Posts Tagged ‘Australian’

Australian Gov’t Redacts Every Single Word of 78-Page Report on Covid Vaccine Batch Tests

The Australian government “released” a long-awaited report on batch tests of Covid mRNA vaccines rolled out in the country during the pandemic, however every word on every page has been completely redacted. The 78-page document […] The post Australian Gov’t Redacts Every Single Word of 78-Page Report on Covid Vaccine Batch Tests appeared first on […]

Australian Government’s website security appalling

The buffoons in government are sleeping on the job, siphoning taxpayer dollars to keep their extended lunches afloat or just have ‘outsourced’ low quality I.T. workforce. When visiting websites, a quintessential part of internet security is a protocol called https, where data travels encrypted as opposed to non encrypted via http. HTTPS is not new, […]



Australian health businesses advertising health information from global corporations?

It is quite clear that society is manipulated by corporations, which also have an influence in the law-making process, where that is a significantly in-depth topic beyond the scope of this article. The health industry, from government health ‘care’ to private hospitals, dentists, doctors etc are literally businesses, i.e places that exist for the generation […]

Australian Senate to Investigate Excess Mortality

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Some people claim that 60 percent of all statistics, like this one, is just made up out of thin air. All statistics in relation to Covid – numbers infected, infection and case fatality rates, deaths from and with Covid, the number of lives saved by lockdowns, masks, and vaccines, the […]

Australian Senate Vote To Establish Inquiry Into Excess Deaths

Thanks to the efforts of one very determined Australian senator, the Australian Senate has voted to establish a formal parliamentary inquiry into the nation’s excess deaths. It has taken more than a year but the Senate has been given the go-ahead to what is possibly the first inquiry of this nature in the world. BYPASS […]

Australian Court Blocks Covid Vaccine Challenge

A judge who previously provided legal counsel to Pfizer has blocked a legal challenge over Moderna’s and Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccines, stalling efforts to raise the alarm over alleged unregulated genetically modified organisms (GMOs), including high levels of DNA contamination, in the vials. The dismissal of the lawsuit on the procedural matter of standing is […]



Global Reckoning Coming: Australian Court Rules Employers Who Mandated Covid Jabs Liable For Injuries

Employers who mandated their staff to take Covid-19 vaccines and boosters can be held liable for injuries caused by the experimental vaccines, according to a bombshell ruling by the South Australian Employment Tribunal. The ruling […] The post Global Reckoning Coming: Australian Court Rules Employers Who Mandated Covid Jabs Liable For Injuries appeared first on […]

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission – Internet activity report

For the period ending 30 June 2023 December 2023 See report: Source

Is this a List of Australian Traitors?!?

. Did the following members of parliament sell every Australian out? Have the following people conspired against the people of Australia? Are these people a direct threat to Australia’s Sovereignty? Let it be known and may the court of public opinion rule supreme!   . The post Is this a List […]

Australian Senator Has Legislative Proof Covid Was Planned Decades Ago: ‘We Will Expose Your Global Agenda’

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts has proof the Covid-19 pandemic was “planned and globally coordinated” decades in advance by globalist figures determined to seize totalitarian control of humanity. “It has become clear that people in this […] The post Australian Senator Has Legislative Proof Covid Was Planned Decades Ago: ‘We Will Expose Your Global Agenda’ appeared […]

Executive Council of Australian Jewry Incorporated Terrorists

Executive Council of Australian Jewry Incorporated Terrorists $27.5M given to Australian Jewry of terrorists from our Attorney General on 8th January 2024… AND $550K to Emmanuel Synagogue on 12th January 2024… And these are just the ones that I found there’s definitely more… During a cost of living crisis… But sure, let’s only harp on […]

Kangaroos slaughtered each year by Jewish Australian Governments

Brief Summary of Kangaroo Culling in Australia Jordan Sosnowski (2013) In Australia, there are an estimated 500 million kangaroos in the wild, though this number has been subject to much debate [Editor’s Note: It has come our attention that a government count of all species of kangaroos differs from the author’s count. From 2009/2010 figures released […]

The Great Australian (post COVID-19) Rip Off!

The world has changed dramatically since 2020, where governments and corporations have lied and forced people into actions that are against medical practices, where also ‘human rights’ have been (unlawfully) thrown under a bus. Tens of thousands of Australians have also been unlawfully issued Infringement Notices, where they have been withdrawn en masse, after a […]

Australian Medical Regulator Finally Relaxes Covid Gag Order

A directive to health practitioners barring criticism of the Covid vaccines and rollout has finally been dropped by Australia’s medical regulator, AHPRA. On 9 March 2021, AHPRA and the National Boards published a joint statement to help health practitioners “understand what’s expected of them in giving, receiving, and advising on and sharing information about COVID-19 […]

The Right To Silence Across Australian Jurisdictions

The right to silence is not protected by the Australian Constitution, unlike in the United States where is is guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to that nation’s constitution and reflected in what are commonly known as ‘Miranda rights’, also known as the right against self-incrimination. Rather, protections against a person’s silence being used against them […]

Australian government is trying to sneak through Digital Identity Bill over Christmas

A time worn tactic … while everybody is distracted and they hope it won’t be noticed … From Stephen Andrew, Member of Parliament for Mirani, Queensland, Australia, has alerted the public to sneaky tactics being employed by the Australian Government to push through digital ID laws over the Christmas period. “Labor’s Digital Identity Bill […]

9 Things The Australian Government Can Do To Reduce Living Costs

Authored by Graham Young via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The federal government is belatedly recognising that some of its economic policies are contributing to the inflation that the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is trying to stamp out by raising interest rates. People shop at a market in Sydney, Australia, on April 27, 2022. […]

How a foreign entity removed Australian parliamentary records from the internet

MANY people believe that Australians live in a democratic nation, but the reality is far from this. People may also believe that ‘free speech’ is available to them on this medium called the internet. One way of describing the reality we live in is that of a totalitarian, fascist corporatocracy both in reality and on […]

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