Posts Tagged ‘stupidity’

Ignorance, Stupidity, or Malice?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL A major topic of conversation at the recent Brownstone retreat was whether the people who locked us down and then mandated an experimental gene therapy, along with their supporters and enablers, were motivated primarily by stupidity or malice. I’d like to propose a third option: ignorance. In my view, all […]

The War Between Knowledge and Stupidity

Bernard Stiegler was, until his premature death, probably the most important philosopher of technology of the present. His work on technology has shown us that, far from being exclusively a danger to human existence, it is a pharmakon – a poison as well as a cure – and that, as long as we approach technology […]

PLAIN STUPIDITY: Pharmaceutical front group American Academy of Pediatrics condemns natural breastfeeding, calling it “ethically problematic”

(NaturalNews) Is it bad for modern medicine to promote breastfeeding as the optimal way for a mother to feed her baby? According to the American Academy of… Source

Mass Insanity, Sheep Like Stupidity & A Lust For Evil

When Yeshua called Jesus in the Western world called humans sheep, that WAS NOT a term of endearment. And in the end, the sheep Yeshua was trying to help, helped the occupying Romans Yeshua was trying to kick out of Judea for the benefit of the sheep, murder him. Well, the with pigs fornicating sheeple […]

‘We are fighting stupidity’: In Ukraine, anti-vax sentiment fuels COVID crisis

As coronavirus infections hit Ukraine, a single shift for Dr. Oleksandr Molchanov now stretches to 42 hours — 24 of them in Kakhovka’s hospital, followed by another 18 hours spent visiting tents set up to care for 120 COVID-19 patients. While vaccination rates in Eastern Europe have generally lagged, Ukraine has one of the lowest […]

The basic laws of human stupidity

These are Cipolla’s five fundamental laws of stupidity: Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation. The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of […]

Repetitive Stupidity in Commercials is Programming the Hive Subconscious Mind

By Dylan Charles At the heart of the social insanity, mindless acquiescence to authority, and automatic compliance with any and every new government rule or regulation, is a deliberate effort to dumb down the population. It takes place in the halls of our educational institutions, and it comes home with us at night to our television screens. […]

A Tale of Three Viruses: Corona, Stupidity and Privilege

Waking up from sleep has usually been a refreshing exercise. Like, returning home after a hard day of work. But, not anymore. While we do not celebrate the little pleasures that life brings, it is only when bliss gives us a miss, that we begin to take note of how the quotidian is more than […]

Dan Rather: Trump Is ‘a Combination of Selfishness and Stupidity’ — His Administration Is a ‘Farce’

Former “CBS Evening News” anchor Dan Rather Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” called President Donald Trump “a combination of selfishness and stupidity.” Rather said, “As members of the press, we have to keep doing our job, which is keep telling people, keep reminding people through use of facts and quotes of how unusually unique this is […]

“The Level of Stupidity Going On Here Is Amazing” – Nobel Laureate For Science On Covid-19 Lockdown

From The Facts:Michael Levitt, a Biophysicist and a professor of structural biology at Stanford University, criticizes the WHO as well as Facebook for censoring different information and informed perspectives regarding the Coronavirus. Reflect On:Can we continue to rely on global organizations like the WHO and our federal health regulatory agencies to guide us in […]

Tamimi: Israeli claim ‘we are actors is madness and stupidity’

by Nathan Schmidt Israeli occupation officials claimed that Al-Tamimi family was not real in order to justify violence and oppression against the family members, including the 16-year-old brave girl –Ahed Tamimi. Former Ambassador to the US and Israel’s current Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister Michael Oren has reiterated allegations that the Tamimi family are […]

Watching The Hawks – Shutting Down Trust & Swallowing Stupidity

Watching The Hawks – Shutting Down Trust & Swallowing Stupidity Watching The Democrats and Republicans wage a spin war over the three-day long government shutdown. An alarming trend of people eating Tide pods for fun. Ex-spy Ray McGovern discusses the NSAs loss of a data trove the agency was ordered to preserve. And, a […]

Total stupidity of online herd mentality on display as teens challenge each other to eat Tide laundry detergent "pods"

(Natural News) Doctors and parents are concerned about a dangerous new trend that is sweeping the internet. Teenagers across the country are daring one another to eat poisonous laundry detergent pods, part of a so-called “Tide Pod Challenge.” In 2017, poison control centers reported more than 12,299 toxic exposures to the liquid detergent. In a […]

The latest libtard stupidity: Boston U professor claims "Jingle Bells" is racist

(Natural News) A senior lecturer from Boston University has published an “academic” paper critiquing the political correctness of the Christmas carol favorite Jingle Bells – and her assessment, like most everything these days in the eyes of liberals, is that the song is overtly racist. According to Kyna Hamill, who teaches theater and English at […]

America’s Institutional Stupidity, More than Trump

We are going to talk about a number of things today but we begin with a story. The story is important because there is little reason to find “orchestrated national stupidity” as a global threat without example. Currently American backed Kurdish forces are sweeping across Arab lands in Syria, moving toward the oil fields of […]

Hasan Nasrallah: Trump Must Be Thanked For His Stupidity: In Case You Missed It

We should thank Trump for revealing the true face of the racist, cruel, criminal and murderous U.S. government. Posted July 27, 2017 div{float:left;margin-right:10px;} div.wpmrec2x div.u > div:nth-child(3n){margin-right:0px;} ]]> Advertisements Filed under: AngloZionist Empire, Armed resistance, Hezbollah, Iran, IRAQ, Lebanon, Nasrallah, Obama, Syria, Trump, US Foreign Policy, USA, Yemen | Source Article from

Taste the justice! Two execs involved in massive W. Virginia chemical spill affecting 300 thousand people receive only 1 month in prison

     Two former executives with the bankrupt Freedom Industries were sentenced to one month in federal prison for their responsibility in the chemical spill that poisoned water supplies in West Virginia over two years ago. The chemical spill tainted the water supply of 300,000 people in West Virginia for weeks. The incident occurred in January […]

Most of oil smuggled by Daesh goes to Turkey: Zio-Watch, December 20, 2015

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Two Jewish organizations called for a review of U.S. security practices after a dentist who worked for the Navy was denied security clearance on account of immediate family members who live in Israel. Gershon Pincus, a resident of New York City, was initially cleared to work one day a week at a Navy […]

Excessively Thin & Photoshopped Models Now Illegal in France

Susanne Posel (OC) : In France, the National Assembly recently passed a law requiring all models applying for work to provide a medical statement or certificate that proves they are healthy and their body mass index (BMI) is appropriate for their height, age, and body shape. The average BMI for French women is 23.2; normal BMI is […]

First footage from recaptured Syrian airbase near Damascus (VIDEO)

Further away smoke can be seen rising, as the Syrian Army continued its advance on militants at the time the video was being shot. The military base was liberated Monday, with reported backing from Hezbollah fighters. According to Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), during the operation the Syrian Army targeted militants associated with Jaish al-Islam, […]

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