Posts Tagged ‘sources’

Gaza resistance sources say fear is rising U.S. pier will be used for forced displacement of Palestinians

Critics warn the U.S.-constructed pier off Gaza’s coast is being used for military purposes. Now a source in the Gaza resistance says there are indications it will be used to facilitate the forced displacement of Palestinians. Source

Makia Freeman – Video with sources – At the Top They’re All on the Same Side – Part 1

At the Top, They’re ALL on the SAME SIDE – Part 1 – Video #103 … Read the rest Source

Disinformation “Expert” Tells People To Only Use “Trusted Sources,” Avoid “Doing Your Own Research”

Related: Pennsylvania Collaborates With DHS and CISA To Monitor Online Election-Related Speech “One thing everyone can do to make sure they are seeing accurate information is to use trusted sources. So in elections that means using the Department of State, that means using your county elections office, it means using media organizations that follow, that adhere, […]

Kidnapper Wins Custody of 13-Year-Old Girl, Sources Say

Muazzam Mazhar kidnapped Roshni Shaqeel on March 13, 2024 in Basti Khaliq Pura, Pakistan, the girl’s parents say. (Christian Daily International-Morning Star News) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – A high court in Pakistan on Monday (March 25) rejected a Christian woman’s attempt to recover her 13-year-old daughter, instead allowing the child to go […]

Musk’s SpaceX is building spy satellite network for US intelligence agency, sources say

SpaceX is building a network of hundreds of spy satellites under a classified contract with a U.S. intelligence agency, five sources familiar with the program said, demonstrating deepening ties between billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk’s space company and national security agencies. Source

RH – Yahweh’s Solar Calendar Proven from Many Sources, Part 1

EURO FOLK RADIO RH – Yahweh’s Solar Calendar Proven from Many Sources, Part 1 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share What is God’s Calendar, and Why Does It Matter? Share this: Source

8 Common Sources of Heavy Metals in Food

When you’re buying food for yourself and your family, you probably glance over the Nutrition Facts panel to make sure you’re making a healthy choice. You may even look at the fine print in the ingredients list, to see if there are any artificial additives or preservatives you want to avoid. What you won’t see […]

Israel Wanted Ground Offensive Before Hostage Deal: Sources

US President Joe Biden (L) listens to Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he joins a meeting of the Israeli war cabinet in Tel Aviv on October 18, 2023, amid the ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas.  (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images) Israeli officials are considering a Qatari-brokered deal to […]

Transcript with Sources: MP Andrew Bridgen on Deafening Silence on Historically High, Non-COVID, Vaccine-Related Excess Deaths

(View at Rumble) UK Parliament Official Transcript: Sources for Speech October 20, 2023 “We have experienced more excess deaths since July 2021 than in the whole of 2020.  Number of excess deaths according to Office for Health Improvements and Disparities Mar-Dec 2020 (there were fewer deaths than expected in Jan and Feb 2020 according to ONS) 69,293 Jul 2021 […]

WSJ, Citing Exclusively Anonymous Sources, Claims ‘Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel’

The Wall Street Journal on Sunday, citing anonymous “sources” in Hamas and Hezbollah in addition to “a European official and an adviser to the Syrian government,” claimed Iran helped plot Hamas’ attack on Israel but the only Hamas official they cite on the record denied anyone else was involved in the attack.  From WSJ, “Iran Helped […]

The CIA was ready to sabotage the pipelines as early as last January, intelligence sources told the veteran reporter Hersh

Blaming anything on Biden other than him molesting little girls is misdirection as he is so senile at this point he can not even remember two minuets later which little girls in a crowd he has already felt up. Who do you think the bribe taking little children raping Political whores from Sodom and Gomorrah […]

How (and When and Why) to Cite Your Sources – #SolutionsWatch

I think almost no-one on this forum, except for me hasresearched about quantum computers andsuper-position quantum states of molecules.And I do not even know everything, because I am more interestedin how physical quantum-phenomena are active in livingbiological systems. These quantum phenomena may be guided by life-force (prana),and help the physical body to make intelligent choices. […]

FBI tried to cultivate ‘sources’ inside Catholic and Christian churches under phony guise of fighting ‘domestic terrorism’

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The House Judiciary Committee on Monday made public internal documents that showed the FBI had sought to cultivate sources within Christian churches and Catholic dioceses to fight domestic terrorism.The documents were obtained last month by members of the Weaponization Subcommittee, including House Judiciary Committee … [Read More…] Source

Sources to Al Mayadeen: Riyadh to announce end to war on Yemen

7 Apr 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen Net + Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  Yemeni sources told Al Mayadeen that the Saudi vision for a solution welcomes an extension to the existing truce in Yemen for another year, in agreement with Sanaa, and reveals that it is almost final.war Informed Yemeni sources reported on Friday that Saudi […]

Russian Assassinations a Growing Worry as War Nears Second Year: Sources

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during his meeting with workers at the Obukhov State Plant as a military vehicle seen in the background on January,18,2023, in Saint Petersburg, Russia.  (Photo by Contributor/Getty Images) Since the outset of the war in Ukraine last February, a growing list of mysterious deaths of Vladimir Putin’s critics and Kremlin-linked […]

Turkiye did not agree to withdraw military from Syria and no deals were made, sources say

Turkish sources have refuted reports that Turkiye has agreed to withdraw its military from northern Syria, calling them misleading and as propaganda. Following a meeting between the defence ministers of Turkiye, Russia and Syria last month – the first such talks since 2011 – it was reported by the Syrian newspaper, Al-Watan, that Ankara agreed […]

Israeli sources: Greece signs agreement on the purchase of Spike missiles worth 335 million euros

Greece has signed an agreement on the purchase of Spike missiles worth 335 million euros. The deal includes several versions of the missiles that will be used by soldiers, helicopters, ships, boats, and some of them will be installed on Plasan’s Sandcat vehicles. The deal includes Orbiter-type guidance drones and combat simulators for training. Spike… […]

Saudi’s MBS to cancel upcoming visit to South Korea, say sources 

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman might cancel his upcoming visit to South Korea, Yonhap News Agency reported yesterday. The agency quoted South Korean sources as saying that it was "difficult for Bin Salman to visit Korea this year," adding that a reschedule was "underway." Bin Salman last visited the South Korean capital of Seoul […]

Canada agrees to resettle Afghans held in UAE facility, sources say

Canada will accept some 1,000 Afghans who fled the Taliban takeover of their homeland and have been held for months in a makeshift refugee centre in the United Arab Emirates awaiting resettlement to the United States and elsewhere, seven sources said, Reuters reports. Ottawa has agreed to a US request to resettle some of the […]

New Zealand on its Way to Phasing Out Non-renewable Energy Sources

Today, New Zealand is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. This is not only due to the very low population density and the predominantly agricultural-oriented economy, but also to the fact that the operation of thermal power plants is severely restricted by legislation aimed at protecting the environment. The country also […]

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