Posts Tagged ‘Discrimination’

Right Wing Round-Up: ‘Discrimination Keeps You Safe’

Sarah Posner @ Talking Points Memo: The Christian Nationalist Hydra: In Era of Trump, Christian Nationalism Has Many Faces From traditional Christian-right figures to secret societies envisioning a ‘national divorce,’ a growing contingent of radical activists is planning for Christian supremacy. Joe Jervis: Maine GOP Reps Censured After Claiming That Local Mass Shooting Was God’s […]

Color-Privilege: The Return of Racial Discrimination

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Female professors sue Vassar, alleging pay discrimination

A group of female professors at Vassar College announced Wednesday they are suing the school over alleged discrimination in pay.  The plaintiffs, consisting of Vassar professors ranging from the English to physics departments, say the college has known for years there was a growing gap in pay between male and female educators.  “Through this action,… […]

DISCRIMINATION at WORK: Toronto mom loses job after arguing against posting pride stickers at school board meeting

(NaturalNews) In an exclusive interview with alternative news outlet LifeSiteNews, a mom revealed how he was a victim of discrimination, cancel culture and unjust… Source

Black residents of Cancer Alley sue local government for discrimination in siting chemical facilities

“We’re being ignored and we have to do whatever we have to do to stop it.” Source

Nolte: Trans Bishop Sues Lutheran Denomination for Harassment, Discrimination

The far-left Associated Press reports that the Rev. Megan Rohrer, who was “elected as the first openly transgender bishop of one of the largest Christian denominations in the country in May 2021,” is suing the “””” church”””” and claiming “he” was forced out “after enduring several months of discrimination and harassment.” I’m confused… “Megan” is a “he?” […]

Seattle Becomes First US City to Ban Caste-Based Discrimination

Seattle has made history in the U.S. by banning discrimination based on the ancient Hindu caste system, which activists argue encourages inequality, segregation and exclusion among South Asians.  On Tuesday evening, Seattle became the first American city—and the first in the world outside South Asia—to add caste-based discrimination as a form of outlawed prejudice, joining […]

Rights group: New Israeli government will deepen occupation, discrimination against Palestinian citizens

The Mossawa Center warns that Israel’s new extreme right-wing government will deepen racism against Palestinian citizens, and expand Jewish settlement on Palestinian lands in the Galilee, Negev, and West Bank. Source

Professor Sues Texas A&M, Alleges Discrimination Against ‘White and Asian Men’ in Hiring

Texas A&M University is facing a Fourteenth Amendment lawsuit over its hiring practices, which allegedly discriminate against white and Asian men to advance its “diversity, equity, and inclusion” agenda. America First Legal, a group founded by longtime Donald Trump adviser Stephen Miller, filed the complaint on behalf of Richard Lowery, an associate professor of finance […]

Connecticut Public School Asst. Principal Admits Discrimination Against Catholic Candidate..

31 aug 2022 • Jeremy Boland, Assistant Principal of Cos Cob Elementary School: “Believe it or not, the open-minded, more progressive teachers are actually more savvy about delivering a Democratic message without really ever having to mention politics.”• Boland: “So, it’s subtle. They [teachers I hire] will never say, ‘Oh, this is [a] liberal or […]

Unvaccinated Face Potentially Illegal Discrimination

Unvaccinated Face Potentially Illegal Discrimination Posted on August 31, 2022   By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. A new international study of 18,497 individuals unvaccinated against COVID-19 shows potentially illegal discrimination. “Such discrimination and restriction of liberties based on a medical choice may fall foul of relevant national anti-discrimination laws and international treaties,” concluded the authors.A new study published […]

AKSC urges companies in the USA to include caste discrimination in the policy documents

Ambedkar King Study Circle’s 3rd annual conference urged the companies in the USA to include caste discrimination in the policy documents Anti-caste activists gathered in Cupertino on Aug 27th under the theme to resist Brahminism and Hindutva urged the companies in the USA to include caste discrimination in the policy documents and appriciated Apple being […]

“Discrimination against Palestinians is overt and systemic,” says World Council of Churches Central Committee

According to the WCC’s governing body, the “occupation continues to contradict the equal human dignity and human rights of Palestinians while the response of the international community continues to reflect egregious double standards.” Source

Woke Google to Pay $118 Million to Settle ‘Gender Discrimination’ Lawsuit

A class action lawsuit brought against Google by over 15,000 current and former female employees of the company has been settled. Google must now pay $118 million to the 15,500 plaintiffs including current and former female employees.

Chile Bans ‘Discrimination Against Mutants and Genetically Altered People’

No longer sci-fi speculation, the transhuman revolution is real; it’s here; it’s unfolding in real time. Man’s transformation into machine – or at least something not entirely human — will accelerate rapidly in the coming decades.

EXCLUSIVE – Hungary ‘Blocking Cooperation with Ukraine’ at EU, NATO over Anti-Hungarian Discrimination

Hungary, noted for its strong border policies, has opened its arms to Ukrainian refugees but will continue “blocking cooperation with Ukraine at every European Union and NATO forum” over the country’s treatment of its Hungarian minority, an official told Breitbart News this week. Hungary’s national conservative prime minister, Viktor Orbán, has surprised left-liberal critics by declaring […]

Nike Could Face Criminal Charges Of Racial Discrimination For Posting All-Black Ads On Russian Website

(RMX News) While White western nations passively accept their racial replacement on their own television screens, Slavic nations are not taking this hostile takeover lying down — they are rejecting this blatant multicultural Marxist propaganda — and are poised to take legal action against companies that are attempting to impose this anti-White racial discrimination on […]

First Face Mask Discrimination Case Nets £7,000

Covid Truths  January 19, 2021 Take note you dictating power hungry supermarkets regarding face mask discrimination for those exempt. Article copyright: Disability Rights A disabled woman assisted by Kester Disability Rights has been paid £7,000 in compensation by a service provider who refused her access to a service because she was unable to wear a […]

Japan Bans COVID Vax Mandates and Discrimination Based on Status, Puts Heart Warning on Label

Via Rair Foundation Japan announces that public and private sectors can not discriminate against those who refuse the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections. Japan is now labeling Covid “vaccines” to warn of dangerous and potentially deadly side effects such as myocarditis. In addition, the country is reaffirming its commitment to adverse event reporting requirements to […]

Crossbow-Armed Man Tried to Assassinate Queen Over ‘Racial Discrimination’

The crossbow-armed man who tried to assassinate Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle on Christmas Day said he was motivated by anger over colonialism and racial discrimination. A video of Jaswant Singh Chail posted just 24 minutes before his assassination attempt shows the culprit ranting in a distorted voice. The suspect, who is seen wearing a […]

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