Archive for the ‘election’ Category

Interview 1893 – ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??? (NWNW 562)

This week on the New World Next Week: the shadow-casters are trying EXTRA HARD to get you to look at the shadows on the cave wall this (s)election cycle; swamp-dweller-in-chief Trump taps Peter Thiel’s minion to be his VP; and the MSM tries their darndest to make Bohemian Grove sound boring and unimportant. Source

Eight drivers that springboard Trump’s nose-dive into humiliated loser

What makes even a lousy career criminal look bad? To be proved a blundering, hypocritical boob. Source

Trump allies draft plans to seize control over Federal Reserve amid election campaign

Emerging reports reveal a secretive push by Trump supporters to curtail the Federal Reserve’s autonomy, threatening the independence of U.S. monetary policy. Source

The highly-revealing election dogs that didn’t bark, isolating howling, blowhard election deniers

Image Credit: Getty Images The Big Bad Wolf is trapped by his own Big Bad Lies—and convictions will eventually matter  When willful delinquents defy the rules they had to accept to run—that elections divide winners from losers—are they then not stuck poisoning the game? The farcical Big Lie about the “stolen, rigged, corrupt” 2020 election […]

Hutchinson out of lineup as stage is set for Republican debate

The Republican National Committee (RNC) on Monday night announced the seven GOP candidates who qualified for the second Republican primary debate – and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson did not make the list. Hutchinson, who debated at the first GOP session in August, said he failed to attain the polling threshold established by the RNC to… […]

YouTube Acknowledges Election Fraud as Legitimate News, Revises Stance

    In response to the growing demand for open political discourse and the evolving landscape of public opinion, YouTube has made significant policy changes regarding the removal of videos that propagate false claims about previous US presidential elections. The video-sharing platform, acknowledging the need to create an environment where users can openly debate even […]

Thailand’s Election Is Filled With These Controversial Characters. Here’s What You Need to Know.

Voters are finally gearing up for Thailand’s general election, set to take place on May 14, after months of speculation. On Monday, Thailand’s parliament was dissolved, setting the stage for a showdown mainly between military-backed conservatives and their pro-democracy opponents. As 52 million eligible voters head to the polls in May, they’ll be voting in […]

The one thing that would make elections better for everyone 

Ranked choice voting makes elections less painful, less expensive, and can help make our government more inclusive and responsive to what people actually want. Source

Kari Lake’s Election Challenge Proceeds to Trial

DECEMBER 21, 2022 BY NEWS WIRE LEAVE A COMMENT  It seems that persistence pays. After two months of evidence collection and lobbying the courts, Arizona governor candidate, Kari Lake (R), is set to make her case for a stolen election in 2022. This case is unprecedented in modern American history – a major state-wide election fraud case is […]

FBI Agent Testimony: Warnings of a “hack and leak” ahead of the Hunter Biden revelations

Analyzing the deposition of FBI Agent Francis Chan Techno Fog Dec 6 2022 Today, we learned more about the FBI’s influence operation during the 2020 election election. Yesterday, as part of a civil rights suit against the Biden Administration, Missouri Attorney General (and Senator-elect) Eric Schmitt released the deposition transcript of Dr. Anthony Fauci. And just […]

‘Twitter Files’: A Tale of Censorship, Secret Blacklists, Shadow Banning and Government Collusion

12/09/22 A second batch of “Twitter files” released Thursday reveals how the platform maintained “secret blacklists” and engaged in “shadow banning.” Files released previously included evidence of election interference and widespread censorship of COVID-19-related information that didn’t fit the accepted government narrative. By  Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. Elon Musk credit: Samferdselsdepartementet/flickr Miss a day, miss a […]

Bolsonaro Says He’s Ready To Take Command of Brazilian Military in Disputed Election

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro reassured supporters Friday he remains in charge of the country’s armed forces, and asserted the military would side with the people as his opponent’s election certification looms. “I am the supreme commander of the armed forces,” Bolsonaro told supporters surrounding the Alvorada presidential palace. “The armed forces are the last obstacle […]

Musk Says ‘Possible’ That Twitter Gave Preference to Leftists During Brazil Election

SAO PAULO—Twitter owner Elon Musk said on Saturday he thought it was “possible” that personnel at the social media firm gave preference to left-wing candidates during Brazil’s election this year, without providing evidence. Musk completed his acquisition of Twitter on Oct. 27, just days before Brazil’s presidential second round runoff vote, when conservative incumbent Jair […]

Elon Musk: Twitter ‘Has Interfered in Elections’

November 30, 2022 Twitter owner Elon Musk on Wednesday wrote that the social media company’s previous management “interfered in elections” after the former head of its security team lobbed accusations against the Tesla CEO. In a Twitter thread on a Reuters report in which Yoel Roth—Twitter’s former head of trust and safety—said Twitter is not […]

Shocking Investigation discovers a World-Wide Shadow Government has infiltrated “Elected” Governments & Public Health Institutions & built a Global Vaccine Regime

BY RHODA WILSON ON NOVEMBER 27, 2022 • ( 33 COMMENTS ) The same organisations that have an interest in vaccinations today also had a lot of influence in laying the groundwork decades ago.  People tend to think of these large and well-known organisations – such as Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF; CDC, GAVI, USAID, the World Bank – […]

“Brazilian Military is Just Waiting for Bolsonaro to Give the Order to Arrest Corrupt Communist Judge”

By Richard AbelsonPublished November 22, 2022 at 2:00pmComment Brazilian journalist Allan Dos Santos: “The military are not going to let Brazil become a Communist country.” Brazilian Truckers are blockading roads and ports while a Federal Judge had to step down for allegedly discussing a military coup with President Jair Bolsonaro. The head of Bolsonaro-allied Liberal Party […]

Malaysia Sees Far-Right Islamists Rise as Election Ends in Hung Parliament

Malaysia is facing a hung parliament for the first time in its political history, after its general elections swung in surprisingly hard favour of the country’s far-right Islamist party. A record number of voters defied inclement weather and flooding to cast their ballots in the hotly anticipated election, as the nation of more than 33 […]

Powerful Demonstration of ‘We the People’ Happening Now in Brazil

November 19th, 2022 Despite the mainstream media blackout, the world is taking notice of the massive demonstrations taking place across Brazil in protest of the elections that were stolen from Jair Bolsonaro last month. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against […]

“Election Fraud”: Why is Google Covering Up The Explosion of Search Traffic On this Topic?

Sun, Nov 13 2022 Sayer Ji, founder of,, and co-founder of Stand For Health Freedom, shares his concerning finding that Google is back at it again, manipulating search results to coverup the true volume of interest in topics, such as election fraud and voting problems that are being searched at unprecedented volumes not only in the […]

Trump on Anticipated 2024 Bid: Will Keep Everyone in ‘Massive Suspense’

NEW YORK—Former President Donald Trump is again hinting about a third presidential run despite some resistance from his inner circle, saying that he will keep people in “massive suspense.” “We’ll be making a statement on Tuesday night, we’ll see,” he told a crowd of hundreds on the night of Nov. 13 at an annual gala […]

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