Posts Tagged ‘drivers’

The 3 Drivers of US Consumers Hit a Wall

The American consumer is giving up. Tapped. Out of cash. So says Bloomberg in a recent article called “Key engines of US consumer are losing steam all at once.” In short, consumer spending over the past year has been propped up by 3 things: incomes, savings, and debt. All are now out of runway. Incomes For the […]

Corrupt police fining drivers illegally

To say that Victoria Police is corrupt and dishonest is an understatement. They lie under oath in court without consequences. They falsify statements with impunity. This is little piggy is corrupt, issuing speeding fines illegally. According to the law, the measuring of velocity (ie distance/time) of a vehicle must be measured on a horizontal plane, […]

Eight drivers that springboard Trump’s nose-dive into humiliated loser

What makes even a lousy career criminal look bad? To be proved a blundering, hypocritical boob. Source

71% of drivers consider buying older cars due to data privacy concerns

Data privacy within the automotive industry was analyzed in a recent report by Kaspersky. According to the report, 72% of drivers are uncomfortable with the idea of automakers sharing their data with third parties. Eighty-seven percent of survey participants said automakers should be required to delete their data upon request, and 28% said they have some idea […]

EV SPY: Electric vehicles’ privacy policy indicates they monitor drivers’ verbal conversations to COLLECT and SELL information to buyers (which may include the government)

(NaturalNews) People are aware that the top selling points of electric or robo cars are convenience and their environmental and economic benefits, making everyone… Source

Amazon Is Trying to Stop a Lawsuit From Drivers Who Peed In Bottles From Going to Court

Amazon is trying to stop a class action lawsuit by a group of Colorado delivery drivers about the “inhumane” conditions they face from going to court, the drivers’ lawyers say.  Drivers first filed the proposed class action lawsuit in Colorado in May because, they said, they have to pee in bottles and defecate in dog-waste […]

Black Drivers Are Now Deliberately Hitting and Murdering White Cyclists

There is apparently a new trend where black people are using their cars (sometimes stolen) to murder White Source

Gaza’s learner drivers use simulator to get up to speed

  Learner drivers in Gaza are buckling up in a simulator seat and using it to learn the basics rules of driving before being allowed to get in a car and drive on the road for the first time. In an effort to help increase the confidence of first time drivers, E-School Palestine has installed […]

Who’s Behind the Push for ‘Digital Drivers Licenses’ in the U.S. and Mexico?

As so-called digital or mobile driver’s licenses begin rolling out across North America we must ask who is behind the expansion of this potentially dangerous technology. In my previous reporting I have outlined how the push for digital identity programs is a scam disguised as a human right. This scam is designed to lull the […]

Amazon Told Drivers Not to Worry About In-Van Surveillance Cameras. Now Footage Is Leaking Online

A phone-recorded video posted to Reddit shows a wooden desk strewn with various office supplies. On a monitor on the desk, a video begins to play: an Amazon delivery driver, being recorded by a driver-facing camera in their van, leans out of their window to talk to a customer. Though the video is cute, the […]

Uber, DoorDash Sue NYC to Stop Delivery Drivers From Getting a Minimum Wage

Image Credit: Getty Images Gig economy companies DoorDash, Grubhub, and Uber sued New York City on Thursday over a new minimum wage law for app-based delivery workers that would raise their minimum wage to $17.96 per hour. The law, which was implemented in mid-June, is the first of its kind in the U.S, and would […]

Greek Taxi Drivers Overturn And Smash Uber Cars For Offering Cheaper Rides

The incident occurred on the Greek island of Rhodes in response to Uber drivers allegedly charging less than the permitted fare for rides to the airport. Local media outlets Dimokratiki and Rodiak captured the shocking aftermath of the Greek taxi drivers’ rampage outside Uber Greece’s premises in Rhodes. The photos show a VW T-Roc and… […]

‘Large Group’ Riots in the Streets of Chicago, Two Teens Shot, Drivers Attacked, Cars Set Ablaze

The riots come just days after Chicago elected a new mayor who said “state-sponsored policing” should not apply to black people. Source

Latvia Is Shipping Cars Seized From Drunk Drivers To Ukraine

Home » Europe, Social » Latvia Is Shipping Cars Seized From Drunk Drivers To Ukraine     The Latvian government last month approved a plan to donate cars seized from drunk drivers to Ukraine, in what it says is a creative scheme (or else we could say publicity-seeking scheme) to help the war effort there. […]

Study Claims White Drivers Pollute Black, Brown Areas of Los Angeles

A new study by a set of USC researchers claims that white drivers overwhelmingly pollute black and brown areas of Los Angeles.  Source

Latvia confiscated hundreds of cars from drunk drivers: The first are now on their way to Ukraine

Latvian authorities have vowed to hand two dozen confiscated vehicles from drunk drivers every week for delivery to Ukraine. Source

Mechanic Sees Drivers Trapped on Icy Road in Brutal Winter Storm, Frees Them for 7 Hours Till 6 A.M

A brutal winter storm struck the western U.S. from Arizona to Wyoming last month, seeing many motorists stranded for long hours in cold weather and abandoned cars littering the highways. Twenty drivers trapped in a blizzard in Washington state on Feb. 22 have a pair of local heroes to thank for pulling them out. Uber […]

End of second general strike by truck drivers in ROK

On December 9, South Korea’s Cargo Truckers Solidarity Union voted to end their 16-day strike. The decision brought to an end the second round of Yoon Suk-yeol’s stand-off with the left-leaning trade unions, which we have already discussed in previous articles. The strikers were demanding permanent status for the current temporary minimum wage scheme, plus […]

Second general strike by truck drivers in ROK

Do you recall the summer story about the truckers’ strike in South Korea? It is now reoccurring and, in the author’s view, is not so much part of the workers’ struggle for their rights as an instance of the political confrontation between conservatives and democrats. On November 22, 2022, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions […]

In refusing to prioritize drivers’ safety, UPS risks major strike

In late August, as temperatures soared around the United States, a driver for United Parcel Service (UPS) took before-and-after photos of chocolate chip cookies on a baking sheet. The delicious-looking confections were baked on the dashboard of a UPS truck whose internal temperatures shot to dangerous levels—not in an oven. It was an ingenious way […]

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