Posts Tagged ‘privilege’

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Thank God For White Privilege

The key thing to know about David Barton is not just that he spreads Christian nationalist disinformation, but that he keeps spreading it even after it’s been debunked. Back in 2022, Right Wing Watch exposed his false claim that public schools in New Jersey used to require students to memorize the Bible, yet it remains […]

The CIA attempts to invoke State Secrets Privilege

Feb 14 2024 The CIA attempts to invoke State Secrets Privilege in order to halt the case in which four Americans filed a lawsuit against the CIA for violating their 4th Amendment rights when visiting Mr. Assange in Ecuador’s embassy in London. “After careful consideration and review of the remaining claim in this case, the […]

Color-Privilege: The Return of Racial Discrimination

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‘It’s a privilege to say I am Palestinian’: a conversation with Nancy Mansour

Born in the UK to Palestinian parents, Nancy Mansour* is the co-founder of Existence is Resistance (EIR), a radical grassroots movement dedicated to the liberation of Palestine. Known for her boundless passion and fierce irreverence, Mansour (AKA Harrabic Tubman) has been on the forefront of cultural resistance against ongoing Israeli Apartheid for more than a […]

No Thanks! Insider Eschewed Life of Satanist Privilege

    "Our literally besotted world is filled with countless others whose satanic ritual abuse is similar to mine, (these are often our civic, cultural, business and political leaders!) yet sadly most continue to be controlled by their Satanic programming, and refuse to embrace the far from comfortable challenge of facing their demons, which leads […]

How Israel’s protests are preserving colonial privilege

Lowkey invited me onto his podcast The Watchdog once again this week. We discussed the recent protest movement in Israel and why it is not truly a movement for democracy but rather — as leading Palestinian intellectual Joseph Massad puts it — a movement for “master-race democracy.” We talked about why the anti-Netanyahu demos have […]

Dorothy Zellner on allyship, fascism, and Jewish privilege

This movement needs a newsroom that can cover all of Palestine and the global Palestinian freedom movement. The Israeli government and its economic, cultural, and political backers here in the U.S. have made a decades-long investment in silencing and delegitimizing Palestinian voices. We’re building a powerful challenge to those mainstream norms, and proving that listening […]

Dorothy Zellner on allyship, fascism, and Jewish privilege

This movement needs a newsroom that can cover all of Palestine and the global Palestinian freedom movement. The Israeli government and its economic, cultural, and political backers here in the U.S. have made a decades-long investment in silencing and delegitimizing Palestinian voices. We’re building a powerful challenge to those mainstream norms, and proving that listening […]

Cops Let a Woman Go Free After She Showed Her ‘White Privilege Card’

A Trump-loving Californian visiting Anchorage for a MAGA rally last month showed local police a novelty “white privilege card” after she was pulled over for swerving in her lane. But instead of citing or ticketing the woman for failing to show her driver’s license, cellphone video taken by the motorist shows officers had a laugh, […]

‘Checking Privilege in the Animal Kingdom’: Biologists Investigate Animal ‘Inequality’

Increasingly, scholars and the media link so-called animal privilege with economic and sociological terms such as inequality and intergenerational wealth. Source

New Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe Film Mocks White Privilege

Legendary filmmaker Mike Judge is back with his latest animated movie, “Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe.” The famous 90s MTV duo returns to the big screen in the year 2022 where they find a world of political correctness they simply do not mesh with. In a clip from the movie that is going viral […]

Meadows’ book possible ‘waiver’ of executive privilege, Jan. 6 investigators say

Meadows’ book is due to be released the same week he’s expected to appear before the Jan. 6 committee, following weeks of correspondence and hardball tactics that led Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) to threaten to hold Meadows in criminal contempt of Congress. But last week, Meadows’ lawyer George Terwilliger III and Thompson described a breakthrough, […]

The Jewish Privilege Of Éric Zemmour: Why He Can Say What No Other Man In France Dares Say Above A Whisper

Zemmour poses in front of masonic All-Seeing Eye The Jewish journalist, Éric Zemmour, has finally thrown his hat into the ring and announced his candidacy for the French presidency. A so-called “far” right wing journalist who has been convicted of “hate speech” for his unapologetic anti-Muslim sentiments, Zemmour has never spent a day in jail […]

Scotland’s Teachers Urged to Take ‘White Privilege’ Test in a Bid to ‘Decolonise’ Schools

    According to Scotland’s Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville, it was vital to embed “anti-racism into the ethos and practice” of the country’s education system. Teachers in Scotland were invited to take “white privilege” tests as a part of the government’s larger efforts to “decolonise” the school curriculum, according to the Times, which cited a […]

Outrageous! Here’s a Look at the Shocking White Privilege, Gender Equity Lesson Plans Used To Indoctrinate Your Children

by Alicia Powe Parents may not be able to vet or opt out of the social justice, ideologically skewed educational regimen being taught nationwide in K-12 classrooms. But thousands of lesson plans designed to instill students with a gender-fluid, racist, anti-American ideology are available for review at, a site allowing teachers to sell and […]

Outrageous! Here’s a Look at the Shocking White Privilege, Gender Equity Lesson Plans Used To Indoctrinate Your Kids

by Alicia Powe Parents may not be able to vet or opt out of the social justice, ideologically skewed educational regimen being taught nationwide in K-12 classrooms. But thousands of lesson plans designed to instill students with a gender-fluid, racist, anti-American ideology are available for review at, a site allowing teachers to sell and […]

Michigan Dad Accepts Late Son’s High School Diploma: ‘It Was Such an Honor and Privilege’

It was a somber moment for one family from Michigan during a recent high school graduation ceremony in which the father accepted his late teen son’s diploma. Donald Perry Jr., from Saginaw, was only 17 years old when he was killed in a tragic road accident in November 2020. At the time of his demise, he […]

A Tale of Three Viruses: Corona, Stupidity and Privilege

Waking up from sleep has usually been a refreshing exercise. Like, returning home after a hard day of work. But, not anymore. While we do not celebrate the little pleasures that life brings, it is only when bliss gives us a miss, that we begin to take note of how the quotidian is more than […]

Charles Hurt: The Millionaire Bidens’ Incredible White Privilege

Poor Joe Biden. For nearly five decades, Mr. Biden has been getting everything wrong in Washington. He has always been a low-watt thinker with verbal dysentery. But harmless. Which is why he wound up as vice president in the first place — White Privilege Joe. Poor guy, he is so slow he was the last person to realize that nobody […]

Charles Hurt: Welcome to the White Privilege Presidency

Washington really is the last nakedly racist place in America. And the very face of this city’s institutional racism is President Biden himself. Welcome to the White Privilege Presidency. Mr. Biden is living proof that no matter how dumb you are or how wrong you have always been or how many things you have screwed […]

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