Posts Tagged ‘insanity’

The Institutional Insanity Complex

Authored by Robert Gore via Straight Line Logic, “Nobody does. The crowd never thinks. People are only comfortable in a pack, and they’re most comfortable in one that’s racing off a cliff.” – Deacon Bainbridge to Daniel Durand, The Golden Pinnacle, Robert Gore, (2013) The pack is racing off a cliff. There is a vast complex […]

The Institutional Insanity Complex

Authored by Robert Gore via Straight Line Logic, “Nobody does. The crowd never thinks. People are only comfortable in a pack, and they’re most comfortable in one that’s racing off a cliff.” – Deacon Bainbridge to Daniel Durand, The Golden Pinnacle, Robert Gore, (2013) The pack is racing off a cliff. There is a vast complex […]

The Institutional Insanity Complex

Authored by Robert Gore via Straight Line Logic, “Nobody does. The crowd never thinks. People are only comfortable in a pack, and they’re most comfortable in one that’s racing off a cliff.” – Deacon Bainbridge to Daniel Durand, The Golden Pinnacle, Robert Gore, (2013) The pack is racing off a cliff. There is a vast complex […]

HOLY SHITE!!! This is effin’ crazy man…as in total governmental insanity!

New law passed in France. Opposition of the MRNA injections as a sectarian aberration = up to 3 years prison + €45,000 fine Posted by Citizen Watch Report Today a law was passed in France qualifying any opposition to mRNA-LNP injections as a “sectarian aberration”. It carries a penalty of up to 3 years’ imprisonment […]

Climate change insanity reaches new heights as racist study claims African populations warm the Earth more with their breath

(NaturalNews) Climate insanity has reached new heights as a new study that breaks down the impact of the breathing of different races and genders on the planet has… Source

Dec 12 – Canada’s Woke Insanity Spreads to Bathrooms

Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb claims that illegal immigrants crossing into Arizona are being given $5,000 Visa gift cards, cell phones, and plane tickets funded by American taxpayers. – How The Israeli Mossad Created And Financed Hamas As Controlled Opposition “What the kosher media does not tell us — or even acknowledge — is that […]

Mass Insanity, Sheep Like Stupidity & A Lust For Evil

When Yeshua called Jesus in the Western world called humans sheep, that WAS NOT a term of endearment. And in the end, the sheep Yeshua was trying to help, helped the occupying Romans Yeshua was trying to kick out of Judea for the benefit of the sheep, murder him. Well, the with pigs fornicating sheeple […]

INSANITY: New York State deploys National Guard to help ILLEGALS with PAPERWORK

(NaturalNews) Amid the ongoing migrant crisis in New York, the state has deployed its National Guard – not to enforce border security, but to help illegal aliens… Source

Insanity: British parents may face prosecution if they refuse to pay for their child’s transgender treatments

Insanity: British parents may face prosecution if they refuse to pay for their child’s transgender treatments Western civilization, which has dominated the world for thousands of years, is officially in decline, and nowhere is the condition more advanced than in Europe, where leftism is destroying not only basic traditional values but also centuries of established […]

Russian SANITY vs U.S. INSANITY (British Empire Colony)

World Highlights From Vladimir Putin’s SPIEF Appearance By infostormer  – June 17, 2023 2 Russia’s President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum the other day. He also participated in a question and answer session. He said various things about the Ukraine war and the state of the global economy. […]

Fiscal Insanity: The Government Borrows $6 Billion a Day, and We’re Stuck with the Bill

We’re not living the American dream. We’re living a financial nightmare. The US government is funding its existence with a credit card. The government—and that includes the current administration—is spending money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, and “we the taxpayers” are the ones being forced to foot the bill for the government’s […]

CLIMATE INSANITY: UK cows to be given methane suppressants in bizarre effort to achieve lower emissions

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The United Kingdom has ordered farmers to give their cows methane suppressants to reduce their emissions, which is part of the country’s “climate change” goals for 2023.These methane blockers come in the form of food additives in compound feeds, according to the Daily Mail. The additives contain seaweed, organic acids, … [Read More…] […]

WOKE CULT INSANITY: Half-naked man performs bondage routine in front of babies and parents, stoking outrage

(Natural News) A video has surfaced showing dancers dressed in bondage attire and thongs performing handstands in front of parents and babies at an event that has been labeled as “absolutely abhorrent.” The show, called CabaBabaRave, promotes itself as a “little slice of afternoon delight” that combines cabaret with “captivating baby sensory moments” before concluding […]

President Trump Releases ‘Plan to Protect Children from Left-Wing Gender Insanity’

Former President Donald Trump announced that if reelected, he will institute a policy protecting children from the radical left’s gender-bending surgeries and procedures. In a recorded statement Tuesday, Trump said the left’s “gender insanity being pushed on” America’s children amounts to “child abuse.” “Here’s my plan to stop the chemical, physical and emotional mutilation of […]

Fiscal Insanity: 4,155-Page, $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill


Activist Mom Dresses Like Cat to Highlight Trans Insanity at School Board Meeting

Activist Mom Dresses Like Cat to Highlight Trans Insanity at School Board Meeting [size=16]Date: December 15, 2022Author: Nwo Report  [/size]   Activist Lindsey Graham calls out a ’70-year-old male member who dresses like a woman in front of students. Posted BY: Adan Salazar Activist mom Lindsey Graham, known as the Patriot Barbie, donned a cat […]

WOKE INSANITY: Cambridge dictionary redefines “woman” to include any man who cuts off his genitals and puts on a dress

(Natural News) In order to placate the transgender cult, the Cambridge Dictionary has altered the definition of the word “woman” to include a biological male with mental illness who mutilates his own body and covers it in drag. Officially, the following sentence is now included in the Cambridge Dictionary under the word “woman:” “An adult… […]

Has A State Of Collective Insanity Descended Upon America?

Has A State Of Collective Insanity Descended Upon America? September 20, 2022 by Michael Have you noticed that people seem to be going completely nuts all around us?  Of course there have always been a few people with mental health issues in our society, but these days it seems like some sort of a collective […]

Imposed Insanity – Royalty, Propaganda And The Coming Catastrophe

14th September 2022 Source If every single high-profile journalist, politician and priest is currently expressing heartfelt devotion to Britain’s deceased, 96-year-old monarch, it is not because she ‘served’ her country diligently in doing her ‘duty’ for 70 years. The powerful interests that determine Britain’s political and media agenda are not sentimentalists; they do not impose […]

Sen. Ron Johnson Issues a Plea to All Doctors and Nurses: “Put an End to This Insanity”

aug 22 2022 “I’m BEGGING Doctors, I’m BEGGING Nurses”: “We literally need thousands of doctors who are aware of the problem to join together, there is safety in numbers, and be honest and truthful with American public. I’m begging doctors, I’m begging nurses, to come forward — join together as one massive group and put […]

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