Posts Tagged ‘floods’

Libya: 4 new officials in detention due to floods

The Libyan Public Prosecutor ordered the placement of four new officials in pretrial detention as part of an investigation into the collapse of two dams that caused devastating floods in the city of Derna in the east of the country on 10 September. On 25 September, the Public Prosecutor ordered the imprisonment of eight officials, […]

PHOTOS: Heavy Rains Bring Flash Floods to New York City; Roads and Subways Paralyzed as State of Emergency Declared

Heavy rains overnight in the northeastern United States left parts of New York City under water on Friday, partially paralyzing subways and airports in the country’s financial capital. Source

Derna children traumatised in aftermath of Libya floods triggered by Storm Daniel

Children in Libya’s Derna city have been suffering from depression and loss of speech, while some even attempted suicide after the Mediterranean Storm Daniel wreaked havoc on their hometown, Anadolu Agency reports. Derna was the hardest hit by the floods, causing the city’s dams to burst, washing away homes and people. “Nearly 300,000 children are […]

Libya seeks cooperation with US to reduce impact of floods

Libya, on Wednesday, underlined the importance of cooperation with the United States to reduce the impact of the deadly floods that killed thousands in the North African country, Anadolu Agency reports. Head of the Tripoli-based government, Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, met in the Libyan capital with Commander of the US Army Africa Command (AFRICOM), Gen. Michael […]

Survivors Of Libya Floods Call For Accountability Amid Loss And Devastation

Thousands of Libyans have lost family members, friends and neighbors in the devastating floods that engulfed the country’s east. Source

A week after Libya floods, families haunted by fate of the missing

Sabreen Blil was on her hands and knees atop the rubble of her brother’s house, the wind beating at her black robe as she clawed with her bare hands at the flattened masonry in the hope of somehow digging to the family buried below, Reuters reports. She recited their names as she wept. Taym, Yazan, […]

Death toll from floods in Libya’s Derna jumps to 11,300: UN

At least 11,300 people have been killed and over 10,000 others still missing by deadly floods in Libya’s eastern city of Derna, the United Nations said, reports Anadolu Agency. In a statement, the UN Humanitarian Affairs Office (OCHA) said around 170 people were killed outside Derna city by the flooding caused by Mediterranean storm Daniel. […]

Death toll from devastating floods in Libya tops 6,000

READ: 55 children poisoned by polluted water in Libya coastal city: Unity government Source

Rain Floods Claim 11,300 Lives After Dams Give Out In Derna, Libya

The Libyan Red Crescent said 10,100 people also remain missing. Source

EXPLAINER – What caused the floods in Libya and why are they so bad?

A catastrophic flood has killed thousands of people in the eastern Libyan city of Derna, sweeping away entire neighbourhoods with their residents and washing many bodies out to sea. Thousands of people are missing. What caused the flood?  After pummelling other Mediterranean countries, the powerful Storm Daniel swept into Libya over the weekend, unleashing record amounts of rain as […]

‘Forgive me, dad’: Last words of Libya teen killed in deadly Derna floods

Deadly floods in Libya caused by a huge storm swept through the eastern Derna city, where families were left scattered or killed entirely as Storm Daniel has ravaged the region, Anadolu Agency reports. The devastating Mediterranean storm on Sunday hit the eastern region of Libya, causing massive floods in Derna and leaving thousands dead and […]

Thousands Dead And 10,000 More Reported Missing After Devastating Libyan Floods

Floodwaters broke through dams in the eastern city of Derna, washing away entire neighborhoods. The current death toll was estimated at 2,300. Source

Death Toll in Eastern Libya Floods Tops 3,000

 September 12, 2023 More than 3,000 people have died and many others remain unaccounted for after floods caused by Storm Daniel struck eastern Libya, an official said on Tuesday. Libyan health minister, Othman Abdul Jalil, said that most of the victims were in the coastal city of Derna. Other cities and towns affected by the […]

2 Dead In Hong Kong Amid Extreme Rain And Flash Floods

An official from the Hong Kong observatory said the city had recorded over 600mm of rain so far — a quarter of the city’s average annual rainfall. Source

Northern Italy Struck by Floods and Landslides caused by Severe Storms

Landslides and floods have washed away roads overlooking Lake Como in northern Italy where it is feared that severe storms could cause ‘disaster’. The Poppea cyclone struck from Northern Europe on the Ligurian Sea and is set to tear across all of the country’s northern regions. Powerful winds and heavy rain over the weekend caused […]

Watch: Storm Hans washes away roads and floods homes in Norway and Sweden

Norway and Sweden warn people to stay indoors as Storm Hans batters the Nordic region. Source

California Farmers: “We’ve Lost EVERYTHING” – $BILLIONS of Food Lost in Floods

California Farmers: “We’ve Lost EVERYTHING” – $BILLIONS of Food Lost in Floods in State that Produces Half of America’s Agriculture by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Almost half of America’s agriculture is produced in the State of California, producing over 50 $BILLION annually in revenues. Source. Now, with recent historical and unprecedented flooding, many […]


We’ve been told not to believe one bar of evidence against the medical treatment foisted on us for the past three years, evidence, even from medical professionals. Now we are not supposed to believe what folk from ground zero of cyclone gabrielle tell us. As enormous cracks appear in lamestream’s narrative they are scrambling to dispel […]

Floods in Romania cause landslides and damage roads

Extensive flooding in northern Romania on Saturday night left roads damaged and disrupted rail services. The worst affected counties were Bistrita and Maramures. A new section of road rebuilt with €2 million of European Union funding two years ago was badly damaged. Rivers burst their banks, leaving homes and farmland flooded and triggering landslides. In Bistrita, […]

Floods In Philippines Leave 51 Dead, Over A Dozen Missing

Floods have subsided in most parts, but more than 8,600 people are still in shelters. Source

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