Posts Tagged ‘wikileaks’’

British Judge Overseeing Extradition Case of WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Worked for Defense Industry

A report from Declassified UK peered into the records of Justice Jeremy Johnson, a judge overseeing Assange’s extradition case, and found that Johnson once worked for the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and their Ministry of Defence, their nation’s version of the Deep State. Source

WikiLeaks: 2009 Goldstone report prompted U.S. to BLOCK International Criminal Court referral for alleged Israeli WAR CRIMES

(NaturalNews) A recent WikiLeaks drop sheds new light on Israel’s ongoing conflicts with its neighbors, most notably the Palestinian people who live in the… Source

Watch: London ‘carnival’ in support of Wikileaks founder Assange

The WikiLeaks founder has been imprisoned in the UK since 2019, where he is awaiting the hearing of his appeal against the British government’s decision to extradite him. Source

Dozens Of WikiLeaks Cables Show US Knew NATO Expansion Was Russia’s Bright Red Line

Nearly a year in, the war in Ukraine has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and brought the world to the brink of, in President Joe Biden’s own words, “Armageddon.” Alongside the literal battlefield has been a similarly bitter intellectual battle over the war’s causes. Source

Wikileaks Just Another Gatekeeping Operation?

Is he merely “leaking” information the independent media already knows? Is Julian Assange just another patsy?   Is Wikileaks another sideshow design to prevent discussion of Zionist/Jewish mafia? Wikileaks a Zionist Cover-Up Operation ( Assange’s Mysterious badckgroung, including working for DARPA. [embedded content] DARPA and CIA breeding gatekeepers?  Julian Assange denied that 9/11 was a conspiracy?!!!!!!!!!! […]

WikiLeaks’s Julian Assange appeals against being extradited to the US

    The legal team for Julian Assange submitted an appeal on Friday to prevent the extradition of the WikiLeaks co-founder to the US, where he is accused of spying and faces up to 175 years in jail. WikiLeaks claims that Assange’s attorneys submitted “perfected grounds of appeal” against the US government and UK Home […]

WikiLeaks’s Julian Assange appeals against being extradited to the US

    The legal team for Julian Assange submitted an appeal on Friday to prevent the extradition of the WikiLeaks co-founder to the US, where he is accused of spying and faces up to 175 years in jail. WikiLeaks claims that Assange’s attorneys submitted “perfected grounds of appeal” against the US government and UK Home […]

WikiLeaks’s Julian Assange appeals against being extradited to the US

    The legal team for Julian Assange submitted an appeal on Friday to prevent the extradition of the WikiLeaks co-founder to the US, where he is accused of spying and faces up to 175 years in jail. WikiLeaks claims that Assange’s attorneys submitted “perfected grounds of appeal” against the US government and UK Home […]

WikiLeaks’s Julian Assange appeals against being extradited to the US

    The legal team for Julian Assange submitted an appeal on Friday to prevent the extradition of the WikiLeaks co-founder to the US, where he is accused of spying and faces up to 175 years in jail. WikiLeaks claims that Assange’s attorneys submitted “perfected grounds of appeal” against the US government and UK Home […]

Assange lawyers sue CIA, Pompeo for spying on them during meetings with WikiLeaks founder

Assange lawyers sue CIA, Pompeo for spying on them during meetings with WikiLeaks founder This file photo shows supporters of Julian Assange holding a banner outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, England. (Photo by Reuters) A group of journalists and lawyers have filed a lawsuit against the U.S. intelligence agency, CIA, and its […]

Manufacturing Contempt for Assange: How the Media Made WikiLeaks Founder into a Scapegoat

[embedded content] The High Court in London has upheld the U.S. government’s appeal to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, a key step towards his rendition to the United States. The Australian publisher faces up to 175 years in prison once he sets foot on American soil. Whether he ever makes it to the United States […]

BREAKING – Wikileaks just Dumped ALL of their Files online

BREAKING – Wikileaks just Dumped ALL of their Files online ~ December 13, 2021 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~BasilY’all prolly know that the British just gave the American government the authority to extradite Julian Assange, bring him over here and try him for being a bad boy. The powers that shouldn’t be do not like journalists who divulge their […]

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange ‘suffers stroke in jail’

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange has reportedly suffered a stroke in jail. The 50-year-old is being held at the high security Belmarsh Prison as he battles to avoid being extradited to America following a court ruling. Assange has reportedly been left with a drooping right eyelid, memory problems and signs of neurological damage following a mini-stroke. […]

UK Court Opens Door For WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange To Be Extradited To U.S.

LONDON (AP) — A British appellate court has opened the door for Julian Assange to be extradited to the United States by overturning a lower court ruling that found the WikiLeaks founder’s mental health was too fragile to withstand the American criminal justice system. A lower court judge earlier this year refused an American request […]

Revelations expose CIA’s war on WikiLeaks – #26

A new investigative article published by Yahoo! News on Sunday has given us fresh insights into the CIA’s war against WikiLeaks. US spies in 2017 plotted to kidnap or even murder Assange, the new article shows. The organisation’s publisher, the journalist Julian Assange, is currently a political prisoner in a British jail. Read issue 16 […]

Police Should Release Information On British WikiLeaks Journalists

The Metropolitan Police Should Release Correspondence With The US Department Of Justice About Three UK Based WikiLeaks Journalists. A journalist is taking legal action against the Metropolitan Police after it refused to release correspondence with the US about three WikiLeaks journalists under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) on terrorism and national security grounds. Italian […]

#FreeAssange: Wikileaks Founder Turns 50 While Still Detained In Prison

US Prosecutors’ Case Weakened After ‘Star Witness’ Admits To Fabricating Charges. Wikileaks founder and journalist Julian Assange, who first became known around the world for his role in the exposure of US war crimes in Afghanistan, turns 50 years old today. Assange, who for the past two years has been kept in HMP Belmarsh, a […]

WikiLeaks: Biden National Security Advisor Told Clinton ‘Al Qaeda Is on Our Side’

Joe Biden National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told Hillary Clinton that al Qaeda “is on our side in Syria” when she was his boss. Sullivan made the comments to Clinton 2012, making it clear that the Democratic Party is willing to partner with jihadist groups in order to affect regime change in places where nationalists […]

WIKILEAKS PENGUIN PINEAL Document Was Used to Cover Up Human Endocrine Chemicals Being Used in the MKUltra Project! (CIA)

by Admin · Published January 23, 2021 · Updated January 23, 2021[0]=AZXjeOyKirlbD8q5Frpfi0D1aEB27z1Arw68g6c2hWrs5NJPb8Bm5cZNbMd3EelmLlUh3FZiUzG-M_TYptKE1ahnQzXf09Z6ACJQLNhpeX7KvXJ48yj7NY2Hfph94qVYGZD27bK6KM6_YG3SM_2khnwLhLCYzKX80_CAMNAXEjee2Q&tn=-UC%2CP-R The most important and revealing leak from WikiLeaks was overlooked by those in the whistleblower community because they had no idea of the connection that document had and what it could have revealed. The document was actually created for a project MKULTRA […]

Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and Australia’s Complicity

Australia’s Foreign Minister, Marise Payne, said little in the statement from her department, which was a good thing, as it might have been dangerously useful.  The finding of a UK court on whether Julian Assange would be extradited to the United States was made “on the grounds of his mental health and consequent suicide risk.”  […]

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