Posts Tagged ‘stuck’

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 181: Child deaths in Gaza on the rise, hostage negotiations ‘stuck’ 

Casualties  33037 + killed* and at least 75,668 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 454+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.** Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,139. 600 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 3,302 injured.*** *Gaza’s Ministry of Health […]

Stuck to Our Own Metaphors

Though we don’t often think about it, we live and act quite frequently on the basis of metaphors. And that is for a very good reason. The realities of the world around us are far too vast and complex for us to make sense of on a strict, case-by-case basis. So, in order to save […]

Trudeau is stuck in India thanks to broken airplane

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Canadian delegation were forced to stay in India for another night Sunday after their plane experienced technical difficulties while trying to leave the Group of 20 (G20) summit, according to the prime minister’s office.   “Upon our departure for the airport, we were made aware by the Canadian Armed… […]

Worsening DROUGHT creates “big mess” at Panama Canal; 200 ships stuck in major BOTTLENECK at one of world’s most important trading routes

(NaturalNews) Ever-worsening drought conditions in Panama have created a major shipping bottleneck at the Panama Canal, which has a “parking lot of vessels” piling… Source

8 People Rescued In Pakistan After Getting Stuck 900 Feet Above Ground In Cable Car

Military members completed the harrowing task more than 15 hours after a cable car suddenly stopped mid-journey. Source

Admiral Tangsiri warns against unloading Iranian oil stuck off coast of Texas

TEHRAN – Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri, commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy, on Thursday warned that any oil company unloading hundreds of thousands of barrels of seized Iranian oil sitting in a Greek tanker off the coast of Texas would be held accountable. Source

Stolen Iranian Oil Pirated by USA/DC Stuck Off Texas Coast As US Companies Afraid Of Tehran’s Justified Retaliation

If one were to try to determine which “government”, IsraHell, Britain or USA/DC had done the most International war crimes and mass murder, it would be a close race. IsraHell has been in existence fewer years but they pack a whole lot of evil and war crimes into each day. Iran, Iraq and Syria are […]

Fiscal Insanity: The Government Borrows $6 Billion a Day, and We’re Stuck with the Bill

We’re not living the American dream. We’re living a financial nightmare. The US government is funding its existence with a credit card. The government—and that includes the current administration—is spending money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, and “we the taxpayers” are the ones being forced to foot the bill for the government’s […]

Oldest Bone Projectile Point in the Americas Found Stuck in a Mastodon’s Rib!

Analysis of a 13,900-year-old bone projectile point has led to two major discoveries. First and most importantly, it is the oldest known artifact of its kind in the Americas! This archaeological treasure was uncovered at the Manis Mastodon site in Washington, USA during an excavation in the late 1970s, and it has now been put […]

Starship delivery robot stuck on icy pavement stuns passer-by by politely thanking him for his help

A tiny delivery robot took a passerby by surprise by ‘politely thanking’ him for his help after it got stuck on an icy pavement. This week a passerby spotted a Starship food-delivery robot struggling to find a way up the large and icy curb in Cambridge. Graham Smith from Cherry Hinton in Cambridge, immediately came […]

Italy election: Millions stuck in limbo trying to obtain Italian citizenship

Khaby Lame obtained it thanks to his record on Tik Tok, but Italian citizenship, for those who were born there or have lived there since they were children, remains a mirage. Despite Italy giving the right to citizenship to those born in the country (ius soli), pitfalls remain. It boils down to one’s birthright and […]

Why Does This Keep Happening: Another Teen Got a USB Cord Stuck Up His Penis

A case of a 15-year-old boy who managed to thread a USB cable into his penis in 2021 is making headlines after his ordeal was detailed in a medical journal, and it is, unbelievably, far from the first time this kind of thing has been documented by the medical community. Doctors at the University College […]

After Dismissing Warnings From His Mother, Tucker Carlson’s Face Is Now Stuck That Way

GASPARILLA ISLAND, FL — Fox News personality and host of Tucker Carlson Tonight was informed by his doctor today that his look of befuddlement is permanent. Sources close to Mr. Carlson have confirmed that he had not heeded his mother’s admonition: “If you keep making that face, you’ll get stuck with it, young man!” Carlson’s […]

After Dismissing Warnings From His Mother, Tucker Carlson’s Face Is Now Stuck That Way

GASPARILLA ISLAND, FL — Fox News personality and host of Tucker Carlson Tonight was informed by his doctor today that his look of befuddlement is permanent. Sources close to Mr. Carlson have confirmed that he had not heeded his mother’s admonition: “If you keep making that face, you’ll get stuck with it, young man!” Carlson’s […]

Video: Jill Biden Physically Pulls Away ‘Stuck’ Joe From Reporters

Back in June, we reported that overall US Nat Gas exports had exploded thanks to soaring LNG flows to Europe which has grown increasingly desperate for any “friendly” nat gas now that Russia has almost shut off all pipelines toward Europe, in the process pushing US nattie prices sharply higher – if nowhere near where they are […]

Video: Jill Biden Physically Pulls Away ‘Stuck’ Joe From Reporters

Back in June, we reported that overall US Nat Gas exports had exploded thanks to soaring LNG flows to Europe which has grown increasingly desperate for any “friendly” nat gas now that Russia has almost shut off all pipelines toward Europe, in the process pushing US nattie prices sharply higher – if nowhere near where they are […]

Video: Jill Biden Physically Pulls Away ‘Stuck’ Joe From Reporters

Back in June, we reported that overall US Nat Gas exports had exploded thanks to soaring LNG flows to Europe which has grown increasingly desperate for any “friendly” nat gas now that Russia has almost shut off all pipelines toward Europe, in the process pushing US nattie prices sharply higher – if nowhere near where they are […]

Video: Jill Biden Physically Pulls Away ‘Stuck’ Joe From Reporters

Back in June, we reported that overall US Nat Gas exports had exploded thanks to soaring LNG flows to Europe which has grown increasingly desperate for any “friendly” nat gas now that Russia has almost shut off all pipelines toward Europe, in the process pushing US nattie prices sharply higher – if nowhere near where they are […]

Video: Jill Biden Physically Pulls Away ‘Stuck’ Joe From Reporters

Back in June, we reported that overall US Nat Gas exports had exploded thanks to soaring LNG flows to Europe which has grown increasingly desperate for any “friendly” nat gas now that Russia has almost shut off all pipelines toward Europe, in the process pushing US nattie prices sharply higher – if nowhere near where they are […]

Stuck in Conspiracy Theory | The Conspiracy theory delusion!

June 21 2022 How conspiracy theory serves humanity and how it doesn’t! _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : Donate Crypto _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:HERE If you want to fight back better: Find the others: […]

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