Posts Tagged ‘waiting’

April 3 – Waiting for the Next Shoe to Drop

Please send comments and links to [email protected] The Deep State is Communist. It serves the Rothschild central banking cartel. Its aim is to extend their monopoly on credit (currency creation) to a Talmudic monopoly over every aspect of life – power, wealth, thought and behaviour.  It rededicates humanity to the service of Satan administered by satanist […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 160: Israel kills 7 Palestinians waiting for aid, attacks UN distribution center

Israel’s Knesset approved a $19.4 billion budget increase to fund the ongoing Israeli genocide, while the Biden administration has indicated that it will greenlight the targeting of “high-value Hamas targets in and underneath Rafah.” Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 146: Israeli forces massacre civilians waiting for humanitarian aid 

Israeli tanks and warplanes reportedly targeted civilians waiting for aid, killing at least 77 and wounding hundreds. Meanwhile, international aid groups say airdrops of aid are so “negligible” that they “perpetuate the overall blockade strategy.” Source

Waiting Out The Weirdness

The only good news in all of this is that reality is the thing that does not go away when you stop believing in it. No matter how infuriating or terrifying things get, reality will not yield to the dreams of the crazies. This was the lesson of the French revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, and […]

Zelensky still waiting for F-16s which are nowhere to be seen


Everyone’s waiting for Ann Selzer to release the most important Iowa caucus poll

J. Ann Selzer vividly remembers the moment when she first found out there was a problem. “I was first alerted through a message on Twitter,” the renowned Iowa pollster recalled in an interview with POLITICO last week that represented her most expansive public comments yet about the four-year-old episode. Selzer was at Drake University in […]

Waiting For News, Families Of Israeli Hostages In Gaza Tell Stories Of Their Loved Ones

The families of Israeli hostages are waiting, desperate to find out whether their loved ones are even alive. Source

Lebanon on the ‘Waiting List’ as US Prefers Qatar over France: Report

 September 20, 2023 Al-Akhbar Newspaper* Translated by Areej Fatima Al-Husseini The reluctance of foreign ministers of the “Five-Nation Group” countries (which include the US, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt) to attend yesterday’s meeting at the headquarters of the Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations in New York appeared to be an indication […]

Milley: Waiting to Evacuate American Citizens, Afghan Allies Was a Huge Mistake

During a portion of an interview with ABC News Chief Global Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz set to air on Sunday’s edition of “This Week,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley stated that he agrees with former CENTCOM Source

Mobile app helps Palestinians reduce waiting time at Israel checkpoints

A mobile application will allow Palestinians to monitor the traffic situation at checkpoints manned by Israeli soldiers and reduce time wasted waiting there, Anadolu Agency reports. The app, “Azma” was launched in July by a Palestinian youth but had to be shut down due to legal issues raised by the Israeli authorities. However, the app […]

We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup, Waiting to be Matched with a Crime

Whatever skeletons may be lurking on your family tree or in your closet, whatever crimes you may have committed, whatever associations you may have with those on the government’s most wanted lists: the police state is determined to ferret them out. Source

Ukrainian counteroffensive: What is President Zelenskyy waiting for?

The Ukrainian armed forces still need supplies of equipment and weapons to avoid heavy losses, says President Zelenskyy. Source

The Waiting-For-Pandemic Transhuman Cult of Biodefense

The Transhuman quest for genetic modification in order to change the human condition will end in total disaster. “Hacking the human body” is a myth perpetuated by academics like Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab with his Fourth Industrial Revolution narrative. Globally, however, biodefense spending is in the trillions and shows no signs of restraint. […]

Tbilisi Georgia: An Earthquake Disaster Waiting to Happen?

A few days after the recent wave of earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria a close contact, a friend with a Turkish wife, wrote to me: “Luckily we’re all safe, but some of our friends’ relatives are still buried under the rubble. Many of the rescue problems can be attributed to the terrible performance of the […]

Waiting For My Massive Drop Dead Heart attack!

I have been out clearing out opportunist plants from my repurposed as vegetable planters steel bathtubs. Set them up about waist high so I don’t have to bend over or get on my old knees to work the garden. The plants I am removing do not go to waste as I throw them into the […]

Hopeful waiting continues in quake-hit Turkiye

READ: Turkiye police detains 12 over poor quality of housing collapsed in earthquake Source

Freedom & Ending The Control Freak Communism Of USA Has Always Been Waiting For Americans to Want It Bad Enough To All Stand Up Together

The skyline of San Antonio, Occupied Republic of Texas New Years just past. There is a city ordinance against setting off fireworks in the city limits. Absolutely no one pays the slightest bit of attention to that ordnance and the cops do not even try to arrest anyone for setting off fireworks inside the city’s […]

El Paso mayor: 20K illegals waiting to surge across southern border once Title 42 ends

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The mayor of El Paso, Texas, recently warned that about 20,000 illegal aliens are waiting to cross the southern border into the U.S. once the Trump-era Title 42 ends.El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser issued the warning during a press conference. The briefing followed the city’s declaration of a state of emergency amid […]

ACH (2000) I Ask YOU #3 – That Moment You Were Waiting For

In today’s episode of, “I Ask YOU,” originally broadcast on December 14 2022, Andy presents a show entitled, “That Moment You Were Waiting For.” “I Ask YOU,” is a solo show in which you, the audience, can choose to participate. You can do this by answering the questions privately to yourself, or alternatively I invite […]

“Brazilian Military is Just Waiting for Bolsonaro to Give the Order to Arrest Corrupt Communist Judge”

By Richard AbelsonPublished November 22, 2022 at 2:00pmComment Brazilian journalist Allan Dos Santos: “The military are not going to let Brazil become a Communist country.” Brazilian Truckers are blockading roads and ports while a Federal Judge had to step down for allegedly discussing a military coup with President Jair Bolsonaro. The head of Bolsonaro-allied Liberal Party […]

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