Posts Tagged ‘should’

Jim Jordan Should Ask Fauci This…

As recently reported by Reclaim the Net, Anthony Fauci is being called to testify by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan for his “alleged role in the Biden White House’s censorship initiatives.” Right away a glaring issue emerges: The censorship of dissenting Covid narratives started all the way back in late January-early February 2020, with Fauci […]

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Fauci: “You should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity”

(NaturalNews) During a recent congressional hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) put career criminal Tony Fauci on blast for his involvement in committing… Source

Christian Nationalist Pastor Joel Webbon Says Women Should Not Be Allowed To Vote

Joel Webbon is a far-right Christian nationalist pastor who believes that the American people have become such “degenerates” that the Constitution is no longer adequate and therefore the nation must be governed by a Christian dictator who “just rules with an iron fist.” The American people are too stupid and cowardly to rule themselves, Webbon […]

‘Why Should He?’ White House Says It’s Not Biden’s Job To Secure US Border

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday claimed it is not Joe Biden’s job to secure the US border as millions of military-age men from the most dangerous regions of the world continue streaming […] The post ‘Why Should He?’ White House Says It’s Not Biden’s Job To Secure US Border appeared first on […]

7 Things You Should Do Before Trying to Lose Weight

READ HERE:   Source

Lindsey Graham Says Israel Should Drop Nuclear Bombs On Iran & Gaza

US Senator Lindsey Graham thinks that, in order to protect itself, Israel should drop nuclear bombs on Gaza and Iran. The warmonger and neocon made his remarks over the weekend during an interview on NBC […] The post Lindsey Graham Says Israel Should Drop Nuclear Bombs On Iran & Gaza appeared first on The People's […]

Trump: Jews should be ‘ashamed’ if they vote for Biden

Trump: Jews should be ‘ashamed’ if they vote for Biden lead image Source

Should harming mother Earth be a crime? The case for ecocide

The destruction of nature might one day become a criminal offense adjudicated by the International Criminal Court. Source

The WHO and Pandemic Response – Should Evidence Matter?

[Full PDF of report is available below] The Basics of Policy Development All public health interventions have costs and benefits, and normally these are carefully weighed based on evidence from previous interventions, supplemented by expert opinion where such evidence is limited. Such careful appraisal is particularly important where the negative effects of interventions include human […]

Noem says abortion laws should be determined by the state

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) sided with former President Trump on the abortion issue Sunday, saying that the laws should be determined by the state. CNN’s Dana Bash asked Noem on “State of the Union” if she supported Trump’s stance on abortion laws being up to the states, noting that Noem cosponsored legislation that… […]

Jeffries: Biden not weighing in on whether Democrats should save Johnson

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said Friday that the White House is not advising Democratic leaders on the question of whether to save Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) from a conservative coup — if one ever emerges. A number of Democrats are already on record saying they’d help keep Johnson in power if his hardline… […]

‘Should be a global wake-up call’: Coral reefs suffer fourth mass bleaching event

The world’s coral reefs are undergoing a severe crisis, marked by the fourth global bleaching event on record—the second such event within the last decade. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), extensive coral bleaching has been documented globally from February 2023 to April 2024. This […]

Jews who vote Democrat ‘should have their head examined’ – Trump The Republican has accused President Joe Biden of “abandoning” Israel-What about America Trump?

Jews who vote Democrat ‘should have their head examined’ – Trump. The Republican has accused President Joe Biden of “abandoning” Israel Former US president and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday suggested that Jewish-“Americans” would be insane to vote for his rival in November. Trump held a press conference on the tarmac of […]

Tucker Carlson Says Doctors Should APOLOGIZE for Wrongly Recommending the COVID Vax

“If you hurt someone unintentionally, you have to say, ‘I’m sorry.’” “By the way,” Carlson added, “I would never go to a doctor who was still lying about COVID because that’s a dangerous person. That’s an immoral person and a dangerous person.” “I can’t get past it,” Carlson continued. “It’s like, ‘Oh, I’m great at […]

California Judge Rules that Trump Laywer John Eastman Should Lose Law License

Time is ticking! Year-end is here, and with our generous 4X-match, your donation to fight back against Trump Republicans will go four times as far! Stand with us to uphold Norman’s legacy in defending democracy, protecting free speech, and safeguarding our rights from an increasingly hostile right-wing. Act now – let’s make 2024 a year […]

5 Toxic Foods You Should Cut Out of Your Diet Right Now

You’re being poisoned. And I’m not just talking about mRNA shots. Ultra-processed foods are everywhere, and they come with some serious health risks. A recent meta-analysis found that a significant intake of ultra-processed foods results in: 15% to 27% increased risk of all-cause mortality 51% to 84% increased risk of heart disease-related death Increase in […]

RFK: ‘I don’t think the government should be involved’ in social media, accuses Biden of censorship

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. supported Republican-backed lawsuits against the White House over social media censorship on Tuesday, claiming President Biden also attempted to censor his social media posts. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments for two social media cases Tuesday, which claim the Biden White House illegally coerced social media companies to… […]

Over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. Biden says critics should, “Give this just a little bit of time”

Joe Biden tells The New Yorker that his Gaza critics should give Israeli bombing, “Just a little bit of time.” Source

Over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. Biden says critics should, “Give this just a little bit of time”

Joe Biden tells The New Yorker that his Gaza critics should give Israeli bombing, “Just a little bit of time.” Source

Over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. Biden says critics should, “Give this just a little bit of time”

Joe Biden tells The New Yorker that his Gaza critics should give Israeli bombing, “Just a little bit of time.” Source

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