Posts Tagged ‘brave’

George, the brave Jack Russell Terrier who saved five children

George, the brave Jack Russell Terrier who saved five children from a vicious attack by two pit bulls in Manaia, New Zealand. Despite being much smaller than the attacking dogs, George courageously defended the children, barking and rushing at the pit bulls to protect them. He was so severely mauled in the fight that a […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Brave New World

Texas state Sen. Phil King says that if President Joe Biden is reelected, this nation is “in for some very, very difficult times.” But if former President Donald Trump wins, King says “it’s a brave new world.” The fact that he meant that as a compliment suggests that he never read the book. White nationalist […]

“I’m Not Playing Against a Man in a Women’s Event” – Brave Female Darts Player Decides to Forfeit Tournament Match Instead of Facing Transgender (Bio-Male) Competitor

“I’m Not Playing Against a Man in a Women’s Event” – Brave Female Darts Player Decides to Forfeit Tournament Match Instead of Facing Transgender (Bio-Male) Competitor Source

Palestinian Resistance Continues Brave Stand against Israeli Aggression for 85 Consecutive Days

December 30, 2023 Amidst ongoing attacks, unending aggression, and a damning silence from human rights advocates, the Palestinian resistance courageously persists in confronting Zionist forces in the besieged Gaza Strip. This prolonged ordeal has escalated further with the alleged American green light to the Israeli enemy, which appears to be endorsing massacres against defenseless civilians. […]

Aldous Huxley and Brave New World – The Dark Side of Pleasure

23 nov 2023 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, etc., […]


‘Go to Hell’: Brave EU Politician Delivers Damning Message to the Global Tyrants

Originally Published on Vigilant News Member of the European Parliament Christine Anderson has been an unyielding opponent to Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ Agenda. Known best for her famous smackdown on Justin Trudeau, MEP Anderson has established herself as one of the few politicians left who represent the interests of the European people. September 13 was […]

CIA’s Mockingbird Media going after brave truth-teller Russell Brand with a vengeance.


This school year, students in Masafer Yatta brave settler and army harassment

With the start of the new school year, Palestinian children in Masafer Yatta defy Israeli army and settler harassment to go to class in tents, since Israel demolished their school last year. Source

“Brave” Treasonous Cowards

I fought all the years of the American Revolution. When my cousin General George S Patton said something about reincarnating and an ignorant sheep bleated angrily there was no such thing as reincarnation, Georgie told them: “You may not reincarnate, but I do”. Knowing the hardships the Winter Soldiers endured to give the Americans a […]

Brave and Stunning: Dianne Feinstein’s Corpse Gets Wheeled Back Into Senate

Now that Feinstein’s 90-year-old corpse in pearls and lipstick is seated upright upon its throne, the corporate state is now free to push through judges through the Senate committee to its heart’s content. Source

Indian medical students brave war to study in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the Medical Faculty in Lviv is once again hosting these students from India in their fifth year of medical school. Source

How Brave Human Rights Lawyer Virginia Prodan Faced Down Her Assassin and Changed His Life for the Better

What does it take to forgive someone who tried to kill you? To Virginia Prodan, it was simple. Being a woman of Christian faith, she lived her life by the principles expounded in the Bible. What she wasn’t prepared for was how the assassin sent to kill her reacted to her plea. Not only did […]

Rep. Adam Schiff Greets Ukraine Neo-Nazis in US Capitol: “They Are So Brave”

Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff invited neo-Nazis serving in Ukraine’s Azov Battalion to the U.S. Capitol on Monday. A viral photo posted on Twitter shows Schiff approaching a couple of nazi Azov soldiers wearing black suits […] The post Rep. Adam Schiff Greets Ukraine Neo-Nazis in US Capitol: “They Are So Brave” appeared first on News […]

Biden Tells ‘Brave Right Wing Americans’ 2nd Amendment is No Match for His F-15s

By Matt Agorist Those who have been paying attention know that president Joe Biden is no friend of the Second Amendment. His attack on your right to defend your family began well before he was elected and has dangerously escalated since he was sworn in. On top of attacking gun rights, Biden has made it his personal […]

Biden Tells ‘Brave Right Wing Americans’ 2nd Amendment is No Match for His F-15s

By Matt Agorist Those who have been paying attention know that president Joe Biden is no friend of the Second Amendment. His attack on your right to defend your family began well before he was elected and has dangerously escalated since he was sworn in. On top of attacking gun rights, Biden has made it his personal […]

Video: Biden Tells “Brave Right-wing Americans” Second Amendment Has Limits

The current chair of the Democratic National Committee has defended Joe Biden’s comments about half the country being “semi-fascist”. Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation, Jaime Harrison claimed Biden was “calling what it what it is” in reference to the ‘Make American Great Again’ agenda. “Well, the one thing that President Joe Biden has been […]

This brave German Chemist was killed trying to warn humanity about the graphene hydroxide nano razors put in the Covid ‘vaccines’, so please…. (Video)

…post and send out this exposé everywhere so vaxxed (and unvaxxed) folks know what they and their loved ones are really dealing with. Dr. Andreas Noack was an absolute expert on graphene and its variations, perhaps the only such person in all of Europe. His doctoral thesis was on the conversion of graphene oxide to […]

Exclusive — Trent Talbot: Brave Books for Children Are ‘Pro-America, Pro-God, Anti-Woke’

Trent Talbot, an ophthalmologist who launched a children’s book publishing company, told Breitbart News he became aware of a cultural war being waged over the raising of children after viewing the trailer for Cuties and seeing Amazon book sales for Ibram X Kendi’s Antiracist Baby.

Memorial Day Tributes Abound: ‘Be Worthy of the Brave Men & Women Who Didn’t Make it Home’

Memorial Day tributes flooded social media on Monday as Americans around the country honored those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

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