Posts Tagged ‘worry’

The barely changed IHRs were just adopted. Don’t worry — the changes are practically meaningless

MERYL NASS JUN 01, 2024 The diplomats in Geneva have been called back for another Plenary meeting to approve a new version of the IHR amendments dated TODAY june 1, 2024: Click to access A77_ACONF14-en.pdf I am pleased to report that while I had only a short time to read this, the document looks basically […]

With Antisemitism Rising As Israel-Hamas War Rages, Europe’s Jews Worry

GENEVA (AP) — As he sits in Geneva, Michel Dreifuss does not feel all that far away from the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7 and Israel’s subsequent bombardment of Gaza. The ripples are rolling through Europe and upending assumptions both global and intimate — including those about his personal safety as a Jew. […]

Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!

Think you’ve got The Great Travel Reset under control? Think you’re too smart to be fooled by the vaccine passports? Well, you’d better prepare yourself for the next Problem-Reaction-Solution psyop that’s coming along to convince you that you need to be herded into the digital ID gulag: the generated border crisis! Find out all about […]

Amazon Told Drivers Not to Worry About In-Van Surveillance Cameras. Now Footage Is Leaking Online

A phone-recorded video posted to Reddit shows a wooden desk strewn with various office supplies. On a monitor on the desk, a video begins to play: an Amazon delivery driver, being recorded by a driver-facing camera in their van, leans out of their window to talk to a customer. Though the video is cute, the […]

Russian Assassinations a Growing Worry as War Nears Second Year: Sources

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during his meeting with workers at the Obukhov State Plant as a military vehicle seen in the background on January,18,2023, in Saint Petersburg, Russia.  (Photo by Contributor/Getty Images) Since the outset of the war in Ukraine last February, a growing list of mysterious deaths of Vladimir Putin’s critics and Kremlin-linked […]

‘There are bodies in the forest’: Missing migrants worry activists on Lithuania-Belarus border

Lithuania’s government recently approved controversial legislation to formalise pushbacks as an official policy at the Belarus border. Source

Israeli analysts worry the US-Israel ‘special relationship’ is waning as American Jews abandon Israel

The Institute for National Security Studies, an Israeli military outfit housed at Tel Aviv University, just delivered its strategic assessment report, and the main takeaway is that Israel’s “special relationship” with the US is in danger. The change is attributed to a generational shift in American politics due to “the influence that the progressive young […]

Pfizer’s covid jab could kill you, but New Zealand government wants you to not worry and get injected anyway

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Excess deaths continue to soar in New Zealand, where Medsafe, the nation’s official drug safety authority, now admits that covid “vaccines” are more than likely to blame. Still, the agency says, New Zealanders should continue to get jabbed and not worry about such risks – just because.All-cause deaths in New Zealand are […]

ACH (1988) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – Why Sociopaths Don’t Have To Worry About Cognitive Dissonance

In today’s show originally broadcast on December 2 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson for a show entitled, “Why Sociopaths Don’t Have To Worry About Cognitive Dissonance.” We discussed: how Matt’s book “The Ontology Of Death” has been received; how the independent media used to dominate the internet purely due to the […]

We’re Being Trained To Worry About ‘Russian Propaganda’ While Drowning In US Propaganda

One of the weirdest, most insane things happening today is the way the entire western world is being trained to freak out about “Russian propaganda” — which barely exists in the west — while ignoring the fact that we are spending every day marinating in billions of dollars worth of US empire propaganda.

China Starting To Worry TikTok Has Made Americans Even Dumber Than They Intended

BEIJING — Sources at the CIA have determined it is in the best interest of the United States that they publicize intercepted recordings of a high-profile meeting among China’s top government officers, proving that China is worried TikTok has made Americans even dumber than they intended. Source

‘Alarming’: nearly 1/3 in US worry about violence, intimidation at polls

“The fear people are experiencing—especially Black people, Hispanic people, and young people—is a form of voter suppression that needs to be addressed before the election,” said one expert. Source

World Stocks Skid as Consumer Data Flashes Recession Worry

LONDON—Global stock markets slipped for the second straight day on Wednesday and bond yields inched lower on growing fears that policymakers bent on dampening inflation will tip their economies into recession. A succession of weak data releases in Europe and the United States has not prevented central bankers from doubling down on hawkish rhetoric. More […]

‘Don’t Worry About Gas Prices!’ Says Biden From Presidential War Rig

WASHINGTON, D.C—President Joe Biden has announced that the U.S. will be banning all oil and gas from Russia. The President stated that this should not be a cause for any panic and not to worry about gas prices while he got in what appeared to be a heavy war rig. “C’mon folks, don’t be ridiculous. Gas prices […]

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Wants Your Nude Photos (but Don’t Worry, You Can Trust Him)

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg has a cunning plan to protect men and women across the planet from having their intimate photo’s circulated on social media – just send them to Facebook. Yes, really. According to NBC News, Facebook has partnered with a UK-based nonprofit called Revenge Porn Helpline, which is in the process of building a tool […]

Prosecutor Tells Jurors Not To Worry About Retaliation, Sometimes You Just Have To Take A Beating

Prosecutor Tells Jurors Not To Worry About Retaliation, Sometimes You Just Have To Take A Beating KENOSHA, WI—Following their “not guilty” verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, jurors today received a message from the prosecution attorneys. The message stated: “We wish to thank you for your service in this case and your diligent deliberation. We […]

Eminent Immunologist Explains Why Variant is Nothing to Worry About, But mRNA “Vaccines” Are Terrifying

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is Professor emeritus of the University of Mainz, where he served as the chair of the department of medical microbiology and hygiene from 1991 to 2012.  From 1990 to 2012, he served as Editor in Chief of Medical Microbiology and Immunology. In 2001 he was awarded the Aronson Prize for achievements in microbiology and immunology.  […]

Groups worry about tapping COVID relief for infrastructure

Organizations representing long-term care facilities on Friday urged lawmakers working on a bipartisan infrastructure plan to avoid dipping into COVID-relief funds to help pay for the roughly $600 billion in new spending sought for the public works buildout. The request comes as lawmakers are struggling to finish up negotiations over the package amid stubborn disagreements […]

Door to door vaccinations! 1984 anyone? Don’t worry, it’s people you trust

A rant by youtuber Jericho Green. He raises the very valid point that there’s been nary a mention of how to live healthy and enhance your immune system. This door to door scenario is already taking place in various places. From the UK andAustralia we’ve seen images of military & ‘health’ people wanting to see […]

Vaccine Woes Worry India

Written by Ashish Kumar Singh & Wakar Amin India consists of a population with different sets of profiles of socio-culturally diverse identities scattered within it. Any vaccination program which is aimed at covering the whole population has to use a diverse and heterogeneous strategy like the population of the country. Not to mention the fact […]

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