connection – Paint It Black

From Ben Vidgen, Not a deep dive but a quick look at Australia recent earthquake history, after I became curious about a number of coincidences. Specifically the increased regularity of major earthquakes not usually seen in Australia compounded by the fact locations seem to be right smack on known ‘HAARP’ sites the controversial US […]

USA’s HAARP is SINKING Europe Under NEVER BEFORE SEEN FLOODS and Nobody is Talking About it

    The evil empire strikes again. Biden barely just begun his reign and he is already stricking at the white man which he so much hates that he would rather see go extinct so Europe is now almost literally sinking in water. Biblical propportion floods yet nobody in the media, not even in the […]

Elana Freeland interview: Synthetic Biology, Trojan Horses & other links to the puzzle

Elana provides an excellent overview of what is happening right now on planet earth. So much is packed into this interview it is a must watch. Her extensive knowledge on the geoengineering program, the military, science, the current event we are watching play out globally. See how it all interlocks. Read more detail below … […]

Chemtrail poison and HAARP domination

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