Posts Tagged ‘harassment’

United Airlines SUED over harassment and bullying of unvaxxed employees instigated by WOKE CEO Scott Kirby

(NaturalNews) Employees of United Airlines are suing the company for harassing and bullying its unvaccinated managers and co-workers during the Wuhan coronavirus… Source

Major law firms push law schools to address ‘antisemitic harassment’ on campus

A group of about two dozen top law firms sent a letter to over 100 law school deans on Friday, warning the schools that they should take antisemitism more seriously, else the firms would be less likely to hire their students. “Over the last several weeks, we have been alarmed at reports of anti-Semitic harassment,… […]

China Ramped up Harassment of the U.S. Military After Joe Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

China’s military dramatically increased its harassment of U.S. aircraft after the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Source

In ‘witch hunt,’ Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, Jerusalem IDs, face harassment, persecution amid Gaza war

In the wake of the Hamas attack on October 7th, Palestinian Citizens of Israel and residents of occupied Jerusalem are being targeted over their social media activity. Any expressions of Palestinian identity, or support for Gaza, is getting people fired from their jobs, expelled from universities, arrested, and doxxed online by right-wing Israeli groups. Source

Ex-Lover Of Spain’s Former King Loses $153 Million Harassment Lawsuit

Former Spanish King Juan Carlos argued an English court didn’t have jurisdiction to hear the case because he doesn’t live in Britain. A judge agreed. Source

Michigan State suspends football coach in sexual harassment investigation

Michigan State University suspended football coach Mel Tucker on Sunday, hours after a USA Today report revealed he is the subject of an ongoing sexual harassment investigation.  At a press conference Sunday evening, the university’s interim president, Teresa Woodruff, announced Tucker would be suspended without pay, pending a resolution of the Title IX case. A… […]

This school year, students in Masafer Yatta brave settler and army harassment

With the start of the new school year, Palestinian children in Masafer Yatta defy Israeli army and settler harassment to go to class in tents, since Israel demolished their school last year. Source

Former Spanish King Seeks To Throw Out Ex-Lover’s Harassment Case

Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn alleges former Spanish King Juan Carlos orchestrated threats and surveillance against her from 2012. Source

Joe Rogan, Elon Musk Instigate Harassment Campaign Against Vaccine Scientist

In a series of events no more explicable if you happened to have a front-row seat to them, Joe Rogan and Elon Musk spent the holiday weekend fomenting a crusade against Dr. Peter Hotez, the pediatrician and vaccine expert. Hotez’s crime was tweeting approvingly about a story I wrote on Friday concerning Rogan’s recent, fawning […]

Appendix 199: Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment Explained: Brain Fingerprinting Technology

In 1999, a woodcutter named James B. Grinder confessed to a 15-year-old murder, the death of a 25-year-old woman named Julie Helton. A short time later, he recanted, contradicting himself over and over. His blood had been taken and compared against the crime scene samples — but with such an old crime, local police were […]

Appendix 198: Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment Explained: Suzie Dawson 10-Part Video Series: “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Spies” of the NSA Global Spy Network (Fall, 2019) W/ Transcriptions, Graphics, & Sample Quotes

Webmaster Introduction: In her 10-part series, “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Methods of the Spies,” activist, researcher, TI, and former head of New Zealand’s Internet Party provides an outstanding compendium of information about how the global gangstalking program works, who does it, and why they do it. Thus, I have transcribed major portions of […]

Appendix 197: Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment Explained: NSA’s ESCHELON Network (by Patrick S. Poole)

I. ESCHELON: America’s Secret Global Surveillance Network Copyright 1999/2000 Patrick S. Poole Executive Summary In the greatest surveillance effort ever established, the US National Security Agency (NSA) has created a global spy system, codename ECHELON, which captures and analyzes virtually every phone call, fax, email and telex message sent anywhere in the world. ECHELON is […]

Nolte: Trans Bishop Sues Lutheran Denomination for Harassment, Discrimination

The far-left Associated Press reports that the Rev. Megan Rohrer, who was “elected as the first openly transgender bishop of one of the largest Christian denominations in the country in May 2021,” is suing the “””” church”””” and claiming “he” was forced out “after enduring several months of discrimination and harassment.” I’m confused… “Megan” is a “he?” […]

French football federation head Noël Le Graët resigns amid sexual harassment investigation

The head of the FFF Noël Le Graët has resigned after an audit found he was not fit to lead because of his behaviour toward women Source

Sexual harassment by wealthy men Who Rode Private Polluting Jets at WEF is “so common” that female guests are advised not to attend events alone, an Austria outlet reported

Prostitution “Escort” agencies booked solid for Davos forum. The Swiss escort agencies near Davos are already fully booked ahead of this year’s World Economic Forum, the elite gathering that brings together heads of state, corporate executives, and influential non-profiteers, Austrian outlet Exxpress reported on Sunday, citing a missive purportedly sent from one such agency. In […]

Ex-Aide to NY Attorney General Letitia James Sues over Alleged Sexual Harassment Coverup

New York Attorney General Letitia James’ (D) former aide is suing the official over an alleged coverup of sexual harassment and sexual assault by the former chief of staff, who recently resigned. Source

Palestinian students facing increased harassment on Israeli campuses

For Palestinians attending Israeli universities, freedom of expression is often met with racism and violence from neo-fascist Zionist groups. Source

Did a social justice-focused Jewish non-profit give in to a right-wing harassment campaign by firing an anti-Zionist employee?

Avodah claims it was not influenced by a right-wing smear campaign when it fired Anna Rajagopal, but the organization’s actions legitimized the harassment of anti-Zionist activists.  Source

Senate Investigation: Garcetti ‘More Likely Than Not’ Knew of Sexual Harassment by Aide

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s nomination as U.S. Ambassador to India is in jeopardy after a Senate investigation concluded this week that he “more likely than not” knew about sexual harassment by one of his aides.

Tehran slams police harassment of Iranian citizen in Denmark

TEHRAN- Iran’s top human rights official has submitted a letter of protest to Denmark’s immigration minister in response to the horrific maltreatment of an Iranian asylum seeker by the European country’s immigration police.

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