Posts Tagged ‘stolen’

French Party Leader Claims Large Part Of Ukraine Aid Has Been Stolen

A top French politician has claimed that a large part of Western aid to Kiev is being embezzled by Ukrainian officials, despite President Zelensky’s assurances that it is being used in the fight against Russia. Florian […] The post French Party Leader Claims Large Part Of Ukraine Aid Has Been Stolen appeared first on The People's […]

Russia tells EU to F*** Off, saying they will Not Return Romania’s 91.5 Tons of Stolen Gold

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev vehemently rejected the EU’s demand for the return of Romania’s stolen gold reserves, denouncing it as “impudence” in a scathing rebuke issued on social media. The European Parliament’s resolution, passed on Thursday, called for Moscow to repatriate 91.5 metric tons of gold and cultural artifacts, originally exported to the Russian […]

EU Orders Russia to Return Romania’s Stolen Gold Reserves

In the hallowed halls of the European Parliament, a seismic decision reverberated through the chambers, sending shockwaves across diplomatic corridors. Lawmakers, with unwavering resolve, endorsed a non-binding resolution that demanded justice be served, a demand that echoed the cries of a nation for the return of its long-lost gold reserves. The genesis of this saga […]

Romania teams up with EU parliament to Pressure Russia into Returning its Stolen Gold Reserves During WW1

    In the upcoming March plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, a pivotal historical grievance will take center stage — the restitution of Romania’s national treasure, which was unlawfully seized by Russia over a century ago. MEP Eugen Tomac (PMP) has spearheaded an impactful move by introducing a draft resolution titled “Return […]

Sports After a Stolen Childhood

In a surprising turn of events that I’m not sure anyone expected from our team, the baseball team I coached won the league championship at the local little league. It was an interesting experience for me. As the coach, I was tasked with helping my players navigate the intense emotions winning or losing a game […]

White House hits back at Scalise over refusal to say 2020 election wasn’t stolen 

The White House on Sunday blasted House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.), arguing now is not a “time to perpetrate long-discredited conspiracy theories,” after the Louisiana Republican refused to answer whether the 2020 election was stolen when pressed several times on ABC News’s “This Week.” “Election denial is a dangerous conspiracy theory that has done… […]

RINO Rep. Ken Buck Announces Departure from Congress, Cites Frustration with GOP’s “Lie that the 2020 Election was Stolen” (VIDEO)

RINO Rep. Ken Buck Announces Departure from Congress, Cites Frustration with GOP’s “Lie that the 2020 Election was Stolen” (VIDEO) Source

Amazon’s Alexa says 2020 elections were STOLEN

(NaturalNews) Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa is now under the spotlight after claiming that the 2020 elections, which put President Joe Biden into the White… Source

Kia and Hyundai Blame TikTok and Instagram For Their Cars Getting Stolen

Kia and Hyundai say it is not their fault that their cars are being stolen in an unprecedented theft surge made possible by the vehicles lacking a basic anti-theft technology virtually every other car has, according to a recent court filing. Instead, the companies point the finger at social media companies, such as TikTok and […]

Syria demands US pay for STOLEN oil

If you are an America who believes it is justified, righteous, legal for the US Corporation to in a war crime, invade Syria, a country which has never attacked America, Holocaust Syrian government troops and innocent Syrian civilians, illegally occupy Syria and thieve Syria’s oil, using as an excuse the US violated all international law […]

Talk show host Owen Shroyer faces JAIL TIME for “rhetoric” he uttered about stolen 2020 election

(NaturalNews) After nearly two years of trying to fight charges related to his presence outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the day the “insurrection” took… Source

$10 Trillion Stolen Right Under Our Noses

In 1983, I had an apartment on Martin Luther King Blvd. in Newark, New Jersey’s Central Ward. I looked out of place in the neighborhood. But the rent was affordable and I worked within walking distance. Though in that “Brick City” of 325,000 there were at that time zero grocery stores, there was a bodega […]

Son Stolen At Birth Hugs Mother For First Time In 42 Years

Hospital workers in Chile took Maria Angelica Gonzalez’s son from her arms right after birth and later told her he had died. Source

Exclusive Video — Trump on Impeaching Biden: ‘This Guy Has Stolen Millions of Dollars’; Will Let Congress Decide but Hope They Do ‘the Proper Thing’

Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News that while he is not explicitly calling for President Joe Biden’s impeachment, he hopes Congress does the “proper thing.” Source

Owner of Stolen Truck Shot By Scumbag Thief, Owner Kills Scumbag, Scumbag’s Idiot Brother Says Scumbag Thief Was The Victim

Cue South Park Mall on the Southwest side of San Antonio, Occupied Republic of Texas. Truck owner comes out of Mall, sees his truck is missing, sees it in another parking lot in same mall. Walks over, pulls pistol, calls cops, tells thief and a female accomplice to exit his truck. Thief pulls pistol and […]

IRGC Navy Commander Warns Against Unloading Stolen By USA, Iranian Oil From Pirated Tanker

The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy has warned that any oil company unloading hundreds of thousands of barrels of seized Iranian oil sitting in a Greek tanker off the coast of Texas would be held accountable. “We hereby declare that we would hold any oil company that sought to unload our […]

Stolen Iranian Oil Pirated by USA/DC Stuck Off Texas Coast As US Companies Afraid Of Tehran’s Justified Retaliation

If one were to try to determine which “government”, IsraHell, Britain or USA/DC had done the most International war crimes and mass murder, it would be a close race. IsraHell has been in existence fewer years but they pack a whole lot of evil and war crimes into each day. Iran, Iraq and Syria are […]

Leonardo DiCaprio Testifies Obama Received Millions in Stolen CCP Cash From Fugees Founder ‘Pras’ Michel

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio took the stand and testified in the federal trial of Prakazrel “Pras” Michel, founder of the hip hop band Fugees, and his alleged involvement in a money laundering scheme that included a huge — and illegal — donation to Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. Source

Data of 328,000 Customers Stolen in Hack of Australian Financial Firm

Over 328,000 customers of Latitude Financial have had their data stolen during a “sophisticated and malicious” cyber-attack. On March 16, the Melbourne-based consumer finance provider—one of the biggest non-banking lenders in the country—called for a halt to trading and revealed the incident had been isolated. The company said the hackers obtained employee login credentials and […]

Queen Victoria’s Dog Was Stolen from Chinese Emperor and Mockingly Called ‘Looty’

What at first glance appears to be an unexceptional dog, actually started out its life in the household of the Chinese emperor before being looted by the English during their sacking of the Old Summer Palace in Beijing. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

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