Posts Tagged ‘families’

Of families, mills, and gardens

“It is true that there are many people who prefer to flee and search for a safe place outside the Gaza Strip, but this is not the case for the majority of people…It is not easy to start life again away from a homeland that you love.” Source

Day 108: ‘Israel’ Pounds Khan Younis as Families of Hostages Mount Pressure on Netanyahu

January 22, 2024  Middle East – News – Palestine – Story of the day – Top Gaza’s Khan Younis has become the new war epicenter as the Israeli occupation intensified the aggression on Monday, hammering the southern city and committing brutal crimes against its residents. Dozens were reported martyred or injured in the besieged southern city as Israeli occupation forces target hospitals, ambulances, […]

Alabama prisoners’ bodies returned to families with hearts, other organs missing, lawsuit claims

January 11, 2024 The bodies of two men who died while incarcerated in Alabama’s prison system were missing their hearts or other organs when returned to their families, a federal lawsuit alleges. The family of Brandon Clay Dotson, who died in a state prison in November, filed a federal lawsuit last month against the Alabama […]

Benjamin Netanyahu Heckled By Hostages’ Families During Speech On Israeli Offensive

As the prime minister spoke, the families held up photos of captives who have yet to return from Gaza and chanted for them to be released “now.” Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 76: Extrajudicial killings of men in front of their families in Gaza 

Israeli forces have reportedly conducted extrajudicial executions in front of families in Gaza as international leaders continue to discuss Israel’s conduct with little to no action, while negotiations between Israel and Hamas waver as war rages on.  Source

Palestinian Families Rejoice Over Release Of Children And Women In Wartime Prisoner Swap

BEITUNIA, West Bank (AP) — Over three dozen Palestinian prisoners returned home to a hero’s welcome in the occupied West Bank on Friday following their release from Israeli prisons as part of a cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas. The procession of freed prisoners, some accused of minor offenses and others convicted in attacks, at […]

Video| Sayyed Nasrallah’s Sincere Message to Martyrs’ Families

Posted on November 12, 2023 by uprootedpalestinians  November 11, 2023 Sayyed Nasrallah Writing a Message to Martyrs’ Families On the occasion of Hezbollah Martyr’s Day, the Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, sends an ornament to all families of those martyred, along with a handwritten note:“Be proud of your martyrs in this world and rejoice in […]

CDC Reports ‘Record High’ in American Families Rejecting Childhood Vaccinations

More American families than ever before are rejecting childhood vaccinations for their children, as the people of the world continue waking up to the agenda of the globalist elite. According to the CDC’s latest findings, […] The post CDC Reports ‘Record High’ in American Families Rejecting Childhood Vaccinations appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Study Reveals That 1 in 8 Military Families Are Dealing With Food Insecurity

A new study has revealed the level of food insecurity within the military community. The discturbing study, which surveyed more than 8,325 families with active-duty service members in the US Army or Air Force in […] The post Study Reveals That 1 in 8 Military Families Are Dealing With Food Insecurity appeared first on The […]

Families of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas visit D.C. to plead for help

Some of the families of Israelis who were abducted and taken hostage by militant group Hamas have traveled to Washington, D.C. to plead for help and to demand the release of their family members.  The family members gathered outside of American Red Cross headquarters on Sunday, holding up photos and calling out the names of… […]

Israel Says Its War Can Both Destroy Hamas And Rescue Hostages. Their Families Are Less Certain.

Annihilating Hamas would seem to require a ground operation of unprecedented intensity fraught with the risk of harming Israeli hostages. Source

Israel: Hamas SLAUGHTERED 40 children and babies in one town, with whole families burned alive or shot dead

(NaturalNews) Israel has reported that Hamas terrorists murdered at least 40 infants and children in a terrifying attack in one town.Israeli soldiers stumbled… Source

Waiting For News, Families Of Israeli Hostages In Gaza Tell Stories Of Their Loved Ones

The families of Israeli hostages are waiting, desperate to find out whether their loved ones are even alive. Source

Weary Families Trudge Through Gaza Streets, Trying To Flee The North Before Israel’s Invasion

Some left home with suitcases jammed with clothes. Source

“Americans must remain vigilant and prepared to defend ourselves and our families…” Note the date! less than a month after IsraHell Holocausted 3,000 American in New York on 11 September 2001, this red Russian Khazarian Terrorist was reassuring the Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrels Illegally Occupying Palestine while Holocausting the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian people in the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian people’s own Ancscestrial home Land, to […]

A week after Libya floods, families haunted by fate of the missing

Sabreen Blil was on her hands and knees atop the rubble of her brother’s house, the wind beating at her black robe as she clawed with her bare hands at the flattened masonry in the hope of somehow digging to the family buried below, Reuters reports. She recited their names as she wept. Taym, Yazan, […]

WARNING!!! It’s Really Time for Parents to Move Their Families Out of California

READ HERE: If you’re a California resident and a parent, you really ought to leave the state now. On Friday, the California Assembly passed AB 957, which means that a parent who doesn’t “affirm” their child’s “gender identity” could lose custody of that child.   Source

Hezbollah Offers Condolences to Families of Earthquake Victims in Morocco

September 9, 2023 Hezbollah issued on Saturday a statement which voices deep sympathy with the brotherly Moroccan people and affirms standing by them to face this tragic and painful repercussions of the powerful earthquake. The Resistance Party offered the families of the victims the deepest condolences and sympathy, asking God to grant the injured and afflicted […]

Exclusive — Trump, Waltz to Meet Afghanistan Withdrawal Gold Star Families at Bedminster

Former President Donald Trump and Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) will meet with several Gold Star family members who lost loved ones in Democrat President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from the war in Afghanistan on Wednesday, Breitbart News has learned exclusively. Source

Italy according to Giorgia Meloni: no country for non-traditional families

On a cruisade for the defense of traditional families, Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wants to make surrogacy carried out abroad by Italian couples a crime, after stepping up restrictions on homosexual couples’ already limited rights to parenthood. Source

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