Posts Tagged ‘sneak’

Australian government is trying to sneak through Digital Identity Bill over Christmas

A time worn tactic … while everybody is distracted and they hope it won’t be noticed … From Stephen Andrew, Member of Parliament for Mirani, Queensland, Australia, has alerted the public to sneaky tactics being employed by the Australian Government to push through digital ID laws over the Christmas period. “Labor’s Digital Identity Bill […]

The Top Ten Takeaways From Hamas’ Sneak Attack On Israel

OCT 8, 2023 SourceANDREW KORYBKO Hamas launched an unprecedented sneak attack on Israel over the weekend that completely caught the self-professed Jewish State by surprise after all its security systems unexpectedly failed at the same time. The border wall was breached, some military bases were captured, and dozens of hostages were taken back to Gaza. Israel responded by launching […]

Interview 1779 – WHO Sneak Attack on CHD TV

 via CHD.TV: “This is the big one. They’re going for broke… I think we may only have potentially until May before one or both of these documents gets voted on” — Meryl Nass, M.D. and James Corbett continue their discussion on the WHO’s proposed International Health Regulation Amendments + potentially legally-binding ‘Zero Draft Treaty’ […]

Legs Straight Up In The Air Harris Says “border is secure” As 500 Invaders Sneak Into Texas At One Crossing Point In One Night

Legs straight up in the air under married politicians 40 years older than her Harris said “the border is secure”.She must have meant the border of her Depends undergarments as even a low IQed floozy should understand when 500 illegal criminal invaders can march calmly over the Mexico-Texas border in one place in one night, […]

Legs Straight Up In The Air Harris Says “border is secure” As 500 Invaders Sneak Into Texas At One Crossing Point In One Night

Legs straight up in the air under married politicians 40 years older than her Harris said “the border is secure”.She must have meant the border of her Depends undergarments as even a low IQed floozy should understand when 500 illegal criminal invaders can march calmly over the Mexico-Texas border in one place in one night, […]

Sorry, Your Accounts Are Frozen: Trudeau Gives Sneak Preview of Schwab’s Cashless, Mandatory Vaccine ID Planet

“Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be […]

Unions, Worker Advocates Call Out Backroom Deal To Sneak Amazon Into NJ Airport

New York, NY – Teamsters Local 863 member George Boada, 45, grew up in Elizabeth, New Jersey and still lives “about seven traffic lights” away from Newark Liberty International Airport with his wife and their 14-year-old son. Boada’s worked at the same Jersey-based supermarket cooperative for more than 25 years. Now, however, he fears that […]

WATCH: Bill Gates (of HELL) Gives Sneak Preview of COVID’s 2022 Season

WATCH: Bill Gates Gives Sneak Preview of COVID’s 2022 Season Date: November 19, 2021Author: Nwo Report    Source: Ben Sellers‘Bill Gates just admitted that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines don’t work well…’ NEW – Bill Gates: Covid deaths and infection rates may “dip below seasonal flu levels” by mid-2022 assuming “there is no […]

They Are Trying to Sneak mRNA Vaccines Into Your Salad

Once upon a time you needed to get injected in order to receive a vaccine. Then nasal spray vaccines hit the market back in 2003, making people a little less hesitant, since it did not involve a needle in the arm. Either way, a person knew that they were receiving a vaccination of some sort, […]

‘Shtisel’ Secrets: Revelations from the Season 3 Virtual Sneak Preview

“Shtisel,” the Israeli series about an Ultra-Orthodox family in Jerusalem’s Haredi community, has been a worldwide hit since it premiered its first season on Netflix in 2018, five years after its debut in Israel.  Its insular world may be foreign to most, but its themes of love and faith, jealousy, loyalty, social pressures, and generational […]

Sneak peek inside Putin’s new limo: Russian leader showcases his ride (VIDEO)

Following talks, Putin invited the prince, nicknamed MbZ, to check out his car from the new ‘Kortezh’ (‘Motorcade’) project. As they approached the black limo parked near the Grand Kremlin Palace, Putin told his guest the car is a little bit bigger than a Mercedes. “It’s very comfortable,” MbZ said sitting inside with Putin. A […]

