Posts Tagged ‘bridgen’

MP Andrew Bridgen: I’m Afraid COVID Vaccine Deaths Are ‘Going to Be Bigger Than the Holocaust’

“We are witnesses to the greatest medical scandal in this country in living memory — and possibly ever,” British member of the UK parliament Andrew Bridgen declared during a monumental speech in the House of Commons. MP Bridgen has shown himself to be a man who does not mince words or shy away from telling […]

Liz Gunn with UK MP Andrew Bridgen (who was invited to Davos same day as his Parliamentary debate on excess deaths!)

Andrew declined the invitation of course! Hear him speak about the sabotage he has experienced by those who would silence him…Andrew has blown the whistle in the UK Parliament about excess deaths and other matters of corruption for a long time (10+ yrs) and currently now has 16 other MPs on board with the excess […]

Liz Gunn interviews UK’s Andrew Bridgen & the NZ Data Whistleblower ‘Winston Smith’ on NZ’s excess deaths (MUST WATCH!)

Note: A must hear video. Andrew Bridgen speaks of his 13 odd years as an MP and what he has experienced in uncovering corruption. Like anybody who does this, he does not fare well. He tells how he was a multi millionaire, businessman of the year in 2000. The government he says has now separated […]

Transcript with Sources: MP Andrew Bridgen on Deafening Silence on Historically High, Non-COVID, Vaccine-Related Excess Deaths

(View at Rumble) UK Parliament Official Transcript: Sources for Speech October 20, 2023 “We have experienced more excess deaths since July 2021 than in the whole of 2020.  Number of excess deaths according to Office for Health Improvements and Disparities Mar-Dec 2020 (there were fewer deaths than expected in Jan and Feb 2020 according to ONS) 69,293 Jul 2021 […]

MP Andrew Bridgen Debates Excess Deaths in Parliament

October 21, 2023 GOVERNMENT, HEALTH, Spotlight, Tyranny 2 ER Editor:  A talk to the public outside Bridgen gave afterwards — Andrew Bridgen MP gives a speech on Parliament Square pt 1 — Brexit Brian Patriots (@BrianPatriots) October 20, 2023 ******** MP Andrew Bridgen Debates Excess Deaths in Parliament, 20th October 2023 PATRICIA HARRITY for THE EXPOSE Andrew Bridgen, MP for North West […]


Andrew Bridgen Update On His Letter To UK PM Regarding Pfizer’s Covid Jab

Below is an update from MP Andrew Bridgen on his letter to British prime minister regarding Pfizer’s Covid jab. We have been lied to regarding these jabs and despite the many people who have died […] The post Andrew Bridgen Update On His Letter To UK PM Regarding Pfizer’s Covid Jab appeared first on The […]


January 12th, 2023 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step january 15th. One step at a time, hand in […]


December 15th, 2022 “In 2015, a commentary by Richard Horton, Editor in Chief of the Lancet, suggested that possibly half of the published medical literature may simply be untrue. He wrote that science has taken a turn towards darkness and asked, ‘Who is going to take the first step to clean up the system?’” “Well, […]

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