Cops sneak up on tattoo shop owner, beat him without mercy (VIDEO)

     Three Colorado cops beat a cigar smoking tattoo shop owner unprovoked and without mercy. Now the man is suing and will likely win now that video backs up his story. A Colorado man is suing Sgt. Steven Holton and Detective Ben Russell of the Westminster Police Department and North Metro Drug Task Force for […]

A Sneak Peak At Alien Reproduction Vehicles

It’s hard to know where to begin when writing on a subject that seems to top the Google search engine charts year after year. It’s no secret that the world is fascinated with the idea that intelligent extraterrestrial life did, and currently could be, visiting our planet, and regularly. The unfortunate part about the phenomenon […]

CIA sneak undetectable ‘malicious’ implants onto Windows OS – WikiLeaks

‘Angelfire’ consists of five components – ‘Solartime,’‘Wolfcreek,’ ‘Keystone,’ ‘BadMFS,’ and the ‘Windows Transitory File system,’ according to a statement from WikiLeaks released on Thursday. ‘Solartime’ modifies the partition boot sector of Windows XP or Windows 7 machines when installed, allowing the ‘Wolfcreek’ implant to load and execute. ‘Wolfcreek’ can then load and execute other ‘Angelfire’ […]

ALERT: Sneak Attack and US Fiscal Crisis Watch in Effect Now through October 1 (+ The day after Phoenix & a little more)

[Addendum – 23 September 2017] – The globalists push the Easy Button in Phoenix… Well that went easier than expected. With a Trump-hostile mayor, like the one in Charlottesville, I was expecting the Phoenix police to push the pro-Trump and anti-Trump crowds together. And if that had happened, we might have seen the pro-Trump Southern […]

ALERT: Sneak Attack and US Fiscal Crisis Watch in Effect Now through October 1 [+ Will the Phoenix burst into flames? & This event has globalist fingerprints on it (at bottom of top addendum)]

[Addendum – 22 August 2017] Before I found out about the US-North Korea wargames this week, I identified the second strike window as August 21 – 23 (it’s now extended to August 21 – 31). So is it “just a coincidence” that the Navy had its accident right as we entered that timeframe? I don’t […]

ALERT: Sneak Attack and US Fiscal Crisis Watch in Effect Now through October 1 (+ an addendum, at top)

[Addendum – 22 August 2017] Before I found out about the US-North Korea wargames this week, I identified the second strike window as August 21 – 23 (it’s now extended to August 21 – 31). So is it “just a coincidence” that the Navy had its accident right as we entered that timeframe? I don’t […]

ALERT: Sneak Attack and US Fiscal Crisis Watch in Effect Now through October 1 (+ a P.S. – “DOUBLE SECRET ALERT”: Trump will be exposed for the North Korean EMP flyover tomorrow + a P.P.S.)

Yesterday – on a Saturday when people typically do other things than watch the news – the globalists set the stage for a WMD attack on the US to be blamed on or executed by North Korea. First I saw this… …from The Hill And when I later saw this, I knew they were opening […]

ALERT: Sneak Attack and US Fiscal Crisis Watch in Effect Now through October 1 [+ a short pre-21st note for new readers (at bottom)]

Yesterday – on a Saturday when people typically do other things than watch the news – the globalists set the stage for a WMD attack on the US to be blamed on or executed by North Korea. First I saw this… …from The Hill And when I later saw this, I knew they were opening […]

ALERT: Sneak Attack and US Fiscal Crisis Watch in Effect Now through October 1 (+ a P.S. – The globalist plan for Monday, Bannon’s firing & Why the mythical “deep state” must move quickly on Trump)

Yesterday – on a Saturday when people typically do other things than watch the news – the globalists set the stage for a WMD attack on the US to be blamed on or executed by North Korea. First I saw this… …from The Hill And when I later saw this, I knew they were opening […]

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